Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1940)

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March 30. I 940 MOTION PICTURE HERALD 101 (THE RELEASE CHART— CCNT'C) SHORT FILMS [Numbers immediately following title designate date reviewed; for example, (8-5-39) August 5, 1939. Numerals following review dates are production numbers.] COLUMBIA BROADWAY COMEDIES Title Rel. Date Min. All American Blondes (11-11-39) 1423 Oct. 20/39+17.... Andy Clyde Andy Clyde Gets Spring Chicken (12-30-39) 1426. Dec. I5.'39tl9.... A Plumbing We Will Go 1406 Apr. I9.'40t.2 rls. (3 Stooges) Awful Goof, The, 1427 Dec. 22,'39f-l7 Charley Chase Calling All Curs (9-9-39) 1401 Aug. 25,'39tl7'/2. . (3 Stooges) Glove Slingers (1-6-40) 1423 Nov. 24/39+18 (All Star) Heckler, The (2-10-40' 1430 Feb. I6,'40fl7 Charley Chase Mr. Clyde Goes to Broadway 1429 Feb. 2.'40f.2 rls. Andy Clyde Mooching Through Georgia (9-9-39) 9438 Aug. I l.'3S. 19 (All Star) Nothing But Pleasure (2-24-40) 1428 Jan. 5,'40+l7'/2. . Buster Keaton Oh, You Nazty Spy (2-24-40) 1404 Jan. 19/40+18 (3 Stooges) Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise (10-14-39) 1402 Oct 6,'39+l8'/2. . (3 Stooges) Pardon My Berth Marks (3-16-40) 1431 2Mar. 22/40 + 18 Buster Keaton Rattling Romeo 9436 July I4,'39.I7 Charley Chase Roekin' Thru the Rockies (3-16-40) 1405 Mar. 8/40+ l6'/2. ■ (3 Stooges) Skinny the Mooeher 1421... Sept. 8,'39*I6'/2. . Charley Chase Static in the Attie 1422.. . Sept. 22/39+19.... Walter Catlett Teachers Pest 1424 Nov. 3,'39t|6'/2. . Charley Chase Three Sappy People 1403. ..Dee. l,'39tl8'/2.. (3 Stooges) Trouble Finds Andy Clyde 9437 July 28. '39. 18 CINESCOPES Fashion Takes a Holiday (3-16-40) 1973 Mar. 8, '40+1 1 Threads of a Nation. The (2-10-40) 1972 Feb. 9/40+11 World of I960 (Futurama) (1-6-40) 1971 Dee. 22,'39t.9 COLOR RHAPSODIES Blackboard Revue 1508 Mar. 15. '40+. I ri.. Boy. a Gun and Birds, A (12-30-39) 1506 Jan. l2,'40t.7'/2.. Crop Chasers (10-14-39) 1502 Sept. 22,'39f.8 Dreams On Ice (10-7-39) 1503 Oct 20/39*. 6'/2.. Egg Hunt, The 1510 May 3l,'40t-7yi. . Greyhound and the Rabbit 1509 Apr. 19/40*. I rl.. Happy Tots' Expedition 1507 Feb. 9,'40f .6'/2. . Hollywood Sweepstakes (8-12-39) 9512 July 28, '39 . 8 Jitterbug Knights (9-9-39) 1501 Aug. 1 1. '39+. 7 Mother Goose In Swingtime 1505 Dee. I8.'39f.7 Mountain Ears (11-11 -39) 1504 Nov. 3.'39t.7... Nell's Yells 9511 June 30/39. .7 COLUMBIA TOURS Beautiful Switzerland (1-6-40) 1553 Nov. 17/39*10.... Historic Cities of India '552 Oct. 27/39*10.... Title Rel. Date Mln. Holland and the Zuyder Zee (1 1-25-39) 1551 Sept. I5,'39tl0... Life in Paris 1554 Dec. 22/39*11... Moroeeo 9556 Aug. 1 1 ,'39 . 1 0'/2 . New Hampshire 1555 Feb. 9. '40*. I rl. color Pleasure Bound in Canada 1557 May 3, '40*. I rl. Sojourn in India 9555 .July 7/39.. 9'/*. Unveiling Algeria 1556 Mar. I, '40'. I rl. COMMUNITY SING No. 9 9659 (Songs of the West) May 19, '39. 10... No. 10 (6-17-39) 9660 June 16, '39. 10... (Romance Songs) (New Series) No. I (9-9-39) 1651 Aug. 4.'39t.9... (Crosby Hit Songs) No. 2 1652 Sept. 8/39*. 9'/2. Old Time Songs) No. 3 1653 O-A. I3.'39tl0. . . (College Songs) No. 4 1654 Nov. I7,'39tll... (Stephen Foster Songs) No. 5 (2-10-40) 1655 Dec. 29/39*10... (Gypsy Songs) No. 6 1656 Mar. 8,'40t. I rl. No. 7 1657 Apr. I9,'40t.t rl. FABLE CARTOONS Barnyard Babies 1754 June I4.'40t.lrl. Park Your Baby (2-24-40) 1752 Dee. 22,'39t.6... Little Lost Sheep 1751 Oct. 6,'39t.7... Practice Makes Perfect 1753 Apr. 5,'40t.6... FOOLS WHO MADE HISTORY No. I (Elias Howe) (10-2-39) 1601 Sept. I.*39f II No. 2 (Charles Goodyear) 1602 Oet S.'39tl0'/2. . HAPPY HOUR Know Your H istory (Remakes from "March of Years") No. 3 9473 Apr. 21/39. II.... SPECIAL (HAPPY HOUR) No. I (11-11-39) 1520 (Book of Books) Oct. 6,*39tl0 No. 2 1521 (Building of Boys) Oct I2,'39tll KRAZY KAT CARTOONS 30. Golf Chumps 9705 Apr. 6, '39. .7 ... 31. Krazy's Shoe Shop 9706 May 12/39. .6 ... . MUSIC HALL VANITIES Montmartre Madness (6-3-39 ) 9964 Juno 30/39.10'/*.. Yankee Doodle Home (5-27-39) 9963 May 19/39.10.... PHANTASIES CARTOON Charm Bracelet, The (9-9-39) 1701 Sept. l/39t.6'/2.. Man of Tin 1704 Feb. 23/40+. I rl. Millionaire Hobo 1702 Nov. 24/39t.7... Mouse Exterminator, The (3-16-40) 1703 Ian. 26,'40t .6'/* . . News Oddities 1705 May I0,'40t.lrl. SCRAPPY CARTOONS Scrappy's Rodeo 9756 June 2/39.-6... Worm's Eye View, A (5-20-39 ) 9755 Apr. 28/39. .7... SCREEN SNAPSHOTS No. 9 (5-20-39) 9859 May 12/39.10 No. 10 9860 May 26/39. 10. . . No. 1 1 9861 June 15/39.10 No. 12 (8-19-39) 9862 July 28/39.10 (New Series) No. I (10-14-39) 1851 (Art of Makeup) Sept. 22/39*. 9'/2., No. 2 (11-18-39) 1852 (Training Animal Stars) .Nov. 10/39+10... No. 3 1853 (Novelty Parties) Dee. 1/39*10.... No. 4 1854 (Trip Thru Studios) Jan. 5/40+10 No. 5 (3-16-40) 1855 (Art in Hollywood) Feb. 23/40+. I rl.. No. 6 1 856 Mar. 29/40*. I rl.. No. 7 1857 May 3/40+.I rl.. SPORT THRILLS Big Fish (9-9-39) 9810. ..Aug. 18/39.10 Bows and Arrows 1801 Oet. 6/39+. 9 Catch of the Season Apr. I9,'40t. I rl. . Flying Targets (3-16-40) 1804 Feb. I 6. '4010 Jai Alai (1-6-40) 1802 Nov. 30/39+ .8'/2 . . Jockeys Up (6-17-39) 9807. June 2/39. .9'/*. . Rough House Fiesta 1805. .Mar. 8,'40t1 rl. . Skiing Technique 1803 Jan. I9.'40f.lrl.. Technique of Tennis (6-17-39) 9808 June 30/39. .8'/2 . . Title Rel. Date Mln. There Goes Rusty (8-26-39) 9809 July 15/39. IO'/2. WASHINGTON PARADE No. 3 (5-27-39) 9903 (Inside the Capitol) Apr. 28/39.10... No. 4 9904 (Library of Congress) Aug. 4/39.10... 1939-40 No. I (M-25-39) 1901 Nov. 20/39*11... (Smithsonian Institution) No. 2 (2-17-40) 1902 Dee. 29/39tll... (U. S. Treasury) No. 3 1903 Feb. 9,*40f II ( Federal Bureau of Investigation) MGM Title Rel. Date Min. CARTOONS (Color) Art Gallery (6-3-39) W-886 May 13/39. .9... (Color) Bear That Couldn't Sleep (7-15-39) (W-887) June 10/39. .9... Blue Danube, The (12-23-39) W-891 Dee. 16/39.. 7... Bookworm, The (9-16-39) W-889 Aug. 26/39. .9... Fishing Bear, The (2-3-40) W-83 Jan. 20/401.8... Home on the Range W-85..Mar. 23/40*. I rl. Goldilocks and the Three Bears (7-22-39) W-888..July 13/39.11... Mad Maestro, The (2-3-40) W-82 Dee. 30/39*. 8. .. . One Mother's Family (11-11-39) W-890 Sept. 30/39 . 9.... Peace on Earth (12-9-39) W-81 Dec. 9/39*. 9 Puss Gets the Boot (3-9-40) W-84 Feb. 10/40*. 9.... CRIME DOESN'T PAY No. 23— Help Wanted (7-1-39) P-814 June 10/39.21... Tom Neal-Jo Ann Sayers No. 24— Think First (10-21-39) P-815 Sept. 9/39.21... Laraine Day-Ann Morriss No. 25 — Drunk Driving (10-28-39) P-816 Oct. 28/39.21 Dick Purcell-Jo Ann Sayers No. 26 — Pound Foolish (1-27-40) P-l Dee. 23,'39t20.... Neil Hamilton-Lynn Carver No. 27 — Know Your Money (2-3-40) P-2 Jan. 27/40*21.... Dennis Morgan-Noel Madison No. 28— Jack Pot P-3 Mar. 9/40+19.... FITZPATRICK TRAVELTALKS Calling on Colombia T-59..Mar. 16/40*. 8 Colorful Curacao (7-29-39) T-862 ". May 27/39.. 9... Day on Treasure Island, A (9-30-39) T-51 Sept. 2,'39tll Land of Alaska Nellie (2-3-40) T-55 Dec. 23/39* .9 Natural Wonders of Washington State (10-21-39) T-52 Oet 7/39t-9 Night Descends on Treasure Island (3-9-40) T-57.Jan. 20/40*. 8 Old Natchez (2-10-40) T-56 Dee. 30/39t.9 Picturesque Udaipur (7-15-39) T-861 May 13/39 . 8.... Quaint St. Augustine (12-2-39) T-53 Nov. 4/39t.9... Seattle, Gateway to Northwest T-58 Feb. 17/40*. 9 Sitka and Juneau T-60 Irl.. Valiant Venezuela (12-30-39) T-54 Nov. 25,'39t.9 MGM MINIATURES Ash Can Fleet (10-21-39) M-72 Sept. 9,'39tll Robert Warwick Door Will Open, A, M-78.Mar. 9/!.. Dalies Frantz-Lynn Carver Failure at 50, A (11-18-39) M-73 Oet. 7/39+10.... Truman BradleyJack Mulhall Greener Hills, The (7-15-39) M-880 May 27/39.11 Emmett Vogan-Grace Stafford Hollywood Hobbies (6-17-39) M-878 May 13/39.10 Sally Payne-Joyce Compton Mendelssohn's Wedding March (12-2-39) M-74..Nov. 4/39t.8.... Title Rel. Date Min. Miracle at Lourdes (1-20-40) M-75 Dee. 30/39*11... G. P. Huntley. Jr. Jo Ann Sayers f Septal Old South, The (2-3-40) M-77 Jan. 20/ 40*11... Northward Ho! (3-9-40) 80-X Feb. I0.'40t.9... (Sepia) Prophet Without Honor (6-17-39) M-879 May 20/39.11... Tom Neal Rhumba Rhythm (9-9-39) M-71 Sept. 2/39*11... Mary Treen-Sally Blaine (Sepia) Where Turf Meets Surf (2-24-40) M-76 Jan. 6,'40tll... Sally Paine-Mary Treen (Sepia) OUR GANG All About Hash C-136 Mar. 30/40*. I rl. Auto Antics (9-16-39) C-942 July 22/39.10... Alfalfa s Double (2-3-40) C-134 Jan. 20/40*11... Big Premiere, The C-l35..Mar. 9,'40tl0... Captain Spanky's Showboat (10-28-39) C-I3I Sept. 9,'39tll... Cousin Wilbur (6-17-39) C-939 Apr. 29/39.10... Dad for a Day (12-2-39) C-132 Oet. 2l/39tM... Dog Daze (7-29-39) July 1/39. II... Time Out for Lessons (1-6-40) C133 Dee. 2/39+1 1... Joy Scouts (7-29-39) June 24/39.10... Tiny Troubles (3-25-39) C-936 Feb. 18/39.10... PASSING PARADE (Sepia) No. 5— (6-17-39) K-925...May 20/39.10... (Angel of Mercy) (Sepia) No. 6— (6-17-39) K-926...June 17/39 .9... (Yankee Doodle Goes to Town) No. 7 — Giant of Norway (7-22-39) K-927 June 24/39.11... No. 8 — Story That Couldn't Be Printed (9-16-39) K-928 July 22/39.11... No. 9 — One Against the World (9-16-39) K-929..Aug. 19/39.11... No. 10 — Unseen Guardians (10-14-39) K-930 Aug. 26/39.11.... No. 1 1 — Forgotten Victory (12-23-39) K-I2I Dec. 9.'39tll..., (Sepia) No. 12— XXX Medico K-122 Mar. 30/40*. 10..., (Sepia) PETE SMITH SPECIALTIES Culinary Carving (8-12-39) S-910 July 1/39.. 9 Domineering Male, The S-107 Mar. 30/40*10 Football Thrills of 1938 (10-14-39) S-912 Sept. 16/39.10..., Let's Talk Turkey (12-2-39) S-IOI Oet. 28/39*11 Maintain the Right (1-27-40 S-104 Jan. 13/40*10.... Poetry of Nature (7-8-39). May 17/39.10..., (Sepia) Radio Hams (6-17-39) S 908 May 20/39.10.... Romance of the Potato (1-6-40) S-103 Dee. 9. '39*. 9 (Sepia) Set 'Em Up (10-21-39) S-913 Oet. 7/39.10.... Ski Birds (11-25-39) S-l02.Nov. 18/39*. 8 Stuffie (3-9-40) S-106 Mar. 2/40.11 Take a Cue (9-16-39) S-9II Aug. 12/39.. 8 (Sepia) Weather Wizards (4-22-39) S-907 Apr. 8Z39..9 Whafs Your I. Q? (3-9-40) S-105 Feb. 8/40*. 8 ROBERT B ENCH LEY Dark Magic (5-27-39) F-956 May 13/39.10 Day of Rest, The (10-21-39) F-I4I Sept 6/39*. 9 Home Early (6-17-39) F-957 May 27/ 39.. 9 Home Movies (3-9-40) F-144 Feb. 17/40*. 7