Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1940)

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: April 6, 1940 MOTION PICTURE HERALD 13 SUGGEST BLOCKS OF 4 T0 10 MAXIMUM (Continued from opposite page) tration, and the plan provides for the setting up in each exchange district of a panel of wellinformed, capable men with no connection with the industry, from whom selection could be made of an individual jointly agreeable to the distributor and exhibitor whose controversy he is to hear. This designation probably would be made through a central board which, in the event that two parties could not agree, would appoint a referee. The central board would be headed by a "national administrator." The district arbitrator would then hear the dispute and render a decision, in which he could assess the costs of the proceeding against either or both contestants and could impose such penalties for liquidated damages as he saw fit in cases where the act of one party caused a monetary loss to the other. Before these arbitrators would come all controversies over protection, overbuying and other exhibitor-distributor trade relations problems. Exhibitors and distributors, themselves, once their case went to arbitration, would have no standing other than that of pleader and respondent. Appeals to Central Board Appeals from unsatisfactory decisions of the Board of Arbitrators would be heard by a central arbitration board, probably designated by the federal court under the consent decree, to be heard by a neutral member with technical advice given by two other members representing, respectively, distribution and exhibition. Present proposals contemplate a nominal assessment of 5 or 10 cents on each picture licensed anywhere in the United States to meet the costs of maintaining the boards. (Note: Reports in New York Tuesday indicated that regulations governing the establishment and functioning of arbitration boards as now proposed might prove fatal to the current efforts to reach an out-of-court settlement of the Government's New York anti-trust suit.) Certain conditions sought by the Government on the settlement, defendants in the suit feel, might require enabling legislation before they can be accepted. Vital Factors The boards would be vital industry factors under any consent decree which may be reached and the defendants, as well as the Government, may be expected to guard their interests jealously in determining their set-up and functions, it was reported. Personnel of the boards is of first importance to both sides and an agreement on this point alone was said to be regarded in some quarters as likely to be most difficult, even to the point of endangering an ultimate settlement of the suit. Under the plan suggested, every sort of controversy which might arise between exhibitor and distributor could be taken to arbitration. Unlike some of the arbitration systems used in the past, there could be no claims that it was "loaded" in favor of any interest, since the men refereeing the cases would be mutually selected and would themselves have no interest in the industry or the matters at issue. The aim of the Department of Commerce in developing the suggestions which are now being considered is described in Washington as being intended to free the industry as much as possible from actual, direct Government control while at the_ same time putting a strict check-rein upon any interest which attempted to use unfair methods. That, it is said, applies to exhibition as well as distribution, and the arbitration plan contemplates a curb on "hold-up" cases which (Continued on following page) U.S. Lists 103 More Witnesses For Its Key New York Trust Suit The United States Government, proceeding with its "key" New York trust prosecution of the major film companies, on Tuesday filed a supplemental bill of particulars listing 103 additional instances, involving 149 independent theatres, in which the majors are charged with coercion by either refusing to sell product, acquiring an interest in the independent theatre, or threatening to build in opposition. On March 6th, the Department of Justice filed 5 50 names of independents who were cited as having knowledge of monopoly in their territories. The Government's new list, containing the name and place of the independent and the name of the major defendant who is accused of having coerced the independent, follows: ARKANSAS— R. V. McGinnis, New— Hope (Paramount); Saul Harris and Ike Kempner, Gem, Royal and Kempner— Little Rock (Paramount) ; Arkansas Theaters, Inc., Arkansas— Little Rock (Paramount). ARIZONA— Nick Diamos, unknown— Bisbee (Paramount). CALIFORNIA— Russell Rogers, Nile— Bakersfield (20th-Fox); Russell Rogers, Palace — Long Beach (20th -Fox); Arnold Schaak, Long Beach — Long Beach (20th-Fox); Dave Bershon, Leimert — Los Angeles (20th -Fox); Max Schotiner, Melrose, Ravena, Parisian — Los Angeles (20th-Fox); A. L. Gore, and Mike Gore, Irish — Los Angeles (20th-Fox); Robert Gumbiner, Tower — Los Angeles (20th-Fox); H. Herond and Mark M. Hanson, Arroyo, Western — Los Angeles (20th-Fox); Joe Leo, Los Angeles — Los Angeles (20thFox) ; Gus Metzger, Fairfax — Los Angeles (20th-Fox); Simon Lazarus, Lyric — Monrovia (20th-Fox); Roy Hunt, Golden Gate, Riverside, Rubigous — Riverside (20th -Fox); Russell Rogers, Mission, Plaza, Aztec — San Jose (20th -Fox); George Nasser, New Mission, New Filmore — San Francisco (20th-Fox); Simon Lazarus, Rialto, Ritz — South Pasadena (20th-Fox). COLORADO— DeWitt C. Webber, Webber— Denver (20th -Fox); Charles Mclntyre, America — Sterling (20th -Fox). FLORIDA — Jesse Brown, Wallace — Bradenton (Paramount); M. Pitman, Clearwater — Clearwater (Paramount) ; E. C. Hall, Delray — Delray Beach (Paramount) ; Herbert Wales, Euston — Euston (Paramount); Charles Walder, Tivoli — Miami (Paramount); M. Beacham, Beacham — Orlando (Paramount) ; Guy M. Ragan, Garden — Sarasota (Paramount); B. E. Gore, Nebraska — Tampa (Paramount) ; B. E. Gore, Garden — Tampa (Paramount). GEORGIA— O. O. Gaston, Lincoln— Thomasville (Paramount). IDAHO— Joseph George, Rio— Idaho Falls (20thFox); A. B. Grosman, Rialto, Capitol— Pocatello (20thFox). ILLINOIS — Joseph Desberger, Gem— Alton (Paramount). INDIANA— Lewis Cochavety, Blackstone— South Bend (Paramount). IOWA— Vern S. Brown, Rialto— Missouri Valley (Paramount); Ludy Bosten; Uptown — Muscatine (20thFox) ; Bruno Pierce, Joe Stack, Mahaska, Princess, Rivoli, Strand — Oscaloosa (Paramount) ; A. B. Friedman, Sol Shulkin, Iowa, Hipp — Sioux City (Paramount). KENTUCKY— Lee W. Moffit, Saville— Owensboro (Paramount). LOUISANA— W. S. Samuel, Lamar Hargrove, New Realart — DeRidder (Paramount) ; James E. Chauvin, Wallace Hepler, Fox — Houma (Paramount); Paul Blanchet, Royal Liberty — Lafayette (Paramount); William Kreisle, New Opera House — Morgan City (Paramount); Harry Suddath, Amusu — Matchitoches (Paramount) ; Kalil Slinam, Evangeline — New Iberia (Paramount) ; C. &. C. Enterprises, Inc., Glenwood, Centenarey — Shreveport (Paramount). MAINE— Willard B. Harwood, Strand— Gardner (Paramount-Publix) ; Abraham Goodside, Strand — Portland (Paramount-Publix). MASSACHUSETTS— Walter V. Littlefield, Eggleston — Boston (Paramount) ; Nathan Yamins, Nathan Yamins Theatre — Fall River (Paramount-Publix); George Ramsdell, Granada, Strand, Mystic, Orpheum — Maiden (Loew's). MICHIGAN— W. A. Cassidy, Frolic, Mecca— Midlands (Paramount). MINNESOTA— Joseph Friedman, Tower— St. Paul (Paramount). MISSISSIPPI— H. H. Alexander, Crescent— Belzani (Paramount); E. D. Lawrence, Ritz — Laurel (Paramount); Mrs. F. L. Marshall, Strand— Temple (Paramount); Independent Theatres, Inc., Strand — Vicksburg (Paramount); Mrs. A. J. DeZoto, Yazoo — Yazoo City (Paramount). MISSOURI— G. L. Hooper, Tiger— Carthage (20thFox) ; Frank C. Grubel, Paramount — Joplin (20thFox); A. C. Bowman, Arbo— Nevada (20th-Fox). NEBRASKA— George L. Monroe, Rivoli— Hastings (Paramount); George L. Monroe, Empress — Kearney (Paramount) ; Ralph C. Goldberg, Omaha, State — Omaha (Paramount). NEW JERSEY— Eugene Mori, Landi— Vineland (Warners). NEW MEXICO— Joseph Barnett, Sunshine, ChiefAlbuquerque (Paramount); Victor Bachechi Kino, Messa — Albuquerque (Paramount). NEW YORK— B. S. Moss, Criterion— New York (Loew's); Benjamin Bordenaro, Palace — Olean (Warners) ; W. W. Farming, State, Erie, Strand, Van Curler — Schenectady (RKO). NORTH CAROLINA — Ellis Blumenthal, GranadaLexington (Paramount) ; Ellis Blumenthal, Carolina — Lexington (Paramount). NORTH DAKOTA— Benny Berger, Metropolitan, Strand, Orpheum — Grand Forks (Paramount). OHIO— Theodore and Gus Chifos, Strand— Middletown (Paramount) ; Earl Seitz, State, Sandusky — Sandusky (Warners). PENNSYLVANIA— Harry Fried, Suburban— Ardmore (Warners) ; Joseph Wodozk, County — Doylestown (Loew's) ; Charles Segall, Bromley — Philadelphia (Warners) ; George Graves, Carman — Philadelphia (Warners) ; William Freihoffer, Nixon, Tower, Frankford, Roosevelt — Philadelphia (Paramount); William Goldman, Terminal — Philadelphia (Warners) ; H. A. Batastiny, Alpine — Punxsutawney (Warners) ; I. Ouslander, Pinebrook — Granton (Paramount) ; Harry Fried, Wayne, Saville — Wayne and Grenmore (Warners). SOUTH DAKOTA-Richard H. Wagner, Topical, Royal — Sioux Falls (Paramount) ; Carl P. Knudsen, State — Watertown (Paramount). TEXAS— R. P. Condron— Harlinger (Paramount); W. H. Powers, unknown — Henderson (Paramount) ; I. V. Adelman, Delman — Houston (Paramount) ; Ruben Frels, Victoria, Uptown — Victoria, Normana — El Tarnpo, L'Arcade — Yorktown, Orphic — Columbus, Alamo — Bellville (Paramount); Z. E. Hann, State— Wichita Falls (Paramount). UTAH— W. Vosco Call, Capitol, Brigham City (20thFox). VIRGINIA— J. V. Trent, Trenton— Lynchburg (Paramount). WEST VIRGINIA— Don Tapulias, Capitol— Wheeling (Warners) ; J. M. Ulmer, Capitol — Wheeling (Warners). WISCONSIN— William L. Amesworth, three unnamed theatres — Fend du Lac (20th-Fox); J. Zanias, Myers — Janesville (20th-Fox); August Berkholtz, New Menasha — Menasha (20th-Fox); George Fischer, National, Milwaukee — Milwaukee (Warners) ; Edward F. Mertz, Zenith — Milwaukee (20th-Fox): Harry Perelwitz, Astor, Jackson — Milwaukee (20th-Fox); Joseph Luntz, Uptown — Racine (20th-Fox).