Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1944)

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MOTION PICTURE HERALD REVIEWS (In Product Digest) Wilson Review by Terry Romsaye Casanova Brown Barbary Coast Gent Sweet and Lowdown Atlantic City Frontier Outlaws San Antonio Kid Shadows in the Night U-Boat Prisoner Seven Doors to Death Two Soldiers OP Restrictions on parts delay projector manufacture despite new WPB orders CJ Two new exhibitor units on Coast to compete with ITO €] Films second only to food at the front Colonel Capra tells Hollywood executives CJ British Films Council report finds "tendency'' to monopoly but clears U.S. companies CJ Latin America builds own film industry; U. S. cuts off Argentine raw stock in a "quarantine move 99 €\ 66 Wilson 99 has Broadway opening VOL 156, NO. 6 AUGUST 5, 1944 Entered as second-class matter, January 12, 19.11, at the Post Office, at Xcw York City, U. S. A., under the act of March 3, 1879. Published weekly by Quujley Publishing Co., Inc., at 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, A'. Y. Subscription prices: $5.00 a year in the Americas, $10.00 a year Foreign. Single copy, 25 cents. All contents copyright 1944 by Quigley Publishing Company.