Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1936)

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July 18, 1936 MOTION PICTURE HERALD 93 (THE RELEASE CHAET--CCNT'E) SHCET EILMS [All dates are 1935 unless otherwise stated^ CELEBRITY Title Rel. Date Mln. COMICOLOR CARTOONS Balloon Land Sept.30t I tl. Simple Simon Nov. I5t I rl. Humpty Dumpty Dec. 30t I rl. Ali Baba Jan. 30.'36t.9. . . Tom Thumb Mar. 30,'36t .7. . . Dick Whittington's Cat May 30,'36t.7. . . Little Boy Blue July 30,'36t COLUMBIA Title Min. Rel. Date BARNEY GOOGLE No. I— "Tteched in th' Haid" Oct. 24f....7.... No. 2— "Patch Mah Britches" Dec. I9t 7 No. 3— "Spark Plug" Apr. I2,'36t.6'/a . . No. 4 — Major Google May 24,'36t.6i/2. . BROADWAY COMEDIES Ants in the Pantry Feb. 6,'36tl8'/2 . . (3 Stooges) Caught in the Act Mar. 5.'36tl8 Andy Clyde Champ's a Chump, The June 20,'36tl8. . . (All Star) Disorder in the Court May 30.'36tl7 (3 Stooges) Double Trouble Andy Clyde Halt Shot Shooters Apr. 30,'36tl9 (3 Stooges) His Marriage Mlxup Oct. 31 1 18 Harry Langdon Honeymoon Bridge Oct. 3t ■ . . 19 Leon Errol Hot Paprika Dec. l2t...l8'/2. Andy Clyde I Don't Remember Dec. 26t. . . l8'/2 . . Harry Langdon Just Speeding Jan. 23,'36tl8 Midnight Blunders Apr. 2l.'36tl7 (All Star) Mister Smarty July I5.'36t IS Andy Clyde Movie Maniacs Feb. 20,'36tl8 (3 Stooges) Oh My Nerves Oct. I7t...l7 (All Star) Pain In the Pullman, A. . . . June 27.'36fl8. . . (3 Stooges) Peppery Salt, The May I5.'36tl8... Andy Clyde Share the Wealth Mar. I9.'36t l7'/2 . Andy Clyde Three Little Beers Nov. 28t...l7... (3 Stooges) Unrelated Relations Jan. 9,'36tl8... (All Star) Whoops, I'm an Indian (3 Stooges) Yoo Hoo Hollywood Nov. I4t...l8... (All Star) COLOR RHAPSODIES Bon Bon Parade Dec. 5t 8'/a. Dr. Bluebird Feb. 5.'36t.8... Football Bugs Apr. 29,'36t .7. . . Glee Worms June 24,'36t .7. . . Monkey Love Sept. I2t 8... Untrained Seal, The July 26, '36.. 7... KRAZY KAT CARTOONS 9. Happy Family, A Sept. 26t 7... 10. Kannlbal Kapers Dec. 27t 7... 11. BirdStuffer, The Feb. I,'36t.7... 12. "Lll Ainjil" Mar. I9,'36t.6... 13. Peace Conference Apr. 1 0,'36t .7. . . (re-issue) 14. Highway Snobbery NEW WORLD OF SPORT SERIES Feminine Invasion, The Oct. 26t...ll.. Golfing Rhythm May I5,'36tl0.. Hunters' Paradise Nov. 30t...ll... Ice Cut-Ups Feb. 6,'3«tl«. Jump, Horse, Jump ""ft. "' Speed Mad Apr. I7,'36t 10. . . Sport Magic June I3,'36t 9'/j . Title Rel. Date Min. Stop, Look and Guess Mar. 9.*36tl 0 Thrills with Daredevils Mar. I9.'36t>0 Touring the Sport World... July 1 1, '36 SCRAPPY CARTOONS Let's Ring Doorbells Nov. 7t 7... Playing Politics July 8,'36t Scrappy's Boy Scouts Jan. 2.'36t.7... Scrappy's Camera Troubles. June 5,'36t.7... Scrappy's Pony Mar. I6,'36t.7. . . SCREEN SNAPSHOTS No. 2— Oct. lit. ..10... No. 3— Nov. 8t...l0... No. 4 — Dec. 6t...l0... No. 5— Jan. 2,'36tl0'/2. No. 6— Jan. 3l,'36tl0'/2. No. 7— Feb. 28,'36tl0'/2. No. 8— Mar. 27,'36tl0... No. 9— Apr. 24,'36t.9'/2. No. 10— May 29,'36tl0... No. II— June 26,'36tl0... No. 12— July I7,'36.I0... STARS OF TOMORROW No. 2— Sept. 7f II No. 3— Nov. 27t...ll... No. 4— Nov. I6t...f0... No. 5— Jan. I5,'36tll... No. 6— Jan. I7.'36tl0... VOICE OF EXPERIENCE No. I— Sept. l5t...l0'/2 . No. 2— Sept. 29t.. .IO'/2. No. 3— Oct. l3t...!0'/2. No. 4— Oct. 28t ... 1 0 '/a . No. 5— Nov. l2t...!0'/2. Mo. 6— Nov. 27t IO'/a No. 7— Dec. I2t. . . 10'/a . No. 8— Jan. 2,'36tll... No. 9— Feb. 25,'36tl0'/2. No. 10— Mar. 26,'36tl0'/a. DU WORLD Title Rel. Date Min. POPULAR SCIENCE FOREIGN (Cinecolor) No. I— Sept. 15, '36.. 9 No. 2— 10.... No. 3— 8.... No. 4— 8.... No. 5 — 9 No. 6— 10 SEMI-FEATURES AND SHORTS Cathedrals Oct. It... 1 9 EDUCATIONAL [Distributed through Twentieth Century-Fox] Title Rel. Date Min. CORONET COMEDIES Brain Busters, The Jan. I0,'36tl8 Fresh from the Fleet Apr. 24,'36tl8 He's a Prlnee Oct. 1 8T ... 1 8 Just Another Murder Oct. 4t...l7 Mixed Policies Jan. I7,'36t20 Sleepless Hollow May 8,'36tl6 Where Is Wall Street Apr. I0.'36tl9 FROLICS OF YOUTH Choose Your Partners Dec. 1 3t ... 20 ... . Flicker Fever Sept. 26t . . .20. . . . Knockout Drops Dec. 6t...l9 MUSICAL COMEDIES Home on the Range June 5,'36t2l.... Moonlight and Melody Oct. lit.. .21.... Perfect Thirty-Sixes Dec. 20t 18. . . . Rhythm of Paree Sept. 27t. . .21 .... Thanks, Mr. Cupid Jan. 24,'36tl8 SONG AND COMEDY HITS Alpine Rendezvous Aug. I, '36. II.... College Capers Sept. 27t. . .12 Easy Pickin's Dec. 27t...l0 Going Native Aug. 21, '36.11., ,, Hillbilly Love Oct. lit. ..II Queen's Birthday, The Aug. 28,'36tl0 Ring Goes 'Round, The Aug. 14/36. 10 Rodeo Day Sept. I3t . . .1 1 Seeing Nellie Home Dec. 20t ... 1 1 Sorority Blues Dec. St ... 1 1 spooks Apr. I7,'36t.9 Way Out West Oct. 25t ... 1 1 STAR PERSONALITY COMEDIES Giv'im Air Feb. I4,'36tl8 lold Bricks Mar. 20,'36t20 Grand Slam Opera Feb. 2l,'36t2l Ladies Love Hats Nov. It... 20 Title Rel. Date Mln. Penny Wise Sept. 6t...l6... Three on a Limb Jan. 3,'36tl9... Timid Young Man, The Oct. 25t...20... Triple Trouble Apr. 3,'36tl6... White Hope, The Mar. 27,'36tl9. . . PAUL TERRY-TOONS Aladdin's Lamp Nov. I5t 6... Alpine Yodeler Feb. 2-,'36t.6. .. Baruyard Amateurs Mar. 6,'36t.6... Busy Bee, The May 29,'36t.6... Circus Days Sept. 6t 6... Farmer Al Falfa In the Hot Spell July I0,'36t.6... Farmer AI Falfa and the Runt May I5,'36t.6... Feud, The Jan. I0,'36t.6... Foiled Again Oct. 4t 6... Football Oct. I8t Hey Diddle Diddle Sept. 201 Home Town Olympics Feb. 7,'36t. June Bride, A Nov. It Kiko and the Honey Bears. .Aug. 2l,'36t. Kiko the Kangaroo July 3t,'36t. Mayflower, The Dec. 27t 19th Hole Club, The Jan. 24,'36t. Off to China Mar. 20,'36t. Puddy the Pup and the .July 24,'36t. Gypsies Rolling Stones May l,'36t.6. Sailors' Home, The June I2,'36t.6. Southern Horse-pitallty Nov. 29t 6. Tough Egg, A June 26,'36t .6. Western Trail, The Apr. 3,'36t.6. Wolf in Cheap Clothing, A .Apr. I7.'36t.6. Ye Olde Toy Shop Dee. I3t 6. 6... 6... 6... 6... 6... I rl. 6... 6... 6... I rl. rl.. TREASURE CHEST Animal Cunning May I.'36tl0 Clever Critters Sept. 20t 8 Fast Friends June 5,'36t.9 Feminine Form Aug. 7,'36..l. Fisherman's Luck Jan. 3l,'36t.9. Gangsters of the Deep Nov. It 8. Hold That Lino Oct. lit 7. Game of Jai-Alal, The Dec. 27t 9. Manhattan Tapestry Jan. 3l,'36tl0. Seeing Eye. The Jan. I7,'36tl0. Ski-Scrapers May 24 8. Sunday Sports In Mexico.. .Nov. 8t...l0. TUXEDO COMEDIES Just Plain Folks Mar. I3.'36tl9. Kiss the Bride Sept. 1 3t ... 2 1 . One Big Happy Family Nov. I5t...2l. Rail Birds May 22.'36tl8. TWO-REEL COMEDIES Bashful Buddies Aug. I4/36..2 Blue Blazes Aug. 7,'36..2 Boy, Oh Boy Aug. 21, '36.. 2 Happy Heels Aug. I, '36. .2 It Happened All Right May I5,'36tl9. Parked In Paree Aug. 28,'36. .2 Peaceful Relations June I9,'36tl8. YOUNG ROMANCE Beware of Blondes Feb. 7,'36t20. Love In a Hurry May 17.... 16. Love in September Mar. 6,'36t2l. Way Up Thar Nov. 8t...l8. GRAND NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING CORP. Ti"e Rel. Date Mln. MUSICAL MOODS (Technicolor) Ave Maria Mar. 25.'36t. I rl. Irish Melody Mar. 9,'36t. .8. . . Italian Caprice Dee. It 8... Liebestraum Apr. 20,'36t . I rl. Mediterranean Songs Nov. It 7... NEWSLAUGHS No. 2 Nov. 26t .... I rl. No 3 Dee. 30t I rl. No 4 Jan. 20,'36t.l rl. No. 5 Feb. 20.'36t.l rl. No. 6 Mar. 20,'36t.l rl. 6 THRILLING JOURNEYS Craters of the Moon .Nov. I5t I rl. Old Faithful Speaks Nov. I5t Deep Sea Harvest Jan. I5,'36t.lrl. Ride Along Dude Feb. I5.'36t.l rl. City of Proud Memories. ... Dec. lot I rl. Realm of Ghosts Mar. I.'36t HOFFBERG Title Rel. Date Min. Life of Theodore Roosevelt. . Feb. I,'36t>9.. Tough Breaks Mar. I.'36tl8.. Symphony of the Seasons. . .Jan. 27,'36t.9.. Young Explorer Mar. 2,'36tl0.. INTERNATIONAL VARIETIES No. I— Feb. I4.'36t.8.. No. 2— Feb."28,'36t.8.. No. 3— Mar. 8,'36tl0.. No. 4— Mar. 22,'36tl0.. No. 5— Apr. I0.'36t.7.. No. 6— Apr. 22.'36t.7yi PERSONALITIES ON PARADE No. I— Feb. 5,'36t.9.. No. 2— Mar. 6,'36t.9.. No. 3— Apr. Il,'36t.9.. No. 4— May 4,*36t.9.. WORLD EXPLORATIONS 1. Nomads of the Jungle. ... Feb. 3,'36t-6.. 2. Nomads of the South Seas. Feb. I7.'36t.6.. 3. Nomads of the Past Mar. 3,'36t.6.. 4. Nomads of the Air Mar. l7,'36t.5Va 5. Nomads In the Making. . .Apr. 3.'36t.8. . 6. Nomads of the River Apr. I7,'36t.6.. 7. Nomads of the Plains May 3,'36t.5</2 8. Nomads of the Sea May l7,'36t.5'/2 IMPERIAL Title Rel. Date Min. COLOR CLASSICS Towers of Melody 8.. Hidden Treasures 8.. Southern Beauties 8.. EDGAR GUEST POETIC GEMS After the Storm Boyhood 8. . Couldn't Live Without You Old Prospector, The 8.. Sea Dreams 8.. Early in the Mornin' 8.. NOVELTIES Cities of the Past Nero 8.. Every Dog Has Its Day 9.. Napoleon's Waterloo 9.. Hobo Hero 9.. PORT 0' CALL Peacock Throne 9. . City of the Sun 9.. Jungle Bound Last Besort 9.. Love's Memorial Mother Ganges 9.. Children of the Nile 9.. Seventh Wonder 9.. WORLD IN COLOR Beneath Coral Seas 8.. Inspiration of Old Love Songs 8.. Isle of June Dream Harbor 8.. Street of Memory 8.. Maori 8.. Melody Isle Under the Southern Cross 8.. MGM Title Min. Ti,le Rel. Date Mln. Beautiful Blue Danube. ... Feb. 4,'36t.9.. Golden Harbor Mar. I6,'36tl0 It's a Bird Jan. 20.'36tl7.. Rel. Date CHARLEY CHASE Count Takes the Count, The. .Feb. 22,'36t20. Life Hesitates at 40 Jan. l8,'36tlS. Manhattan Monkey Business. Nov. 9t...2l. Neighborhood House May 9,'36t20. Nurse to You Oet. 5t...20. On the Wrong Trek Apr. I8.'36tl9. Public Ghost No. I Dee. I4t...20. Vamp 'Til Ready Mar. 28,'36t20. CRIME DOESN'T PAY No. 2 — Alibi Racket Sept. 1 4t ... 1 8. No. 3 — Desert Death Oct. I9t...2l. No. 4— Thrill for Thelma, A Nov. 23t...l8. No. 5 — Hit and Run Driver. Dec. 28t...20. No. 6 — Perfect Setup Feb. I,'36t2l. FITZPATRICK TRAVEL TALKS Honolulu, Paradise of the Pacific Nov. 2t 8. Japan in Cherry Blossom Time Mar. 2l,'36t.9 Modern Tokyo Dec. 28t 9 Rio de Janeiro, City of Splendor Apr. I8,'36t.8 Rural Mexico Nov. 30t 8 Sacred City of the Mayan Indians Feb. 22,'36t.7 St. Helena and Its Man of Destiny May 1 6.'36t .8 Victoria and Vancouver Jan. 25.'36t.9