Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1936)

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July 2 5, 19 3 6 MANAGERS' ROUND TABLE 83 YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN UP ALBERT T. JOHNSON is the advertising and publicity assistant at the Harris-Warren in Warren, Ohio, and says he started in showbusiness at the tender age of ten when he had a kiddie tent show. During the summer vacations Al worked for the Opera House, now the Harris-Warren, as a bill poster. After two years he joined the Robins Theatre of Warren as projectionist, also worked as advertiser for the County Fair, posting all paper. For a short time he left the theatre, working as press agent for a touring show and in 1933 assumed his present job. V KENNETH T. KING manages the Melba Theatre in Batesville, Ark., and says since childhood he's always wanted to be in showbusiness, and he's one member that signs up the way we like 'em to. Ken sent along his first contribution with his application for membership and we've heard from him since, so this is just a formal welcome to our midst. V WALTER KOGER is the assistant manager of the Liberty Theatre in Horton, Kansas, and when he joined he wrote in and said we would hear from him from time to time and we're still waiting. We only have a few members from your fair city, Walter, so it's up to you to keep us posted on what you're doing. V JIM B. DAUGHERTY is the assistant manager of the Apollo in Peoria, 111., having started as usher at the Madison on day of graduation from grade school. From usher to balcony director, and then transferred as assistant to the Apollo. Jim started as a singing usher with the organist at the Madison and won a radio impersonation contest conducted over the entire Great States Theatre circuit. V NOLAN S. CRUISE is down in New Orleans, La., at the Poplar Theatre in the capacity of assistant and you know, Nolan, your obligation didn't cease with having joined the Club, we shall expect that contributions on your activities shall be forthcoming for use in our pages. How about it? V ANDY SCHECTMAN assistant manager of the Colney Theatre in Philadelphia, Pa., certainly ought to know what his obligations to us are. We have plenty of Round Tablers in Philly who are mighty active members and we'd like to swell the ranks with another by having your reports from time to time. V HARRY RINZLER is the assistant manager of the Culver Theatre in Brooklyn, and is a brother of our good friend Joe at the Biltmore. Harry started as usher at the Commodore, Brooklyn, and then as display artist, chief of staff and was then transferred to the Alba and later promoted to his present assignment. Above poster was created by Louis Chiaramonte, artist, Loew's State, Boston. Display was air brush in natural colors showing application of cutout. V DONALD L. SMITH manages the Royal Theatre in St. Paul, Kansas, and since he is the first member to join the club from there, it shall evolve upon him to keep us posted on how shows are put over in his fair city. Showmen 's Calendar SEPTEMBER 1st Richard Arlen's Birthday 2nd U. S. Treasury Established— 1789 4th Hendrick Hudson Sailed Up Hudson— 1609 5th Fay Wray's Birthday 6th Pres. McKinley Assassinated — 1901 7th Labor Day 9th California Admitted to Union — 1850 Colorado Admitted to Union — 1850 13th Star Spangled Banner Written in 1814 General Pershing's Birthday Claudette Colbert's Birthday 14th School Opens 15th Wm. Howard Taft Born— 1857 Jackie Cooper's Birthday 18th Greta Garbo's Birthday 19th Ernest Truex's Birthday 21st First Day of Autumn 22nd Nathan Hale Executed— 1 776 Paul Muni's Birthday Emancipation Proclamation Issued by Lincoln — 1862 26th Donald Cook's Birthday Pacific Ocean Discovered by Balboa— 1513 Yom Kippur 27th Daylight Saving Time Ends George Raft's Birthday 30th Ralph Forbes' Birthday George Bancroft's Birthday EUGENE RUSSELL HARDWICK is certainly well known to all, having won a plaque recently for his outstanding campaign on "Trail of the Lonesome Pine." For the records, Russ is at the Lyceum Theatre in Clovis, New Mexico, and as he traces his career, it has been mighty interesting. Russ says in 1910 he was janitor, operator, stage hand and sometimes stooge of the Majestic Theatre in Roswell, New Mexico. In 1912 we find him managing and operator of the Majestic in Artesia, N. M., thence around with Independent or Right's Film Exchange as bookkeeper, office boy, stenog, shipping clerk, general flunkie, etc. In 1913 Hardwick became manager of the Grand Opera House in Amarillo, Tex., and in 1933 became manager of the Lyceum and Mesa Theatres, where he is now. V PAUL A. VOLKMAN is in Wapata, Wash., managing the Liberty Theatre and started as projectionist in 1920, later left to enter hotel business and then taught school as industrial arts instructor which stood him in good stead when he completely remodeled his theatre. Paul says he is now building a balcony, erecting a new marquee and generally fixing up the whole building, and promises as soon as all this is completed to contribute to our pages. V JOHN TUCKER manager of the Park Theatre, Roselle Park, N. J., needs no introduction to our pages having recently won a Mention on his very good campaign submitted for Award consideration. John started as an usher at the Strand Theatre in Birmingham, Ala., later chief and then treasurer of the Metropolitan in Houston, Tex., assistant at the same theatre and was transferred to M. J. as manager of the Crescent Theatre in Perth Amboy. From there we find that Tucker was made manager of Ed Hart's present hangout, the Oxford in Plainfield, thence to Long Island and Brooklyn until he landed back in New Jersey, from where we hope he'll keep in touch. V HAPPY HASSELO is in Alton, Iowa, managing the Palace Theatre there. Happy who has contributed to our pages has gone through the regular routine, doorman, assistant, etc., and has served his apprenticeship at the Fox State and Fox Palace Theatres in Corning, New York. Well, Happy, you say you'll keep your activities coming, we're waiting for more. V E. E. CRABTREE is certainly one of the boys that doesn't need an introduction, but we'll tell a little about his background. Ed, now managing the Palace in Peoria, 111., worked as usher in Decatur houses, advanced to assistant, then to Danville as assistant and later transferred to La Salle as manager. From there Ed went to the Publix Home Office as front house representative covering states of Iowa and Nebraska, returned to Danville as secretary to Thomas P. Ronan, district manager.