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Milling MobS t nmed nut for opening of Paramount's "High, Wide and Handsome." Heavy advance sale proves public is ready, willing and able to pay for entertainment that successfully blends drama, music, romance, comedy.
"Randy" Scott receives plaudits of audience
forfbest characterization and acting of his career. Gave vital interpretation of vital role.
treatment accorded picture by first-line metropolitan film critics
FRANK S. NUGENT, New York Times— Moves easily into the ranks of the season's best. Against it 'Showboat' was an effeminate piece. The Astor has the best show in town."'
WANDA HALE, Daily NeWS— "An active, exciting, colorful and thrilling
BLAND JOHANESON, Daily Mirror— "Produced on a giant scale, splendidly directed, played by a great cast, distinguished by a stimulating musical score. A unique and stunning film which will entertain any audience."
HOWARD BARNES, Herald-Tribune— "Prodigal and colorful reconstruction of an exciting period. Best described by the adjectives of its title."
WILLIAM BOEHNEL, World-Telegram— "Magnificent entertainment. A film of uncommon quality, a superb piece of picture -telling which nobody who finds pleasure in the cinema can afford to miss."
Oh Boy! Martha Raye, worn, tired, but happy, after record-breaking personal appearance with "Easy Living" (success) at Paramount Theatre, sums up her impression of "High, Wide and Handsome" for radio listeners with "Oh Bov!"
EILEEN CREELMAN, Sun —"Is a Cimarron' of the oil industry."
ROSE PELSWICK, Evening Journal —"Never forgets to be a slick adventure yarn, even though it's been filmed on a large and lavish scale. You'll enjoy the picture immensely."