Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1940)

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£0 MOTION PICTURE HERALD March 30, 1941 (.Continued from preceding page) Alvin Hables, Reel Joy Theatre, King City, Cal. General patronage. NORTHWEST PASSAGE: Spencer Tracy. Robert Young, Walter Brennan — Very, very fine picture. Splendid cast. Drew more than any picture 'we have had in our theatre in the winter in 20 years. — Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. NORTHWEST PASSAGE: Spencer Tracy, Robert Young, Walter Brennan— This is real entertainment and of the kind that does not come along often. This will please all classes, both young and old. Tracy was never better and Young was also good. Best midweek business in several months. Running time, 126 minutes. Played March 13-14.— J. F. Bobbin, Stearns Theatre, Stearns, Ky. Mining and small town patronage. NORTHWEST PASSAGE: Spencer Tracy, Robert Young, Walter Brennan— Metro has something here. This is tops in entertainment and BO. When Academy Awards are offered, Tracy and Brennan should be on receiving end. Running time, 126 minutes. Played February 25-27.— Fred Bailey, Virginia Theatre, Hazard, Ky. General patronage. SECRET OF DR. KILDARE: Lew Ayres, Lionel Barrymore, Laraine Day, Helen Gilbert — Good picture if you can get the people to come and see it. We couldn't. I think this is the best of this series to date and I believe it would have stood a Sunday playdate, but was afraid of it because the first two did not stand up on a Sunday date. Personally thought this was a very good piece of entertainment but Mr. and Mrs. John Public passed it up. Running time. 85 minutes. Played March 10— H. Williams, Stockton Theatre, Stockton, 111. Small town and rural patronage. SHOP AROUND THE CORNER: James Stewart. Margaret Sullavan, Frank Morgan— Pleased the majority. Will not go with the action fans. — Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. STRANGE CARGO: Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, Ian Hunter, Peter Lorre — Interesting drama. — Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. STRANGE CARGO1: Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Ian Hunter, Peter Lorre— Gable and Crawford get good support in this picture. Not the type for ladies and when they do not care for a picture you do not get big grosses. Running time, 113 minutes. Played March 3-5.— Fred Bailey, Virginia Theatre, Hazard, Ky. General patronage. THUNDER AFLOAT: Wallace Beery, Chester Morris, Virginia Grey — They just don't come any better. Good in nearly any spot, but weekend should go best. Beery's type of humer and action make the picture and it is just what the fans want to see him in. Running time, 95 minutes. Played March 8-10.— G. R. Borden, Jr., AM-BC Theatre. Blaine, Wash. General patronage. THUNDER AFLOAT: Wallace Beery, Chester Morris, Virginia Grey— Wallace Beery is always good and draws well here, but due to bad weather didn't make expenses. Thought this picture a little below Beery average. Played February 2-3. — Charles F. Dearman, Fox Theatre, Smithville, Tenn. Rural and small town patronage. Paramount ALL WOMEN HAVE SECRETS: Jean Cagney, Joseph Allen, Virginia Dale — Fine little family type film with a cast of Paramount's Golden Circle starlets, all of whom turn in nice performances. Running time, 74 minutes. Played February 22. — J. H. Abbott. Grant Theatre, Georgetown, Ohio. Small town and rural patronage. EMERGENCY SQUAD: William Henry, Robert Paige, Louise Campbell — No business. No cast names to draw 'em in. Fair story plot that just gets by as entertainment. Running time very short, about 55 minutes at best. — L. A. Irwin, Palace Theatre, Penacook, N. H. General patronage. GERONIMO: Preston Foster, Ellen Drew, Andy Devine, Ralph Morgan — Real good. Lots of action and yet some good serious stuff as well. Ralph Morgan does a perfect job. Andy Devine also extra good. Played March 8-9. — L. A. Irwin, Palace Theaatre, Penacook, N. H. General patronage. GERONIMO: Preston Foster, Ellen Drew, Andy Devine — Interesting and fast moving. Well acted. Pleased everyone. — Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. GERONIMO: Preston Foster, Andy Devine, Ellen Drew — Good show but lack of star value made it just another horse opera. — Alvin Hables, Reel Joy Theatre. King City, Cal. General patronage. GREAT VICTOR HERBERT: Allan Jones, Mary Martin, Walter Connolly — We were forced to accept a too high allocation of rental on this picture. We knew it wasn't the type for our town and requested a reallocation but with no success. "New York's orders," they said. Bad business resulted and the extra rental only aggravated our feeling about the engagement. New York would profit more by maintaining an exhibitors' good will than by cramming things he knows aren't good for him down his throat. Certainly these are shortsighted tactics on any count. Played March 13-14. — L. A. Irwin, Palace Theatre, Penacook, N. H. General patronage. GREAT VICTOR HERBERT: Allan Jones, Mary Martin, Victor Herbert — Very, very good. Beautiful music, fine singing by Jones and Miss Martin. Whole cast excellent. — Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. GREAT VICTOR HERBERT: Allan Jones, Mary Martin, Walter Connolly — A good feature that did not do any extra business. Some of the patrons did not like it. The music is very pleasing but it has more music than story in some parts of the picture. Running time, 90 minutes. Played March 4-6. — A. C. Stock, Iroquois Theatre, Petrolia, Ontario, Canada. Small town patronage. GREAT VICTOR HERBERT, THE: Allan Jones, Mary Martin, Walter Connolly — Good picture; fair business. This is not a small town picture. Running time, 90 minutes. — E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS: Color Cartoon FeatureFair. Just a long cartoon. Will draw the youngsters in but not the adults. — Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS: Max Fleischer's Color Cartoon Feature — Feature length cartoon in color which didn't go above average Sunday-Monday business except for school tieup, which helped. Suffers somewhat naturally by comparison with Disney's first, but is in itself a very satisfactory job. Color is splendid, songs are already hits and the movements of the characters considerably more smooth than anything yet produced. Running time, 76 minutes. Played February 18-19.— J. H. Abbott, Grant Theatre, Georgetown, Ohio. Small town and rural patronage. HONEYMOON IN BALI: Fred MacMurray, Madeline Carroll, Carolyn Lee — Swell show if you can get anyone to see it. A little girl steals the honors. —Alvin Hables. Reel Joy Theatre, King City, Cal. General patronage. JAMAICA INN: Charles Laughton, Maureen O'Hara, Emlyn Williams, Leslie Banks — Good action and suspense with fine acting. It had me sitting one the edge of the rewinder bench and the audience on the edge of their seats. However, the crowd was quite slim and the English accent was really quite bad in this one. They ought to put translated American titles on some of these English imports. Running time, 99 minutes. Played March 7. — W. Varick Nevins, III, Alfred Co-Op Theatre, Alfred, N. Y. — Small college town and rural patronage. KNIGHTS OF THE RANGE: Russell Hayden, Jean Parker — Double billed with "Blondie on a Budget." Produced by Harry Sherman for Paramount with Jean Parker and Russell Hayden of the Cassidy films in starring roles. Sunday-Monday date, breaking a single policy. — J. H. Abbott, Grant Theatre, Georgetown, Ohio. Small town and rural patronage. LIGHT THAT FAILED, THE: Ronald Colman, Walter Huston, Ida Lupino, Muriel Angelus — Very good. Colman as usual perfect. — Leon C. Bolduc. Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. REMEMBER THE NIGHT: Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray, Beulah Bondi. Elizabeth Patterson —Very well received and pleased. — Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General patronage. REMEMBER THE NIGHT: Fred MacMurray. Barbara Stanwyck, Beulah Bondi, Elizabeth Patterson— Fine, well rounded love story with a uniquetwist that failed to draw for us on a Sunday. Just average business but those who saw it liked it very much. Running time, 93 minutes. Played Februarv 25-26.— J. H. Abbott, Grant Theatre, Georgetown, Ohio. Small town and rural patronage. SANTA FE MARSHAL: William Boyd, Russell Hayden — A good Hopalong Cassidy feature that pleased. Running time, 68 minutes. Played March 14-16.— A. C. Stock, Iroquois Theatre, Petrolia, Ontario, Canada. Small town patronage. SANTA FE MARSHAL: William Boyd, Russell Hayden — We've just quit calling him William Boyd around these parts, neighbor. To banker and bartender, clerk and cobbler, he's Hopalong, and what they want to know is "When is your next Hoppy picture?" "Santa Fe Marshal" is the best yet and the photography is so beautiful that sometimes it steals slightly from the story taking place. Definitely one of the best action films in some time. Running time. 64 minutes. Played Februarv 23-24.— J. H. Abbott. Grant Theatre, Georgetown. Ohio. Small town and rural patronage. SEVENTEEN: Jackie Cooper, Betty Field— A fine juvenile film. — Leon C. Bolduc. Majestic Theatre, Conway. N. H. General patronage. SIDEWALKS OF LONDON: Charles Laughton. Vivien Leigh — Lots of unfavorable comments from our patrons on this picture and we agreed with them.— Leon C. Bolduc, Majestic Theatre, Conway, N. H. General Patronage. Republic COLORADO SUNSET: Gene Autrv. Smiley Burnett, June Storey, Buster Crabbe — One of the best Autrys. Ran this one old to turnaway business. Played March 9.— H. L. Capers, New Deal Theatre Gorman, Texas. Rural patronage. JEEPERS CREEPERS: Weaver Brothers and El viry, Roy Rogers — Just what the buckwheat town cry for. SRO. Running time, 69 minutes. Playe March 14-16. — L. Woody, Jr., Palace Theatre, Golde , City, Mo. Very small town and rural patronage. ROVIN' TUMBLEWEEDS: Gene Autry, Smile, Burnette, Mary Carlisle — Autry is sure tops here He gets more popular with every picture and h has what it takes to be popular. Business good a' usual. Running time, 62 minutes. Played Marc!' 13-14— E. W. Malone, Cozy Theatre, Colfax, Wis Rural patronage. SAGA OF DEATH VALLEY: Roy Rogers, Georgf; Hayes — Doubled with "Oh, Johnny, How You CaJ Love" (Universal). Business more than we coul< | handle both nights. — J. F. Bobbitt, Stearns Theatre Stearns, Ky. Mining and small town patronage. STREET OF MISSING MEN: Charles Bickford Harry Carey — Just an average program feature playe.: on the weak end of a double bill. Running time, 6 minutes. Played March 14-16. — A. C. Stock, Iro quois Theatre, Petrolia, Ontario, Canada. Small towi patronage. WOLF OF NEW YORK: Edmund Lowe, RosHobart — Good picture; fair business. Picture wa better than I expected. Running time, 70 minutes Played March 15-16.— E. M. Freiburger, Paramoun Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. RKO Radio ALLEGHENY UPRISING: John Wayne. Clair. Trevor, Brian Donlevy, George Sanders — Satisfactor: or slightly better. Interesting characters make the most of a simple plot. Average intake. Coupled wit! "The Amazing Mr. Williams" in co-feature program.. Played March 1-2.— L. A. Irwin, Palace Theatre Penacook, N. H. General patronage. ALLEGHENY UPRISING: John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Brian Donlevy, George Sanders — This coul< have been much better, as they had the outline of . fair story. Looks like they got in a hurry and the> sure missed their goal. With a good cast it is a shame to run them into the ground on one like this Outdoor pictures go big here, but after the first nighi it dropped off to nothing. Running time, 81 min-; utes. Played February 6-9.— G. R. Borden, Jr., AMi BC Theatre, Blaine. Wash. General patronage. ESCAPE TO PARADISE: Bobby Breen, Kent Tay lor — Even being very liberal minded we can see onl> enough story material in this dull picture for one tworeel short. None of Bobby's songs are outstanding, though he does them all well. This falls verv flat. Played March 15-16.— L. A. Irwin, Palace Theatre, Penacook, N. H. General patronage. HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: Charles Laughton, Maureen O'Hara, Sir Cedric Hardwicke. Thomas Mitchell, Basil Rathbone, Walter Hampden — Very good picture. Good business. Maureen O'Hara is truly attractive, and played her role nicely. Played March 3-4. — L. A. Irwin, Palace Theatre, Penacook. N. H. General patronage. THAT'S RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG: Kay Kyser and His Orchestra. Adolphe Menjou, May Robson, Edward Everett Horton, Lucille Ball — This is by far tnej best band picture I have ever run. Lots of comedy, surprisingly good acting for a musician and a novel plot all help to add their share to a typical Kyser program at the end. I thought this was a natural for the college students. Maybe it was but too much so; They couldn't wait to see it here. They had all, seen it before. I was very disappointed in the receipts, which were low the first night and practically] missing the second night. I don't pan a picture just because the intake was small. I usually consider a financial lemon to be my own fault, not the producer's. If fellows can sell vacuum cleaners from door to door to take a load off the floor, why can't we sell them something to take a load off their minds? Running time, 95 minutes. Played March 8-9. — W. Varick Nevins, III, Alfred Co-Op Theatre, Alfred, N. Y. Small college town and rural patronage. TIMBER STAMPEDE: George O'Brien, Marjorie ! Reynolds — A satisfactory western. Average business. Played March 5.— L. A. Irwin, Palace Theatre, Penacook. N. H. General patronage. Twentieth Century-Fox ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: Basil Rathbone, Ida Lupino, Nigel Bruce— This kept them away and disappointed the few that came. — Alvin Hables, Reel Joy Theatre, King City, Cal. Genera! patronage. BARRICADE: Alice Faye, Warner Baxter— Fair show with Faye wasted. When a singer gets there whv make an actress of her? Baxter is ageing but still a fine actor.— Alvin Hables, Reel Joy Theatre. King City, Cal. General patronage. CISCO KID AND THE LADY: Cesar Romero, Virginia Field, Marjorie Weaver— Pleasing show which might hit on a Saturday double. Made the mistake of thinking it mieht draw midweek. — Alvin Hables. Reel Joy Theatre, King City, Cal. General patronage. CITY OF DARKNESS: Sidney Toler, Lynn Bari