Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1943)

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54 MANAGERS' ROUND TABLE July 31, 1943 VARIETY AND REVERSE ADS "DISNEY'S GREATEST FILM! Most amazing thing that ever came out of a Disney studio . . . maybe out of Hollywood ... a masterpiece" — Daily Mirror * if*""" " Eitriordinary iccomplishmem" A Fell-Length Sensation Baled on the Book by MAJOR De SEVERSKY. Released thru United ArtilhO AIR-CONDITIONED Here is an effective and eye-arresting idea that can be utilized for any attraction. Exceptionally good for teasers or personal messages. Originated from James R. Nairn, ad director for Famous Players Canadian. The effectiveness of this ad is its simplicity and profuse use of white space. It appeared in the N. Y. dailies. <2 Illustrating again effective use of reverse backgrounds is this hold-over from Robert Paskow, Warner ad head, in Newark, N. J. THE BIGGEST CROWDS IN SHEA'S HISTORY SAY THAT JAMES CAGNEY IN YANKEE DOODLE DANDY IS THE GREATEST MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT EVER OFFERED TO TORONTO MOVIE-GOERS! STARTS ITS THIRD WEEK TOMORROW! n UhbAK ttUMtttU , The Fulton theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa., tied the headlines into a recent ad by this effective method. John Walsh, manager, was responsible.