Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1936)

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76 MOTION PICTURE HERALD July 2 5, 19 3 6 SHOWMEN'S LOBBY LAFFS! First Babies Guests A t 'First Baby ' Show It so happened that there was a baby show put on in cooperation with a local Pure Food exhibit in De Soto, Mo., and it also happened that Manager L. V. Collins, of the New De Soto Theatre, in that spot, had "The First Baby" booked in to start the day after the infant contest. To tie in with all the publicity on the food exhibition Collins invited all local mothers with their first babies, two years old or less, to see the show on the house at the matinee. He also offered four one-month passes to the mothers of the winning boy and girl in each of the two classes at the baby show, these prizes given to them from the stage of the theatre. As a result, much unlooked for publicity was forthcoming. The food show sponsors announced the offer over the p. a. system at the local auditorium and the papers fell in line with a number of stories, page one and otherwise, to build up more interest. All eligible mothers in De Soto took advantage of the offer, says Collins, and forwards photo, reproduced below, of some of the guests lined up in front of the house. The stunt was further reported to have gathered sufficient word-of -mouth to help the box office the day of the party and during the rest of the engagement. This cartoon created by Ca rtoonist Rosenfeld was Club Milt Press Agent: He had me worried for a minute — they told me he wasn't such a good speller! Limerick's Gag Campaign Sells "Sons O' Guns'* Opening morning of his "Sons o' Guns" date at the Yale Theatre in Cleburne, Texas, George Limerick staged a Joe E. Brown yelling contest, winners rewarded with passes. Another contest was planted in window containing baseballs with ducats to those guessing correct number. For street gag small envelopes were distributed containing two peanuts, copy reading, "Have a pair of nuts with the compliments of the nuttiest team of all — Joe Brown and Joan Blondell," etc., etc. Another window gag was boy pedaling bike, card announced that he was on his way to see, etc., etc. Two boys, dressed as doctors worked streets carrying stretcher on which dummy was stretched out, banner read "Not dead, just unconscious from laughing." Stunt created plenty of comment. "Have You Contributed Lately}" COOL SIGN. Each letter measuring four feet in height and studded with green six watt lamps was the way Gil C. Brown, city manager, Irvin Theatre, Bloomington, III., sold his cooling plant. Giant Cigar Sells "Billies" for Cushing For his "Silly Billies" date at the Dunkin Theatre, Cushing, Okla., C. F. Motley made up a giant cigar (six feet long) and suspended it under the marquee. Cigar was painted and looked like the McCoy, with band and everything. Caricatures of Wheeler and Woolsey hung from each end and copy attached read: "They're at it again, Wheeler and Woolsey, best yet, in Silly Billies — they're wrapped in cellophane." Motley reports the stunt created a lot of comment. "Have You Contributed Lately?" Music Week Celebrated By Dougherty at Tower To commemorate recently celebrated Music Week, Joe Dougherty, Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, put on a varied musical program at his house under the supervision of Esther Short, director of the school of music bearing her name. Papers ran stories and City Manager Monty Salmon reports the stunt went over very well. "Have You Contributed Lately}" Special Preview Held For Legion Veterans Manager Harold Kaplan, and Advertising Manager Ev Siebel, Minnesota Theatre, Minneapolis, Minn., advertised in the paper for French Foreign Legion veterans to witness a special preview of "Under Two Flags." Three vets responded and the Star ran a story of the search and comments of the men on their past experiences and the picture. "Have You Contributed Lately}" 13 Exploitation Pages In "Pastures" Pressbook Effective pressbook job on Warner Bros. "Green Pastures" has been turned out by Charley Einfeld's department, with the size of the book larger than the usual and laid out for quick and easy reading. Exploitation is well covered from various angles with 13 pages given over to all manner of ideas and presentations. Among these are sections devoted to the buildup of opening, a score of ballyhood stunts, direct selling ideas, church contact groups, club and civic talks to civic organizations, to schools, etc. Contests, animated displays, spot radio announcements, half -hour radio show, test ad campaigns and mail sales campaign are also detailed. Newspaper ads run up to fullpage streamers, stagger ads and other sizes and publicity includes full-page Sunday feature story. Little seems to have been left undone to make available sufficient material for most any sized situation and for the most ambitious theatreman. "Have You Contributed Lately}" Collins' Guests With First Babies