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Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1943)

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August 7 , I 943 OBITUARIES 60 MOTION PICTURE HERALD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ten cents per word, money-order or check with copy. Count initials, box number and address. Minimum insertion, $1. Four insertions, for the price of three. Contract rates on application. No borders or cuts. Forms close Mondays at 5 P. M. Publisher reserves the right to reject any copy. Film and trailer advertising not accepted. Classified advertising not subject to agency commission. Address copy and checks: MOTION PICTURE HERALD, Classified Dept., Rockefeller Center, New York. NEW EQUIPMENT SUPER QUALITY 868 PHOTOCELLS, $4.95; Bausch-Lomb 6" Series II lenses, $29.50; 1000 watt stereopticons, $35; 500 watt baby spots, $9.75; Superior Atlas 1942 projector mechanisms, $595; Presto automatic changeovers, pair, $55.75; !6mm. 1600' reels, $2 55. Late Summer Bargain Bulletin now ready. S.' O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., New York 18. UNDERWRITERS APPROVED QUART FIRE extinguishers, $11.25; automatic enclosed rewinders, less motor, $59.50; Trubluelite shutters, Simplex front, rear or Powers, each $4.95; ticket boxes 40" high with sliding door and hopper, less glass, $12.95. Ask for Rem-7 Late Summer Jubliee Sale Bulletin. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., New York 18. HELP WANTED WANTED EXPERIENCED PROJECTIONIST TO act as assistance to chief projectionist. Must be sober and reliable. Capable handling advertising matter. Draft exempt and capable becoming chief projectionist. Non-union, small town, independent theatre. Advise salary expected and when can report first letter. BOX 1653, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. THEATRES WANTED TO BUY GOOD THEATRE IN TEXAS, Oklahoma, Arizona or New Mexico. If you have a sound propostion for sale send complete details with all information immediately. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 807, Big Spring, Tex. USED EQUIPMENT 1/3 TON REFRIGERATING 110-V d. c. ROOM cooler, $37.50; three unit Simplex ticket machine, $345; air washer spray nozzles, $1.25; soda-acid, Foamite 2J4 gallon fire extinguishers, $20; thousand watt spotlights on stands, $29.50; dimmers from $9.95; rebuilt Imperial vacuum cleaner, $14.95. Late Summer Bargain Bulletin ready— get yours. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., New York 18. BUY CHAIR PARTS NOW. CUSHION BACKS, irons, etc. Large variety in stock. ALLIED SEATING CO., INC., 36 West 13th St., New York City. FOR SALE: ACTODECTOR MOTOR GENERAtor, 220 volt, 3 phase, 30-50 amp, rheostat, resistors, good as new, price $600. ADDRESS PUEBLO THEATRE, Ruidoso, New Mex. BOOKKEEPING SYSTEM THEATRE MANAGEMENT RECORD AND TAX Register. This new accounting system is the finest book of its kind ever made available to an exhibitor. In addition to being complete in every respect, it is simple — so much so that it is not necessary to have had bookkeeping experience in order to keep an accurate, complete and an up-to-minute record of the business of your theatre. The introductory price is only $2.00 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, Rockefeller Center, New York. Manager on Coast Trip Charles Moss, managing director of the Criterion theatre in New York, left for the coast this week to look at pictures scheduled for future bookings at his theatre. "Hers to Hold" is now in its third week at the Criterion, with "We've Never Been Licked" coming next. Both are Universal alms. WANTED TO BUY TICKET REGISTERS AND CHANGE MACHINES -all models. Give details. BOX 1644, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. ANYTHING IN 16MM. OR 35MM. SOUND PROjectors, rectifiers, generators, sound equipment. BOX 1654, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. EDISON PEEP-BOX MACHINE, EDISON SPOOLbank, Edison universal and old models projection heads. DUNSTON, 306 W. 33rd St., Norfolk, Va. ANY TYPE OF ALL ELECTRIC FRENCH FRY pop corn machine. Must be in working order. Krispy Kist Korn Machine Co., 120 S. Halsted, Chicago 6, 111. BUSINESS BOOSTERS BINGO CARDS, DIE CUT, 1 TO 100 OR 1 TO 75, $2.00 per thousand, $17.50 for 10,000. S. Klous, care of MOTION PICTURE HERALD. BOOKS THE 1943-44 INTERNATIONAL MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC is now on the press. Will contain more than 12,000 biographies of players, directors, writers, technicians and executives. The biographical section is an exclusive feature. In addition it will include more than 1,250 pages crammed with motion picture facts and figures covering every phase of the business. Supply will be limited. Be sure to get your copy. Order it today! Price $3.25 prepaid in U. S. A. $5 elsewhere. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, Rockefeller Center, New York City. COMPLETELY REVISED 7TH EDITION OF Richardson's Blue book of Projection with treatise on Television and complete Sound Trouble -Shooting Charts, as well as a host of additional up-to-the-minute text on sound and projection equipment. Order Nowl $7.25 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, Rockefeller Center, New York City. SOUND TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTS. A handy tool in the booth. Gives the answers to all questions regarding trouble shooting on every type of sound equipment. $1.00 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, Rockefeller Center, New York. MOTION PICTURE SOUND ENGINEERING 547 pages; illustrated; covers every practical method and process in present-day sound engineering. Leading engineers explain every detail of apparatus and its arrangement, with diagrams, tables, charts and graphs. This manual comes straight from the workshops of the studios in Hollywood. It is indispensable to everyone working with sound equipment. Price $6.50 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, Rockefeller Center, New York. NEW 567 PAGE BOOK ON AIR CONDITIONING, by Charles A. Fuller, authority on the subject. Available for theatre owners contemplating engineering changes. Book is cloth bound with index and chart* and covers every branch of the industry as well at codes and ordinances regulating installation. Order now at $4.00 a copy postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, Rockefeller Center, New York. TRAINING SCHOOLS THEATRE EMPLOYEES: TRAIN FOR BETTER positions. Learn modern theatre management and advertising. Big opportunities for trained men. Established since 1927. Write now for free catalog. THEATRE MANAGERS SCHOOL. Elmira, N. Y. Serves MGM 25 Years James W. Tyler, head shipper in MetroGoldwyn-Mayer's Washington exchange, last week was given a surprise party and two $100 War Bonds on behalf of Nicholas M. Schenck, president, and William F. Rodgers, general sales manager, for having served the company for 25 years. Mrs. Karl Hoblitzelle Dies; Wife of Interstate Head Mrs. Karl Hobl^j die, the former Ester Walker of the stage and wife of the Interstate Circuit's president, died in Dallas on July 28th after an illness of several months. She had returned recently to Dallas from the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. She was well-known in Dallas for her philanthropic work, in which she had been engaged for the past 23 years. Until a short while ago, she was engaged actively in such activities as the Red Cross, British War Relief and civilian defense. Services were held last Friday with interment in Belfontaine Cemetery, St. Louis. She is survived by her husband ; her mother, Mrs. Ella Thomas, Louisville ; three sisters and four brothers. Owen Nares Was British Stage and Film Star Owen Nares, 55, British actor who appeared on the stage and in films in England for more than 35 years, died on July 31st in Brecon, Wales. He had been touring Army training camps prior to his death. His first appearance was at the age of 16 when he made his debut at the Haymarket theatre in London. Thereafter, he toured South Africa. His film roles included parts in "Office Girl," "Woman in Chains," "Aren't We all?" and "The Loves of Madame DuBarry." In 1942, he was seen by American audiences in his last picture assignment, "The Prime Minister." Sada Cowan Sada Cowan, 60, playwright and novelist who wrote screenplays during the days of silent films, died in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Los Angeles on July 31st. She married Dr. Ernest L. Commons in 1929, later obtaining a divorce. At her own request, there were no funeral services. Benjamin Leo Benjamin Leo, operator of the State theatre in Springdale, Conn., and brother-in-law of William Fox, died on July 29th at the Stamford Hospital in Stamford. He had been connected with the State for 12 years, acquiring ownership in 1939. For the past three weeks, the theatre had been closed because of the driving ban. Alice Belmore Alice Belmore, 73, stage actress on the Broadway and English stage for more than 40 years, died on July 31st in the Park West Hospital in New York after a short illness. Her last appearance was in Chekhov's "The Three Sisters" on Broadway this year. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Doris Wallace. Maurice Sullivan Maurice Darcy Sullivan, 75, actor and stage director, died on Julv 31st in the Southside Hospital, Bayshore, L. I. He started his career in 1874 when he was six years old, later touring in stock companies throughout the country. Cancel Sportsman Show Due to the use of the Mechanics Building by the Army and because of wartime restrictions, it was announced last week that the Boston Sportsman Show will not be held for the duration. The Campbell-Fairbanks Expositions put on the show. Reopen Cincinnati Theatre The 2,150-seat RKO Shubert theatre in Cincinnati which was closed several weeks ago reopened August 6th with "Stormy Weather." Previous prices of 30 and 33 cents for matinee and 44 and 55 cents evenings again are in effect.