Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1936)

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94 MOTION PICTURE HERALD July 25, 1936 (THE RELEASE CHART—CONT'D) Title Rel. Date Mln. HARM AN-ISING (Happy Harmonies) 15 — Honeyland Oct. I9+...I0... 16— Alias St. Nick Nov. I6t...l0... 17 — Run, Sheep, Run Dec. I4f...i0 18— Bottles Jan. 11/36+10... 19 — Early Bird and the Worm, The Feb. 8/36+. 9... 20— Old Mill Pond, The... Mar. 7/36+.8... 21— Two Little Pups Apr. 4,'36t.8 M-G-M MINIATURES Great American Pie Company Nov. 9t...ll How to Behave Apr. 25,'36tl0. . . How to Train a Dog July 4,'36 Important News Feb. 29,'36tl0 Jonker Diamond Mar. 28,'36tl0 Let's Dance Jan. 4.'36t.8... Little Boy Blue May 23,'36fl I . . . , Master Will Shakespeare. . .June 13, '36t 10 Primitive Pitcalrn Dec. 7t 9 Trained Hoofs Oct. I2t 9 West Point of the South. ..Feb. I .'36+.8 M-G-M SPORTS PARADE Air Hoppers Jan. I8,'36tl0 Aquatic Artistry Apr. 1 1 ,'36.9 Crew Raeing Dee. 2lt...l0.... Gymnastics Oct. 26t....fl.... Polo May 9,'36t.8 Table Tennis Feb. I5,'36tl0 Racing Canines Mar. I4,'36tl0 Water Sports Oct. 26t 8 MUSICAL REVUES La Fiesta do Santa Barbara Dee. 7t...l9 Pirate Party on Catallna Isle Nov. 21 28 OUR GANG Arbor Day May 2,'36tl8 Divot Diggers Feb. 8/361 1 5 Follies of 1936 Nov. 30+. ..18.... Little Sinner Oct. 28+... 18 Lucky Corner, The Mar. I4,'36tl6 Pinch Singer Jan. 4/36tl8 Second Childhood Air. I l,'36f 19. . . . PATSY KELLY COMEDIES All-Amerlcan Toothache Jan. 25/36+20 At Sea Ashore Apr. 4,36+20 HIM Tillies Apr. 4/36+18.... Hot Money Nov. I6t IS Pan Handlers Feb. 29'J8t20 Top Flat Dec. 21+.;. 29.... SPECIAL Audioseopiks 8.... PARAMOUNT Title Rel. Date Mln. BETTY BOOP CARTOONS Betty Boop and Little Jimmy Mar.27/36+.7 Betty Boor and the Little King Jan 3l,'36t.7.... Henry, The Funniest Living American Nov. 22t 7.... Judge for a Day Sept. 20t Little Nobody Dee. 27t 7 Making Stars Oct. I8t 7.... More Pep June I9.'36t Not Now Feb. 28/36+. 7 Song ■ Day, A May 22/38t.7 Wo Did It Apr. 24.'36t.6 You're Not Built That Way. July I7.'36t.l rl.. COLOR CLA8SICS Cobweb Hotel, The May I5,'36t.8 Greedy Humpty Dumpty. . . . July I0.'36t . I rt. . Little Stranger Mar. I3,'36t.8 Musleal Memories Nov. St 7 8omewhere In Dreamland. . .Jan. 17/36.9.... (Teehnlcolor) Time for Love Sept. 6t 7 HEADLINERS Accent on Girls Dec. 27t Ina Ray Hutton and Her Melodears Babes In Hollywood Oct. 18+.. .10.... Breezy Rhythm Apr. I0,'36tl0 Hal Kemp and Orchestra Cavalcade of Musle, The Oct. 4t 8.... Lucky Starlets May 22/36+10 Baby Leroy-Bennle Bart lett David Holt • Betty Holt Billy Lee-Vlrglnla Weldler Magic of Music, The Aug. 2+.. .11.... Richard Himber and Hit Orchestra Midnight Melodies Mar. 20/36+1 I Ed Paul and OrchestraBabs Ryan Loretta Lee Title Rel. Date Min. Moscow Moods Jan. I7.'36tll Yasha Bunchuk and Oreh. Movie Melodies on Parade.. Feb. 7,'36tll Andre Kostelanetz-Mary Eastman Musical Fashions July 3,'36t.lrl.. Ina Ray Hutton and her Melodears Music in the Morgan Manner. June I2,'36t Russ Morgan and Orch. Parade of the Maestros Nov. I5t...l0.... Red Nichols, Ferde Grofe, Emery Deutsch and Their Orchestras Play, Don July 31/36 Don Bestor and Orch. Radio Rhapsdoy Dee. 6t...l0 Johnny Green and Orch. Star Reporter, The Feb. 28/36t.9. . . . Betty Jane CooperDonald Novls-lna Ray Hutton Yankee Doodle Rhapsody. .. May l/36tll Ferde Grofe and His Orchestra PARAMOUNT PICTORIAL NEW SERIES No. 3— Nesting Time— Re.Oct. lit 9 flections — Song Makers of the Nation (Tot Seymour and Vee Lawnhurst) No. 4 — Jewelry— Made to. Nov. 3t...l0 Order — Let's Listen to Latin America No. 5 — Manhattan Rhapsody. Dee. 6t . . . 1 0 — Animal Buddies — Man of Many Faces No. 6 — The Latest from. Jan. 3/36tl0 Paris — Shifting SandsNature's Sideshow No. 7 — Mountain Moods — .Jan. 3l,'36t.7 Camera Hounds — Song Makers of the Nation (Ralph Ralnger and Lee Robin) No. 8— Frederic W. Goudy . Feb. 28/38+11 . . . . — Sails Over Sydney Harbor — The Voieo of the Animals No. 9— Trailing the Birds . Mar. 27/36+. 9 — Lake of Enchantment — Swanee River Goes High Hat No. 10— Toilers of the . Apr. 24/36+10 Deep — Where Beauty Reigns — Make-up Magic No. II — Champagne — Girls .May 22/36+ Will Be Boys— Up Mont Blane No. 12— Meet the Pelican— .June I9,'36t Viola Mitchell — Steel Suits No. 13— July I7/36M rl.. PARAMOUNT VARIETIES Broadway Highlights No. 4 Sopt.CTt. . .10.... Broadway Highlights N*. S.Det. I3t..-10 Broadway Highlights No. 6. Apr. S/36t ...... Collie, The'... Countryside Melodies Nov. 29t. (Technicolor) Dangerous Jobs May l/3St.t.... Fashions In Love, July 24,'36t.l rl.. Here Comes the Zoo Mar. 13/361.9 March of the Presidents. .. Sept. 27t ... I® Movie Milestones (No. 2).. Jan. 3l/36tl8 Poodle. The May22/36tl0 Rhythm Party, The June 26,'36t Rookie Fireman, The Apr. 24,'3St 1 0 Shorty at Coney Island Jan. 10/36+16 Shorty at the Seashore July I0,'36t.l rl.. Shorty Goes South Sapt. I3t. .10 Spring Night Nov. It.. ..8.... POPEYE THE SAILOR Adventures of Popeye, The. .Oct. 25t...8.... Bridge Ahoy! May l/36t.8 Brotherly Love Mar. 6/36t.7.... Clean Shaven Man, A Feb. 7/36t.7.... I-Skl Love-Ski You-Skl . . . . Apr. 3/36t.6.... I Wanna Be a Lifeguard. . .Juno 26/36t King of tho Mardl Gras... .Sept. 27t 7 Let's Get Movln' J uly 24/36t . I rl . . Slnbad the Sailor Jan. 3l/36t.2r!t. (Special) Spinach Overture, The Dee. 6t....8.... Vim, Vigor and Vltallky. . . Jan. 3.'36t.7.... What, No Spinach? May 29/36t PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Two Editions Weekly POPULAR SCIENCE (Clneeolcr) No. I Sept.29t....9.... No. 2 Nov. 29t...l0yi.. Title Rel. Date Mi No. 3 Jan. 24,*36tll No. 4 Mar.27/36tll No. 5 May29,'36t.. No. 6 July I7.'36t.l SCREEN SONGS Hills of Old Wyomin', The. .July 24/361 . 1 The Westerners I Don't Want to Make History May 22/36t.. V. Lopez and Orchestra I Feel Like a Feather In the Breeze Mar. 27/36t.7 Jack Denny and Orchestra It's Easy to Remember Nov. 29t. . .10 Richard Himber and Orchestra I Wished On tho Moon Sept. 20t 8 Abe Lyman and Orchestra No Other One Jan. 24/36t.8 Hal Kemp and Orchestra GRANTLAND RICE SPORTLIGHTS (NEW SERIES) No. 16— Hooked Lightning .Sept.27t. . .10 No. 17 — Junmplng Champion Oct. 25t ...10 No. 18 — Sport on the Range. Nov. 22t ... 10 No. 19— Sporting Network .Deo. 20f ... 10 No. 20— What's the Answer. Jan. I7,'36tl0 No. 21— Finer Points Feb. I4,'36tl0 No. 22— Winged Champions. Mar. I3,'36tl0 No. 23 — Sun Chasers Apr. I0,'36tl0 No. 24— Catching Trouble.. .May 8/36+10 No. 25— River of Thrills. .. .Juno 5/36+.. No. 26 — Sporting Comparisons July 3/36t... Title RKO RADIO Title Rel. Date Mln. DUMBBELL LETTERS No. 21 Jan. 3/36t.5... No. 22 Feb. 3l/36t.5'/j. No. 23 Apr. 3/36+. 5... No. 24 May29,'36t.S... No. 25 July I0,'36t EASY ACES Capital Idea Oet. 4t...l0... Debonair New Orleans Mar. 27.'36tl0. . . Etiquette Nov. 29/36t.9... Fool Yeur Friends June 9/36t Job's a Job, A May 22/36t Jolly Old London Aug. 30 9ft. Old Fashioned Movie, An.. .Feb. 28,'36tll . . . Trleks of the Trade Sept. 6t...l0... Unusualltles Aug. 9t....9'/j. Winter at tho Zoo Jan. 3l/36tl0ft. World Within. A Nov. It... 10... FOUR STAR COMEDIES Salesmanship Ahoy Joiy 19 18ft. HEADLINER SERIES No. 5 — Drawing Rumen July 12 17... No. I— Night Life Sept.2lt . . .21 . . . No. 2— Tuned Out Nov. 15+.. .20..., No. 3 — Camera Crank* Jan. I7.'36tl9. . . No. 4— Wedtlmo Story, A.. . Mar. 20/36t2l . . . No. 5— Bad Medlelne May 22/36tl5... No. 6— Sleepy Tine July 24.'36t EDGAR KENNEDY C0MEDIE8 Dummy Ache July I0,'36t Gasoloons Jan. 3/26+ISft. Happy Tho Married Nov. I 18... High Beer Pressure May 8/36M8. ... In Love at 40 Aug. 30t . . .19. . . . Sock Me To Sleep May 17 20.... Will Power Mar. 6/36+19**. MAJOR BOWES' AMATEUR PARADE No. I May l.'36t.9... No. 2 June 5/36t No. 3 July 3/36t MAJOR BOWES' AMATEUR THEATRE OF THE AIR No. 4 Oet. I8t. . . ISVa . No. 5 Nov. 8t...l8 No. 6 Nov. 22t...l8.... MARCH OF TIME No. 8 Nov. I5t...20.... No. 9 Dee. I3t . . .23'/s . . [1936] No. I Jan. l7/36tl8'/j.. No. 2 Feb. I7,'36t24. . . . No. 3 Mar. 13/36.21.... No. 4 Apr. I7.'36t2l No. 5 May I5,'36t No. 6 June I2,'36t No. 7 July I0,'36t MUSICALS Night at the Blltmore Bowl, A Juno 21. ...17'/,.. PATHE NEWS Released twice a week PATHE REVIEWS Released once a month Rel. Date Mln. PATHE TOPICS Released seven times a year RADIO FLASH COMEDIES Dog Blight June I2,'36t Fight Is Right Apr. IO/36tl7... Radio Barred Feb. 7,'36tl5Vs. Where There's a Will Oct. 4t...l8... Worm Burns, The Dec. 6t .17 RADIO MUSICAL COMEDIES Aladdin from Manhattan Feb. 28/36tl7. . . Foolish Hearts Dec. 27t 18. . . Melody in May May I.'36tl9) Metropolitan Nocturne Aug. 23t . . . 18. . . Mismanaged Oet. 25t...l9ft. Swing It July 3,'36t RAINBOW PARADE CARTOONS Bold King Cole May 29/36t Felix the Cat and the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg. Feb. 7/36+ .7ft. Molly Moo Cow and tho Indians Nov. I5t 7!&. Molly Moo Cow and Robinson Crusoe Mar. 20,'36t.7... Neptune Nonsense Apr. 1 7,'36t .8. . . Toonerville Trolley Jan. I7,'36t.7... Trolley Ahoy Waif's Welcome, A June I9,'36t SMART SET All Business Feb. 14/38+ 18ft. And So to Wed Juno 19,'Stt Framing Father Apr. 1 7/38+ 1 ift. Returned Engagement, A... Oet. I It... 21... Too Many Surprises Dot. 3+.. .29ft. SPECIALS Going on Two Sept. 17 17... Headlines for 25 Years M ar. 27/39 til ... SPORTS WITH BILL CORUM Bugles from Blue eras* Oct lit. ..19ft. Gentlemen's Sports Dee. 13+.. .11... Inside tho Rep** Aug. I6f ...16... Never Catch the Rabbit Apr. 24/38tll... Row Mr. Row Juno I9,'39t Tomorrow's Halfbacks Jan. 24/38+. 9... Winter Sport Mar. 13/38+19... STRUGGLE TO LIVE Beach Masters Nov. 8t...l»ft. Living Jewels June 12/36} Underground Farmers Apr. I7,'3(t.9... Winged Pageantry Feb. 14/36+19... SUPERBA COMEDIES Counselltls Nov. 22t...l8... Down the RIbber Mar. 27/36+21... Homo Work Sept. 20+... 19... Uppereutlets Jan. 24/36tl8y». Listen to Freezin' July 31/36+ Wholesaling Along May 29/36+17... VAGABOND ADVENTRE SERIES Quebec Aug. 2 9ft. WORLD ON PARADE Coral Isle of tho Atlantis.. .Mar. 27/36+1 1... Land *f Evangeline Nov. 22+.. .19ft. Morocco Jan. IO/39f Prominent Personalities. ..: .Feb. 21/36+11... Spain's Rsmantls Isle, Majorca Oct. I»t...l9ft. Venice of the North May 15/39 STATE RIGHTS Title Rel. Data Mln. AL BONDY (General Electric) Excursions In Seience No. 1 8... DYNAMIC Wonderland of Gaspe ||... NORTON Alchemist's Hourglass, The 18... PAT GARYN O'Mahoney-Georg* Bout 17... PHIL BROWN Norwegian Sketcbes |0... REGAL Broadway Nights 20TH CENTURY-FOX Title Rel. Date Mln. ADVENTURES OF THE NEWSREEL CAMERAMAN Filming the Fantastic Jan. 31 .'38+10. . . Filming Feminine Headliners Dee. 27t...l8... Scouring the Skies Aug. 14/36 Shooting the Record Breakers Nov. 22t...|8... MAGIC CARPET SERIES Argentine Argosy Nov. 22+... 19... Geneva-by-tho-Lake Dee. 21+.. .19... Hong Kong Highlights Jan. 31/36+10... Irish Pastoral Aug. 7/36 Morocco Mirage Aug. 30. . . .10.