Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1944)

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April 8, 1944 MOTION PICTURE HERALD II By Staff Photographer "CARNEGIE HALL". A picture of thai name will be made by Boris Morros, left, producer and music director. He is shown above with Milton Bergerman, president of New York's noted concert hall, at the announcement of the venture last week in New York. Mr. Bergerman said he was assured the picture would respect the artistic integrity of his property. Mr. Morros said it would be written by Ladislaus Fodor and John Jacoby. Recording will begin next winter; shooting will commence May, 1945. United Artists will release the film. By Staff Photographer TELEVISION Broadcasters Association's board met in New York last week. Above, seated: Paul Raibourn, Paramount and Television Productions, Inc.; R. L. Gibson, GE; Allen DuMont, DuMont Television; F. J. Bingley, Philco. Standing: Will Baltin, TBA secretary; E. A. Hayes, Hughes Tool Co.; J. R. Poppele, WOR; Worthington Miner, CBS. THE TENSE SCENE, above, is from Warners' "Uncertain Glory", which will be released April 22. The players, above, are Paul Lukas, Academy winner, and Errol Flynn. EDWARD ALPERSON, right, this week accepted the chairmanship of a War Activities Committee campaign to boost enlistments in the Women's Army Corps. Mr. Alperson, general manager of the RKO circuit, said the campaign would focus around the WAC's second anniversary, May I I . Harry Mandel, RKO, is to be publicity chairman. HAROLD LAGAR is bid farewell, before entering service, by Claude Lee, Paramount public relations director. to LAST YEAR'S MARCH o! DIMES CENTURY CIRCUIT, New York, launches Red Cross Drive. Above, Moe Eisenberg, William Applegate, Joseph Springer, Fred Schwartz, Sam Goodman, Norbert Kellman 'and Myron Siegel