Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1936)

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July 18, 1936 MOTION PICTURE HERALD 91 (THE RELEASE CHART—CONT'D) .Jan. .Nov Title Star Special Investigator (G) 627.. Richard Dix-Margaret Callahan Sylvia Scarlett (G) 614 Katharine Hepburn-Cary Grant Three Musketeers. The (G). 544. Margot GrahameWalter Abel. To Biat the Band (G) 607... Helen Broderick-Hugh Herbert. .. Nov. Two In the Dark (G) 616 Walter Abel-Margot Grahame. .. .Jan. Two in Revolt (G) 621 Louise LatimerJohn Arledge. . . . Apr. We're Only Human (G) 612.. Preston Foster-Jane Wyatt Dec. Witness Chair. The (G) 626.. Ann Harding-Walter Abel Apr. Yellow Dust (G) 618 Richard Dix-Leila Hyams Mar. Coming Count Pete Gene Raymond-Ann Sothern (See "In the Cutting Room," July 4,'36.) Don't Turn 'Em Loose Bruce Cabot-Louise Latimer... Grand Jury 633 John Arledge-Louise Latimer Mary of Scotland Katharine Hepburn-Fredrie March (See production article, Apr. 1 1, '36, p. 16.) Mummy's Boys Wheeler and Woolsey (See "In the Cutting Room," June 20, '36) Plough and the Stars, The Barbara StanwyckPreston Foster Portrait of a Rebel Katharine Hepburn Herbert Marshall Second Wife Walter Abel-Gertrude Michael Swing Time Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers (See "Never Gonna Dance," "In the Cutting Room," June 20,'36.) STATE RIGHTS Title Star Dist'r Angels In White Tala Birell Zeldman (See "In the Cutting Room," Feb. 29,'36.) Custer's Last Stand Rex Lease Stage & Screen... Apr Running Time Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed May 8,'36t 61. May 2.'36 3,'36t.. 94'/2 Jan. I8V36 I 96. ...Oct. 12 8t 67'/j..Oet. M IO.'36t....74....Dec. 21 3.'36t 65. May 2,'36 27t 68. ...Dee. 14 24,'36t 64. Apr. Il.'36 1 3.'36t .... 68'/j Mar. 28/36 July 24,'36t. Running Time Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed 2,'36t..9 Ms. SUPREME Title Star Courageous Avenger Johnny Mack Brown Dee. Desert Phantom, The Johnny Mack Brown Mar. Kid Ranger, The Bob Steele Feb. Last of tho Warrens Bob Steele May Rogue of the Range Johnny Mack Brown Apr. Running Time Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed I2t I0,'36t 5,'36t I0.'36t 58 25,'36t 58 Sundown Saunders Bob Steele Mar. 25,'36t. Trail of Terror Bob Steele Dee. 20t.... Valley of the Lawless Johnny Mack Brown Jan. 25,'36t. Coming Brand of the Outlaws Bob Steele Crooked Trail, The Johnny Mack Brown Everyman's Law Johnny Mack Brown Law Rides. The Bob Steele TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX RunningTime Title Star Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed Bad Boy* 615 James Dunn-Dorothy Wilson. .. .Oct. 25t 56 (See "In the Cutting Room," Sept. 28.) Border Patrolman, The* (G) 650 Geo. O'Brien-Polly Ann Young. .July 3,'36t.. Captain January* (G) 635 Shirley Temple-Guy Kibbee Apr. I7,'36t. (Exploitation: June 6,'36, pp. 117, 122; June 27, '36, p. 82; July 4, '36, Champagne Charlie 629 Paul Cavanagh-Helen Wood May 8,'36t. (See "In the Cutting Room," Dec. 14.) Charlie Chan at the Circus* (G) 640 Warner Oland-Keye Luke Mar. 27,'36t. Charlie Chan In Shanghai* (G) 610 Warner Oland-lrene Hervey Oct. lit.... Charlie Chan's Secret* (G) 626.. Warner Oland-Roslna Lawrence . .Jan. I0.'36t. Connecticut Yankee, (A)* 699. Will Rogers-Myrna Loy Apr. 24,'36t. (re-issue) Country Beyond, The* (G) 643.Rochelle Hudson-Paul Kelly. .. .Apr. 24,'36t. Country Doctor, The* (G) 636. Dlonne Quintuplets-Jean Hersholt Mar. 6,'38t. (Exploitation: Mar. 21, '36, pp. 93, 97; Mar. 28,36, p. 83: Apr. 4,'36, p p. 96; May 9,'36, p. 90; May I6,'36. p. 82; May 23/36. pp. 87, 95; June 6/36, p. 124; July 4/36, p. 70; July 11/36, p. 127.) Crime of Dr. Forbes, The (G) 655 Gloria Stuart-Robert Kent June 26,'36t Educating Father* (G) 645... Jed Prouty-Shirley Deane July I0,'36t Everybody's Old Man* (G) 634. Irvln S. Cobb-Rochelle Hudson.. Mar. 20/36t. Every Saturday Night* (G) 637. .June Lang-Thomas Beck Feb. 7,'36t. First Baby, The* (G) 646 Shirley Deane-Johnny Downs.... May I5,'36t. Gentle Julia* (G) 641 Jane Withers-Tom Brown Apr. 3/36t. Half Angel (G) 647 Frances Dee-Brian Donlevy May 22,'36t. Here Comes Trouble* (G) 633. . Paul Kelly-Arline Judge Feb. 2l/36t. High Tension* (G) 653 Brian Donlevy-Glenda Farrell. . . July I7,'36t. Human Cargo* (G). 652 Claire Trevor-Brian Donlevy. ... May 29,'36f. In Old Kentucky* (G) 601 Will Rogers -Dorothy Wilson Nov. 22t It Had to Happen (G) 631 George RaftRosalind Russell. ... Feb. I4.'36t. King of Burlesque, The* (G) (25 Warner Baxter-Alice Faye Jan (Exploitation: Mar. 21/36, p. 36; Apr. 4/36, p. 87.) Little Miss Nobody" (G) 651. .Jane Withers-Ralph Morgan June I2,'36t Littlest Rebel, The* (G) 624. .Shirley Temple-John Boles Dec. 27t... *60. June 27/36 ..77. Mar. 21/38 P. 70.) ..59 ..71. Mar. 28/36 . .70.... Sept. 14 .71... Oct. 26 ..85. Mar. 21/31 .68. Apr. 11/38 ..94. Mar. 21/36 . 83: Apr. 25/36, May 30,36, p. 86 .*75.June 20/36 .57. May 30/36 . .84. Mar. ..62. Feb. . .74. Apr. . .63. Feb. .66. May . .62. Feb. .*62.June . 66. Apr. 25/36 . .84....July IS .79. Feb. 13/38 14/36 8/38 18/36 29/36 9, '36 15/36 20/36 3,'36t.. 88.Ja«. 4/1 Feb. 15/36, p. 83; Feb. 22/36, p. 97; (Exploitation: Feb. 8/36, p. 8 Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The (G) 620. .Ronald Colman-Joan Bennett. ... Nov. 29t Message to Garcia, A (G) 632. Wallace Beery John Boles Barbara Stanwyck ...Apr. I0,'36t. (Exploitation: July 11/36, p. 127.) Metropolitan (G) 618 Lawrence TibbettVirginia Bruce .. Nov. 8t (Exploitation: Feb. 22/36, p. 98.) Music Is Magic* (G) 619 Alice Faye-Ray Walker Nov. It My Marriage* (G) 630 Claire Trevor-Kent Taylor Jan. 3l/36t Navy Wife* (G) 606 Claire Trevor-Ralph Bellamy Nov. 29t... ...72. May 28/36 73 Nov. 30 Mar. 7/36, p. 96.) .66 Nov. 16 .85. Mar. 14/36 79 Oct. 28 ....66.... Oct. 12 ....68....N0V. 23 72. Jan. 25/36 I Title SU O'Malley of the Mounted* (G) 639 George Runni Mi ng Time nutes Reviewed O'Brien-Irene Ware. Prisoner of Shark Island, The (Exploitation: Mar. 21/36, Private Number* (G) 645 Loretti Professional Soldier (G) 628... Victor p. 97: Apr. 11,36, p. 97; Apr. .oretta YoungRobert Taylor... McLaglenFreddie Bar Song and Dance Man* (G) 642.Paul Kelly-Claire Trevor Thanks a Million (G) 617 Dick Powell-Ann Dvorak (Exploitation: Feb. 8/36, p. 82; Feb. 15/36, p. 83; Feb. This Is the Life* 614 Jane Withers-John McGuire.... Under Two Flags (G) 644 Ronald ColmanVictor McLaglen Claudette Colbert-R. Russell. (See production article, Mar. 14/36, p. 16; exploitation 11/36, p. 125.) Way Down East* (G) 616 Rochelle Hudson-Henry Fonda.. Whispering Smith Speaks* (G) White Fa (See In the Cutting Room," May 2/36.) ..Mar. 27/36t. . . .59. Mar. 28/36 I7.'36t. ...76. ...NOV. 2 28/36t. ...95. Feb. 22/36 18/36. P. 77.) . .June 5/36t. ...79. May 30/36 24,'36t. ...78. Jan. 4/36 . . Dec. 6t.... ...76.... Nov. 2 I9,'36t. ...79. May 16/36 ..Mar. I3.'36t. ...72. Feb. 22/36 Nov. I5t ...87 Nov. 2 22/36, p. too: Mar. 7/36, p. 96.) I8t.... . ..65 . . May I.'36t. .110. May 9. '3b : June 6/36, pp. 116, 117; July ..Oct. 25t.... ...84 Aug. 24 20t.... ...67.... Dec. 21 July 3/36t. 1 3t ...68.... Nov. 23 Title Amateur Gentleman, Tho (G). Coming As You Like It Eliz. Bergner-Laurence Olivier (See production article, June 13/36, p. 16.) Bowery Princess, The* Shirley Temple-Frank Morgan. .. Oct. 16/36 (See "In the Cutting Room," June 27/36.) Charlie Chan at the Race Track* Warner Oland-Helen Wood Aug. 21/36 (See "In the Cutting Room." June 27/36.) Girls' Dormitory Ruth ChattertonHerbert Mar shall-Simone Simon Aug. 7/36 (See "In the Cutting Room," June 13/36.) Holy Lie, The Jane Darwell-Claire Trevor Aug. 28/36 Pepper* lane Withers-lrvin S. Cobb Sept. 18/36 (See "In the Cutting Room," June 20/36.) Poor Little Rich Girl, The* (G) 657 Shirley Temple-Alice Faye July 24,'36t 79. June 6/36 Ramona Loretta Young-Don Ameche Sept. 1 1, '36 (See production article, July 4/36, p. 16.) Road to Glory, The (G) Fredric March-Warner BaxterLionel Barrymore-June Lang... Sept. 4/36 101. June 6/36 See America First Jed Prouty-Spring Byington Sing, Baby, Sing Alice Faye-Adolphe Menjou Aug. 14/36 (See "In the Cutting Room," July 4/36.) 36 Hours to Kill* 656 Brian Donlevy-Gloria Stuart July 24,'36t To Mary — With Love Warner Baxter. Myrna Loy Aug. 1/36 (See "In the Cutting Room." June 20/36.) [Asterisk (*) denotes Fox Pictures. Others 20th Century Productions.] UNITED ARTISTS RUn„inBTime Star Rel. Date Minutes Reviewed .Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. • Elissa Landi ..Apr. I7,'36t. . . 100. Feb. 22/36 Barbary Coast (G) Miriam Hopkins Edward G. Robinson Joel McCrea ..Sept. 27t 90 Oct. 5 Ghost Goes West, The (G) Robert Donat-Jeah Parker Feb. 7/36t 85. Jan. 4/36 (Exploitation: Jan. 25/36, p. 63; Feb. 8/36. p. 83; Feb. 22/36, p. 96; Apr. 4/36, p. 89.) I Stand Condemned (A) H. Baur-Laurence Olivier-Penelope Dudley Ward July I0,'36t 76 Nov. 30 Little Lord Fauntleroy (G) .... Freddie Bartholomew Dolores Costello Barrymore Mar. 6/36t . . . 1 02. Feb. 29/36 (Explitaotion: Mar. 14/36, p. 84; May 16/36, p. 80; June 6/36, p. 117; June 13/36. p. 132.) Melody Lingers On, The (G) .. Josephine Hutchinson George Houston Nov. 9t 87 Nov. 9 Modern Times (G) Chas. Chaplin-Paulette Goddard . . Feb. 2l/36t 87. Feb. 8/36 (See production article, Feb. 8/36, p. 18; exploitation: Feb. 15/36, p. 81: Feb. 22/36 p. 100; Mar. 7/36, p. 99; Mar. 14/36, p. 84: Mar. 28/36, pp. 83, 84; Apr. 4/36, pp. 84. 89; Apr. 11/36, pp. 93, 96; Apr. 25/36. p. 92; May 2/36, p. 99; May 9/36, p. 84: May 84: May 16/36, p. 82; May 30/36; pp. 84, 86; June 6/36. pp. 116, 118; June 13/36. pp. 122. 132; June 20/36, p. 121.) One Rainy Afternoon (G) Francis Lederer-lda Lupino May 1 3/36t . . .*75. May 2/36 (Exploitation: June 13/36, p. 122.) Red Salute (G) B. StanwyckRobert Young Sept. I3f 78 Sept. 21 Splendor Miriam Hopkins-Joel McCrea Nov. 23t 77 (See "In the Cutting Room," Nov. 2.) (Exploitation: Feb. 29/36, p. 78.) Strike Me Pink (G) Eddie Cantor-Ethel Merman. (Exploitation: Feb. 1/36, p. 63; Feb. 8/36, p. 83; Feb 75: Mar. 14/36, p. 85; Mar. 21/36. pp. 94, 97; Apr. These Three (G) Miriam Hopkins-Merle Oberon Joel McCrea Apr. I0,'36t.. (Exploitation: May 9/36, pp. 90, 94; May 23/36, p. 94; June 6/36, 27/36, p. 88.) Things to Come (G) Raymond Massey Apr. 24/36t. . . .99. Mar. 7/38 (See production article, Mar. 7/36, p. 16; exploitation: Apr. 18/36, p. 77; June 13/36, p. 132.) Coming Come and Get It Edward Arnold-Frances Farmer Dodsworth Walter Huston-Ruth Chatterton Garden of Allah, The Marlene Dietrich-Charles Boyer (See production article, June 6/36, p. 14.) Last of the Mohicans, The Randolph Scott-Heather Angel. Bruce Cabot-Blnnie Barnes (Exploitation: June 27/36, p. 80.) Man Who Could Work Miracles, The Roland Young World Is Mine. The Nino Martini-Ida Lupino ...Jan. 24/36t...l00.Jan. 25/36 15/36, p. 81; Feb. 29/36, pp. 72. 4/36, p. 87; June 6/36, p. 118.) . 93 . Feb. P. 122; 29/36 June