Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1936)

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August I, 1936 MOTION PICTU RE HERALD 105 (THE RELEASE CHART— CONT'D) Title Rel. Date Min. West Indies Cruise Oct. 25T--.I0... Winter Magic Dec. 27t . . . 10. . . UNITED ARTISTS Title Rel. Date Min. MICKEY MOUSE 35. Pluto's Judgment Day. .Sept. 28t 9... 36. On Ice Nov. 6t 8... 37. Mickey's Polo Team... Feb. 5,'36t8... 38. Orphans' Picnic Mar. I2,'36t.9... 39. Mickey's Grand Opera 9... 40. Through the Mirror June I8,'36t.9... 101. Moving Day 9. . . 102. Mickey's Rival 9... SILLY SYMPHONIES 28. Who Killed Cock Robin? June 26t . . . 10... 29. Music Land Oct. lot 8'/2 . 30. Three Orphan Kittens Nov. 21 1 9... 31. Cock of the Walk Dec. I9t 8... 32. Broken Toys Jan. 9.'36t.8... 33. Elmer the Elephant May l4,'36t.8'/2 . 34. Three Little Wolves. .. May 27, '36tl0. . . UNIVERSAL 20 . . . 20... Title Rel. Date Min. CARTUNE CLASSICS No. 6 — Fox and the Rabbit, The Sept. 30 8.... GOING PLACES with LOWELL THOMAS No. 16 Dec. 23t. . . 10. . . . No. 17 Jan. 20,'36t No. 18 Mar. 9,'36t lO'/i . . No. 19 Mar. 23,'36tl0 No. 20 Apr. 20,'36t.9. . . No. 21 June 8,'36t No. 22 June 22,'36t No. 23 July 6,'36t No. 24 July 20,'36.I0. . . . No. 25 Aug. 3, '36 No. 26 Aug. 17, '36 No. 27 Aug. 21, '36 No. 28 Sept.28,'36 MENTONE MUSICAL COMEDIES Carnival Time Jan. 22,'36tl9 Jean Sergent-Jack Fulton Clubhouse Party (No. 6-B).Dec. 25t 2 rls. Ray Perkins Flippen's Frolics July I5,'36f Gus Van's Garden Party. Sept. 2,'36..lrl.. Gus Van's Music Shoppe (No. 5-B) Dec. 4t.. Harlem Bound (No. 4) Nov. 6t.. Marine Follies Apr. 29,'36t 2 rls. Musical Airways Sept. 30, '36. .1 rl. . On Your Radio Dial (No. 3) Oct. 23t ...10 Playing for Fun Mar. I8,'36tl5 Signing Off Feb. I9,'36tl9 Speedy Justice (No. 2-B) . . .Sept. 25t . ■ 20 Teddy Bergman's International Broadcast June 3,'36t20... Vaud-O-Mat. The Apr. 8,'36tl6 NOVELTIES Skits 'n' Sketches Feb. 24,'36t OSWALD CARTOONS Alaska Sweepstakes Feb. I7,'36f.8 Amateur Broadcast Aug. 26 7.... Battle Royal June 22,'36t.7 Barnyard Five Apr. 20,'36t Beauty Shoppe Mar. 20,'36t .6'/2 . . Case of the Lost Sheep, The. Dec. 9t 7 Doctor Oswald Dec. 30t Farming Fools May 25,'36t Fun House, The May 4,'36t Kiddie Revue Sept. 21, '36 Monkey Wretches Nov. 1 1 1 . . . . I rl. . Music Hath Charms Sept. 7,'36 Quail Hunt, The Oct. 7 8. .. Slumberland Express Mar. 9,'36t Soft Ball Game Jan. 27,'36t STRANGER THAN FICTION SERIES No. 17— Novelty Jan. I3,'36t.9 No. 18 — Novelty Mar. 30,'36t .9'/2 . . No. 19 — Novelty Apr. I3,'36t.9 No. 20— Novelty June l,'36t No. 21— Novelty June I5,'36t No. 22— Novelty June 29,'36t No. 23— Novelty July I3,'36t No. 24 — Novelty July 27,'36.I0 No. 25— Novelty Aug. 10, '36 No. 26 — Novelty Aug. 24, '36 No. 27— Novelty Sept. 14. '36 No. 28— Novelty Oct. 1 2, '36 UNIVERSAL COMEDIES His Last Fling July 31 20. . . (Van Ronkel No. 5) You Can Be Had Jan. 8,'36tl5 UNIVERSAL SPECIAL Camera Thrills Sept. 30. .. .21 Title Rel. Date Min. VITAPHONE BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE REEL Vitaphone Billboard Feb. I5,'36tl I ■ . . . Jane and Katherine Lee Vitaphone Casino 10 Buster WestRadio Rubes Vitaphone Celebrities Jan. 25,'36tll Remington Singers Vitaphone Entertainers June 27,'36t . I rl.. Sylvia Froos Vitaphone Headliners Dec. I4t...l0.... Nick Lucas-Four Mullen Sisters Vitaphone Highlight Apr. 4,'36tl0 Eddie Peabody Vitaphone Hippodrome May 2,'36tll.... Molly Picon-Johnny Lee Vitaphone Spotlight Mar. 7,'36tll Conville-Dale Vitaphone Topnotches May 30,'36t Vitaphone Troupers Jan. 4,'36tl0 Four Trojans Aunt Jemima Vitaphone VarieW Nov. I6f I rl.. Louis Prima and Orch. Vitaphone Stageshow July 25,'36t.l rl. . BIG V. VOMEDIES Vodka Boatmen Oct. 5f...20 Yacht Club Boys Lonesome Trailer Oct. 26f...20 El Brendel Officer's Mess, The Nov. 9t 2 rls. Shemp Howard Double Exposure Nov. 23t ... 21 Bob Hope Lucky Swede, The Dec. 2lt...2l El Brendel While the Cat's Away Jan. 4,'36t20 Shemp Howard They're Off Jan. I8,'36t2l... Yacht Club Boys Slide, Nellie, Slide Feb. I,'36f2l Herman Bing Paula Stone Shop Talk Feb. I5,'36t2l Bob Hope Joe Palooka in for the Love of Pete Mar. I4,'36t2l Shemp HowardRobert Norton Calling All Tars Mar. 28,'36t2l Bob Hope Slum Fun Apr. Il,'36t2l Johnny Berkes Charles O'Donnell Dough-Nuts Apr. 25, '36t .2 rls. Yacht Club Boys Absorbing Junior May 9,'36f 21 . . . . Shemp HowardJohnny Berkes Joe Palooka in Here's Howe. June 6,'36t2l Shemp HowardRobert Norton Wife of the Party, The June 20,'36t22 Ken Murray Good Old Plumbertime, The .July 1 l,'36t.2 rls. Johnny Berkes The Oily Bird July 25,*36t .2 rls. Ken Murray Joe Palooka in Punch and Beauty Aug. 15, '36 Shemp HowardRobert Norton BROADWAY BREVITIES Dublin in Brass Sept. 7t..20... Morton Downey Oh. Evaline Sept. I4t. . .20 Hal LeRoy Eleanore Whitney Doorman's Opera Sept. 28t . . .20. . . . Charlotte Arren Johnny Broderick Tickets Please Oct. I2t...2l... Georgie Price Regular Kids Oct. 1 8t . 20 . . . Meglin Kids Check Your Sombrero Nov. 2t...2l... Armida-Tito Coral Rooftops of Manhattan Nov. I6t...2l... Deane Janis-Gil Lamb Trouble In Toyland Nov. 30t...20... Gus Edwards' Stars of the Future Okay, Jose Dec. 7t...2l... El Brendel Katz' Pajamas Dec. I4t...2l... Fifl D'Orsay Title Broadway Ballyhoo Owen, Hunt and Parco Carnival Days Henry Armetta Felix Knight Double or Nothing Phil Harris-Leah Ray Study and Understudy Between the Lines Bernice Claire King of the Islands Winifred ShawWarren Hymer Stars Can't Be Wrong, The Carolyn MarshHarris Twins Wash Your Step Hal LeRoy Preisser Sisters Paris in New York Irene Bordoni Black Network, The Nina Mae McKinney Nicholas Bros. College Dads Leon Janney Double Crossky, The Olga Baclanova I'm Much Obliged Vera Van-George Dobbs Maid for a Day Grace Hayes City's Slicker, The Dawn O'Day-Radio Rubes Romance in the Air Wini Shaw-Phil Regan Changing of the Guard.... Sybil Jason Rhythmitis Hal Le Roy-Toby Wing Song of a Nation, The Donald WoodsClaire Dodd When You're Single Cross and Dunn Rel. Date Min. Dec. 28t. . .21 Jan. Il,'36t2l Jan. I8,'36t2l Jan. 25,'36t22 Feb. 8,'36t22.... Feb. 22.'36t2l Feb. 29,'36t2l Mar. 7,'36t2l Mar. 2l,'36t22 Apr. 4,'36t22 Apr. I I,'36t2l . Apr. I8,'36t2l May 2,'36t2l May 23,'36t20 May 30,'36t.2 rls. . May I6,'36t June 6,'36t20.... June I3,'36t.2 rls. July 4,'36t20... July I8,'36t.2 rls. LOONEY TUNES No. 14 — Plane Dippy Dec. 21 1 7. No. 15 — Alpine Antics Jan. 4,'36t.7. No. 16— Phantom Ship, The. Feb. I,'36t.7. No. 17— Boom! Boom! Feb. 29,'36t .7. No. 18 — Blow Out, The Apr. 4,'36t.7. No. 19— Westward Whoa Apr. 25,'36t 7. No. 20— Fish Tales May 23,'36t .7 . No. 21 — Shanghaied Shipmates June 20.'36. .7. No. 22— Porky's Pet July ll,'36t.7. No. 23 — Porky's Moving Day Aug. I, '36 MELODY MASTERS Johnny Green and Orchestra Oct. 1 2t . Claude Hopkins and Orch. ..Nov. fit Red Nichols and Orchestra . Jan. 4,'36t B. A. Rolfe and Orchestra . . Feb. I,'36t Jolly Coburn and Orchestra. . Feb. 22,'36t Little Jack Little and Orchestra Mar. 2l,'36t Ramon Ramos and Orchestra. Apr. I8,'36t Dave A pel Ion and His Band. May I6,'36t Vincent Lopez and Orchestra June 6,'36t Carl Hoff and Orchestra July ll,'36t Clyde Lucas and Orchestra Nick Lucas and His Troubadours Aug. 15, '36. 10.. . 10. . . 10... H... II... 10. . . .1 rl. II... 36t.7. MERRIE MELODIES (In Color) No. 12 — Little Dutch Plate. Oct. I9t No. 13 — Billboard Frolics No. 14 — Flowers for Madame. Nov. 30t No. 15—1 Wanna Play House Jan No. 16 — Cat Came Back, The Feb. 8,'36t No. 17 — Miss Glory Mar. No. 18 — I'm a Big Shot Now Apr. No. 19 — Let It Be Me May No. 20 — I'd Love to Take Orders From You May I6.'36t No. 21 — Bingo Crosbyana. . . May 30,'36t No. 23— When I Yoo Hoo. . . Juno 27,'36t No. 24 — I Love to Singa...July I8.'36t No. 25 — Sunday Go to Meetin' Time Aug. 8, '36. OUR OWN UNITED STATES No. I — Curious Industries ... Sept. 7t... Harry Von Zell 7.'36. Il,'36t 2,'36t Title Rel. Date Min. No. 2 — Playground Oct. 5t...ll... James Wallington No. 3— Camera Hunting. ... Nov. 2t...ll Paul Douglas No. 4 — Nature's Handiwork . Nov. 30f...ll... No. 5 — Odd Occupations. ... Dec. 28t...l2... No. 6— Steel and Stone Jan. 25,'36t II No. 7— Day's Journey, A Feb. 22.'36f II No. 8 — Harbor Lights Mar. 2l,'36tl I . . . No. 9 — We Eat to Live Apr. I8,'36t 10. . . No. 10— Vacation Spots May I6,'36tl I No. II— Irons in the Fire. .June I3,'36t.l rl. No. 12 — Can You Imagine. .July ll,'36t.lrl. No. 13— For Sports Sake Aug. 8,'36 PEPPER POT Nutville Sept. 7T...I0... Radio Ramblers All American Drawback. .. .Oct. 5t 10. . . Edgar Bergen 'Wee' Men Nov. 2t . 10. . . Singer's Midgets Seein' Stars Nov. 30t...l0... Easy Aces P's and Cues Dec. 7t ...II... (Exploitation: Mar. 28, '36, p. 82.) Can It Be Done? Dec. 21 f 10 Wild Wings Jan. II,' 36t II... Some Class Feb. 8,'36tl0... Charles Ahearn Timber Giants Feb. 22,'36tl I . . . Half Wit-ness Mar. 2l,'36t. I rl. Radio Ramblers Beneath the Sea Apr. I8,'36t Pictorial Review June 27,'36t . I rl. Nut Guilty 10... When Fish Fight July 1 1, '36. 10... Whale Ho II... SERIALS 12 Episodes Each Unless Otherwise Specified Title Rel. Date Min. BURROUGHS-TARZAN New Adventures of Tarzan .June 10 2 rls. Herman Brix (each) MASCOT Fighting Marines, The Nov. 23t 2 rls. Grant Withers-George Lewis (Exploitation: July 25, '36 , p. 81.) REPUBLIC Darkest Africa 3530 Clyde Beatty (15 episodes) Robinson Crusoe Mala Undersea Kingdom 3581 Ray Corrigan-Lois Wilde Vigilantes Are Coming, The 3582 Robert LivingstonKay Hughes STAGE and SCREEN (Weiss-Mintz Black Coin, The (15 episodes) Clutching Hand. The Jack Mulhall Wm. Farnum) (also feature version) Custer's Last Stand Rex Lease-Lona Andre (also feature version) Serials) .Aug. I. '36. .Apr. I8l'36t.2 rls. (each) (1st episode, 3 rls., followed by 14 tworeel episodes.) .Jan. 2,*36t (1st episode, 5 rls., followed by 14 tworeel episodes.) UNIVERSAL Ace Drummond Oct. 19, '36 John King-Jean Rogers Adventures of Frank Merriwell Jan. I3,'36t Don Briggs-Jean Rogers Flash Gordon Apr. 6,'36t Buster Crabbe-Jean Rogers ( 13 episodes) Phantom Rider July 6,'36t Buck Jones-Maria Shelton (15 episodes) Rustlers of Red Dog Jan. 2 1 1 ... 20 John Mack Brown (each)