Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1943)

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"I urge every exhibitor to attend the Trade Shows of LASSIE COME HOME ALBANY 20th-Fox Screen Room 1052 Broadway TUES. 8/24 8.00 P.M. ATLANTA 20th-Fox Screen Room 197 Walton St., N.W. TUES. 8/24 10.30 A.M. BOSTON M-G-M Screen Room 46 Church St. TUES. 8/24 10 A.M. & 2:15 P.M. BUFFALO 20th-Fox Screen Room 290 Franklin St. TUES. 8/24 8 P.M. CHARLOTTE 20th-Fox Screen Room 308 South Church St. TUES. 8/24 1:30 P.M. CHICAGO H. C. Igel's Screen Room 1301 S. Wabash Ave. TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. CINCINNATI RKO Screen Room 16 East Sixth Street TUES. 8/24 7 P.M. CLEVELAND 20th-Fox Screen Room 2219 Payne Avenue TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. DALLAS 20th-Fox Screen Room 1803 Wood Street TUES. 8/24 2:30 P.M. DENVER Paramount Screen Room 2100 Stout Street TUES. 8/24 2:30 P.M. DES MOINES 20th-Fox Screen Room 1300 High Street TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. DETROIT Max Blumenthal's Sc. Rm. 2310 Cass Avenue TUES. 8/24 1:30 P.M. INDIANAPOLIS 20th-Fox Screen Room 326 No. Illinois Street TUES. 8/24 9 A.M. KANSAS CITY Vogue Theatre 3444 Broadway TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. LOS ANGELES 20th-Fox Screen Room 2019 S. Vermont Ave. TUES. 8/17 2:30 P.M. MEMPHIS 20th-Fox Screen Room 151 Vance Avenue TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. MILWAUKEE Warner Screen Room 212 W. Wisconsin Ave. TUES. 8/24 1:30 P.M. MINNEAPOLIS 20th-Fox Screen Room 1015 Currie Avenue TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. NEW HAVEN 20th-Fox Screen Room 40 Whiting St. TUES. 8/24 10 A.M. NEW ORLEANS 20th-Fox Screen Room 200 South Liberty TUES. 8/24 1:30 P.M. NEW YORK I NEW JERSEY ) M-G-M Screen Room 630 Ninth Avenue TUES.8/17 10:30 A.M.&2-.30 P.M. OKLA'MA CITY 20th-Fox Screen Room 10 North Lee Street TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. OMAHA 20th-Fox Screen Room 1502 Davenport TUES. 8/24 1:15 P.M. PHILADELPHIA M-G-M Screen Room 1233 Summer Street TUES. 8/24 11 A.M. PITTSBURGH 20th-Fox Screen Room 1715 Blvd. of Allies TUES. 8/24 2 P.M. PORTLAND B. F. Shearer Screen Rm. 1947 N.W. Kearney St. TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. ST. LOUIS S'Renco Screen Room 3143 Olive St. TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. SALT LAKE CITY 20th-Fox Screen Room 216 East First St., Sourn TUES. 8/24 I P.M. S. FRANCISCO 20th-Fox Screen Room 245 Hyde Street TUES. 8/24 1:30 P.M. SEATTLE Jewel Box Preview Theatre 2318 Second Avenue TUES. 8/24 1 P.M. WASH., D. C. 20th-Fox Screen Room 932 New Jersey, N.W. TUES 8/24 1 P.M.