Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1944)

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OTION PICTURE ERALD REVIEWS (In Product Digest) Uncertain Glory Trocadero Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble Meet the People Her Primitive Man Sundown Valley Hidden Valley Outlaws Lumber Jack Weird Woman PRODUCT INVENTORY and ANALYSIS <I What's coming for this Summer and next year STATE DEPARTMENT SEEKS FREE TRADE FOR SCREEN Post-war market without trade barriers is goal BEHIND THE TELEVISION BOOM APRIL 8, 1944 VOL 155, NO. 2 Entered as second-class matter, January 12, 1931, at the Post Office, at New York City, U. S. A., under the act of March 3, 1879. Publishe, weekly by Quiglcy Publishing Co., Inc., at 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New ) «rk 20, N. Y. Subscription prices: $5.00 a yea in the Americas, $10.00 a year Foreign. Single copy, 25 cents. All contents copyright 1944 by Qmgley Publishing Company.