Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1936)

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12 MOTION PICTURE HERALD August I, 1936 FAMILIAR BRITON. Whom America once called her own — George Arliss. The noted actor, shown below at the GB studio, is soon to be seen in GB's "East Meets West." ON LONG TOUR. Phil Reisman, vice president of RKO Export, Inc., as he boarded the lie de France, beginning a trip which is taking him first through Europe, then South America, to study market conditions. VISIT INTERRUPTED. J. N. Ermolieff, who recently came to America as technical advisor on RKO Radio's "Michael Strogoff," embarking on the Berengaria, on hurry call to England. He returns the middle of August. WITH THE SPOILS. Of war on the links whereon Universal staged its 1936 golf tournament. We give you, first, Ray Robinson, four times the winnah, holding the William Koenig Second Prize trophy; and, second, John P. Fulton, who won this year's competition, holding the Charles R. Rogers trophy. TIME OUT FOR VISITORS. On the set of the forthcoming Capitol Films production, "Dishonour Bright," at Denham, England. The guests — Mac Schach, managing director of the Capitol Film Corporation; and C. M. Woolf, managing director of G.F.D. The hosts — Tom Walls, Betty Stockfield and George Sanders.