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Motion Picture Herald (Nov-Dec 1935)

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lO MOTION PICTURE HERALD D e &&mh e r 2 8. 193 5 This JV 'xh in Pictures ANOTHER YEAR. Announced, presumably on the sands of time, by several ladies of the ensemble of Warners' "Colleen." N EWSRYErR"EVIEW~bf 1935, In reproductions of actual clips from issues of Paramount News. While not exhaustive of the ^5**^ eventful year now closing, these selections yet testify to the significance | j of the film In reporting. W Bruno Richard Hauptmann, convicted of Lindbergh slaying, is led to prison. Ethiopians prepare defenses against invasion of Mussolini's legions. Will Rogers and Wiley Post board their plane In I ■ Alaska on what proved to be their last flight. -^-SS Cattle seek vainly for grass on Annerican United States warships stand by in the Pacific following Louisianans at capitol in Baton Rouge for prairie turned into a desert by sand storms. crash of the Navy dirigible Macon .during maneuvers. funeral of Huey Long, felled by an assassin.