Motion Picture Herald (Sep-Oct 1936)

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September 19, 193 6 MOTION PICTURE HERALD 79 (THE RELEASE CHACT—CCNT'D* REPUBLIC Title Star Rel. Burning Gold 3550 William Boyd-Judith Allen ..Dec. Cumin' Round the Mountain (G) 3571 Gene Autry-Ann Rutherford Apr. Dancing Feet (G) 3504 Ben Lyon-Joan Marsh Jan. (Exploitation: Feb. 1 5, '36, p. 81.) Down to the Sea 6009 Russell Hardie-Ann Rutherford ... Aug. (Exploitation: Sept. 5, '36. p. 80.) Federal Agent 3548 William Boyd-lrene Ware Apr. Follow Your Heart (G) 6001.. Marion Talley-Michael Bartlett ..Sept. Frankie and Johnnie (A) 3555. Helen Morgan-Chester Morris. ... May (Exploitation: May 30/36, p. 85; Aug. 22,'36, p. 112.) Gentleman from Louisiana, The (G) 3517 Eddie Quillan-Charlotte Henry ..Apr. Girl from Mandalay, The 3525. Kay Linaker-Conrad Nagel Apr. ■Go-Get-'Em Haines 3549 Wiiriam Boyd June Guns and Guitars (G) 3573.... Gene AutryDorothy Dix June Harvester, The (G) 3506 Alice Brady-Ann Rutherford May (Exploitation: Aug. I5,'36, p. 79.) Hearts in Bondage (G) 6008... James Dunn-Mae Clarke Aug. House of a Thousand Candles (G) 3505 Mae Clarke-Phillips Holmes Apr. King of the Pecos (G) 3559. . . John Wayne-Muriel Evans Mar. Laughing Irish Eyes (G) 3522 Evalyn Knapp-Phil Regan Mar. (Exploitation: Aug. 22, '36, p. 112.) Lawless Nineties, The (G)3557John Wayne-Ann Rutherford Feb. Leathernecks Have Landed, The (G) 3501 Lew Ayres-lsabel Jewell Feb. (Exploiation: Apr. 18. 36. p. 76; July 25, '36, p. 81.) Leavenworth Case, The (G) 3526 Norman Foster-Jean Rouverol . . . . Jan. Lonely Trail, The 3563 John Wayne-Ann Rutherford May (See "In the Cutting Room." May 2,36.) Navy Born (G) 3516 William Gargan-Claire Dodd June Oh, Susannah 6303 Gene Autry-Frances Grant Aug. (See "In the Cutting Room," Aug. 8,'36.) Oregon Trail, The 3560 John Wayne-Ann Rutherford Jan. Red River Valley 3570 Gene Autry-Frances Grant Mar. Return of Jimmy Valentine, The (G) 3531 Roger Pryor-Charlotte Henry Feb. Sagebrush Troubadour 3568... Gene Autry-Barbara Pepper Dec. Singing Cowboy, The (G) 3572 Gene Autry-Lois Wilde May Singing Vagabond, The (G) 3569 Gene Autry-Ann Rutherford Jan. Sitting on the Moon (G) 3528 Roger Pryor-Grace Bradley Sept. $1,000 a Minute (G) 3532 Roger Pryor-Leila Hyams Nov. Ticket to Paradise (G) 3508 . Roger Pryor-Wendy Barrie July Winds of the Wasteland 3561. .John Wayne-Phyllis Fraser July (See "In the Cutting Room." May 23. '36.) Running Time Date Minutes Reviewed I 60 13, '36.. . 55. Apr. 11/36 31/36.. . 72. Apr. 4/36 25,'36t . . . .62. July 11/36 10/36 58 5/36t 82. Aug. 15/36 1/36. .66. May 23/36 17/36 "70. Aug. 22/36 20/36 68 15/36 62 22/36 56. July 11/36 5/36 65. Apr. 25/36 I5,'36t.. *70.June 6. '3') 6/36 71. Mar. 7/36 9/36 54. Apr. 11/36 15/36 73. Mar. 14/36 15/36.. . 55. Mar. 7/36. 22/36 67. Feb. 29/36 20/36.. ..68. Jan. M/36 25/36. ..58 15/36.. ..65. June 27/3R I9,'36t 18/36. ....59 2/36.. ..58 14/36 72. Feb. 15/36 2 54 11/36.. . 56. May 16/36 5/36 52 Dec. 14 I5,'36t.. ..66. Sept. 5/36 15 69 Nov. 9 10/36 67. July 25/36 6/36 57 Coming Bulldog Edition Ray Walker-Evalyn Knapp Sept. 2l/36t.. (See "In the Cutting Room." Aug. 15/36.) ^Cavalry Bob SteeleFrances Grant Oct. 7,'36t.. Ghost Town Gold Ray Corrigan-Kay Hughes Oct. I5,'36t.. Country Gentlemen Olsen and Johnson Oct. 2l,'36t.. President'; Mystery, The Henry WilcoxonBetty Furness. ..Oct. l/36t Three Mesquiteers (G) Ray Corigan-Kay Hughes Sept. I0,'36t.. Undercover Man Johnny Mack Brown Suzanne Kaaren Sept. 24,'36t. . (See "In the Cutting Room." Sept. 12/36.) *60. Sept. 12/36 RKO RADIO Title Star Rel. /Annie Oakley (G) 608 Barbara Stanwyck-Preston Foster . . Nov. Exploitation: Mar. 14/36, pp. 88, 90.) Another Face (G) 615 Wallace Ford-Phyllis Brooks Dec. (Reviewed under the title, "Two Faces.") Bride Walks Out, The (G) 631 Barbara Stanwyck-G. Raymond ..July Bunker Bean 630 Owen Davis, Jr. -Louise Latimer . .June (See "His Majesty Bunker Bean," "In the Cutting Room." May -Chatterbox (G) 617 Anne Shirley-Phillips Holmes. .. .Jan. Dancing Pirate (G) 670 Charles Collins-Steffi Duna May (Exploitation: June 6/36, pp. 117, 121.) "Don't Turn 'Em Loose (A)636. Bruce Cabot-Louise Latimer Sept. •Ex-Mrs. Bradford, The (G) 628. William Powell-Jean Arthur.. ..May (Exploitation: July 4/36, p. 68.) Fang and Claw (G) 543 Frank Buck Dec. (Exploitation: July 11/36. p. 127.) Farmer in the Dell (G) 624... Fred Stone-Jean Parker Mar. Follow the Fleet (G) 613 Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers Feb. (Exploitation: Mar. 7/36. p. 94; Mar. 28/36, p. 83; Apr. 4/36, May 23/36, p. 93; May 30/36, p. 84; June 13/36, pp. 125 July 25/36, p. 78; Sept. 12/36, p. 68.) Grand Jury 633 Fred Stone-Louise Latimer Aug. I Dream Too Much (G) 610.. Lily Pons-Henry Fonda Dec. (Exploitation: Jan. 18/36, pp. 82, 83.) 'In Person (G) 609 Ginger Rogers-George Brent Nov. (Exploitation: June 13/36, p. 127.) Lady Consents, The (G) 622. ..Ann HardingHerbert Marshall. . . Feb. Last Outlaw, The (G) 629 Harry Carey-Hoot Gibson June Let's Sing Again (G) 646 Bobby Breen-Henry Armetta June Love on a Bet (G) 620 Gene Raymond-Wendy Barrie. ... Mar. Running Time Date Minutes Reviewed 15 90'/2..Nov. 9 20. . .68 . .. Nov. 23 10/36 80. July 11/36 26/36 67 30/36.) 17/36.. .68 Dec. 28 22/36.. . 05. May 16/36 I8.'36t 65. Aug. 15/36 81 May 29/36 2/36 211 ..74. Jan. 4/S6 27/36 67. Mar. 14/36 21/36.. .110. Feb. 22/36 p. 87; May 16/36, p. 82; 130; July 4/36, p. 68; 7/36. 27.... 22. .95.... Nov. 23 7/36 76'/2Jan. 19/36.. ..70. May 12/36 68. Apr. fi.'36 77. Feb. 18/36 30/36 25/36 8/36 Title Star Running Time Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed Mary of Scotland (G) Katharine Hepburn Fredric March Aug. (See production article, Apr. 11/36, p. 16; exploitation: Aug. ( p. 84; Sept. 5/36, pp. 78, 84, 85.) M'Liss (G) 632 Anne Shirley-John Beal July Murder on the Bridle Path (G) 623 Helen Broderick-James Gleason. . Apr. Muss 'Em Up (G) 619 Preston Foster-Marg't Callahan .. Feb. Second Wife (G) 634 Walter Abel-Gertrude Michael. . .Aug. Seven Keys to Baldpate (G) 61 1.G. Raymond-Margaret Callahan . . Dec. Silly Billies (G) 623 Wheeler and Woolsey Mar. (Exploitation: July 25/36, p. 76.) Special Investigator (G) 627 ... Richard Dix-Margaret Callahan .. May Swing Time (G) 637 Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers Sept. (Exploitation: Sept. 12/36, p. 67.) Sylvia Scarlett (G) 614 Katharine Hepburn-Cary Grant. ..Jan. Three Musketeers, The (G) 544 Margot Grahame-Walter Abel. ...Nov. To Beat the Band (G) 607.... Helen Broderick-Hugh Herbert . .. Nov. Two in the Dark (G) 616 Walter Abel-Margot Grahame. . . . Jan. Two in Revolt (G) 621 Louise Latimer-John Arledge Apr. Walking on Air (G) 638 Gene Raymond-Ann Sothern Sept. We're Only Human (G) 612. .. Preston Foster-Jane Wyatt Dec. Witness Chair. The (G) 626.. Ann Harding-Walter Abel Apr. Yellow Dust (G) 618 Richard Dix-Leila Hyams ..Mar. 28/36. . . 123. July 25/36 1/36, p. 90; Aug. 29/36, 17/36 66. July 11/36 17/36 66. Apr. 18/36 14/36.. . .68'/2Jan. 25/36 21/36 59. Aug. 22/36 13 68 Dec. 7 20/36. . . .64'/2Mar. 7/35 8/36 61. May 2/36 4/36 103. Aug. 29/36 3/36 94'/2Jan. 18/36 I 96 Oct. 12 8 67i/2.. Oct. 26 10/36 74 Dec. 21 3/36 65. May 2/36 11/36 69. Aug. 22/36 27 68 Dec. 14 24/36 64. Apr. 11/36 13/36. . . .68'/2Mar. 28/36 I6,'36t. 27/36t.. 2/36t.. Coming Big Game, The June Travis-Philip Huston Oct. (See "In the Cutting Room," Aug. 22/36.) Daddy and I Anne Shirley-Herbert Marshall ... Dec. 4/36t Daniel Boone George O'Brien-Heather Angel. .. Sept. 25,'36t (Sec "In the Cutting Room," Sept. 12/36.) General Delivery Gloria Stuart-Lee Tracy Nov. Mummy's Boys (G) Wheeler and Woolsey Oct. Plough and the Stars, The Barbara Stanwyck Preston Foster Nov. I3,'36t (See production article, Aug. 22/36, p. 16.) Potrait of a Rebel Katharine Hepburn Herbert Marshall Nov. 20/36t Smartest Girl in Town Ann Sothern-Gene Raymond We Who Are About to Die Preston Foster Ann Dvorak John Beal Nov. 6/36t (See "One Man Came Back," "In the Cutting Room," Aug. 22/36.) Winterset Burgess Meredith-Margo Oct. 23,'36t (See "In the Cutting Room," Aug. 22/36.) Without Orders Sally Eilers-Rob't Armstrong Oct. 30/36. '62. Aug. 22/36 STATE RIGHTS Running Time Title Star Dist'r Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed Custer's Last Stand Rex Lease Stage &. Screen ..Apr. 2/36 ..9 rls I Was a Captive of Nazi Germany (G) Isobel Steele Malvina Aug. 1/36 . .73. Aug. 8/36 Coming Angels in White Tala Bireli Zeidman (See "In the Cutting Room," Feb. 29/36.) Cavalcade of China James B. Leong 6 rls Glory Trail, The (G) Tom Keene Crescent *65.July 18/36 Oriental Passion James B. Leong 6 rls Private Life of Marco Polo. James B. Leong 6 rls SUPREME Star Title Courageous Avenger Johnny Mack Brown ..Dec. Desert Phantom, The Johnny Mack Brown Mar. Kid Ranger, The Bob Steele Feb. Last of the Warrens Bob Steele May Rogue of the Range Johnny Mack Brown Apr. Sundown Saunders Bob Steele Mar. Trail of Terror Bob Steele Dec. Valley of the Lawless... Johnny Mack Brown Jan. Running Time Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed 12 10/36 5/36 10/36.. .58 25/36.. ..58 25/36 20 25/36 Coming Brand of the Outlaws Bob Steele Crooked Trail, The Johnny Mack Brown. Everyman's Law Johnny Mack Brown. Law Rides, The Bob Steele TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX Title Star Back to Na'ure (G) 714 Jed Prouty-Spring Byington Border Patrolman, The" (G)650. Geo. O'Brien-Polly Ann Young. Captain January* (G) 635 Shirley Temple-Guy Kibbee.... Running Time Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed .Sept. I8,'36t. . . .56. Aug. 22/36 .July 3/36.. ..59. June 27/36 Apr. 17/36 77. Mar. 21/36 (Exploitation: June 6/36, pp. 117, 122; June 27/36, p. 82; July 4/36, p. 70: July 18/36, p. 82; Sept. 12/36, p. 68.) Champagne Charlie 629 Paul Cavanagh-Helen Wood May 8/36 59 (See "In the Cutting Room," Dec. 14.) Charlie Chan at the Circus* (G) 640 Warner Oland-Keye Luke Mar. 27/36 71. Mar. 28/36 Charlie Chan at the Race Track* (G) 704 Warner Oland-Helen Wood Aug. 7/36t.. .70. July 18/36 Charlie Chan's Secret* (G) 626. Warner Olnnd-Rosina Lawrence ..Jan. 10/36 71. ...Oct. 26