Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Aug 1944)

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ARRIVAL. Dorothy Hart, winner of Columbia's Cinderella Cover Girl of 1944 contest, is greeted in New York Grand Central Station by four Conover models. Miss Hart last week was screen-tested for "Tonight and Every Night". THERE, HOLLYWOOD; have you seen Dres Wilson, "Television's Leading Lady"? s Wilson, 16, Is the star of "The Boys from Boise" :h is being hailed as "television's first full-length ical comedy" and will have its premiere telecasting tember 14 on New York station WABD. m rETINGS, in New York, from Grace Rosenfield, Roach eastern representative, to William Bendix, l his arrival from Hollywood. Mr. Bendix's ;t screen role is in Edward Small's road with Two Yanks". CLAUDE EZELL, who next week is to begin representing theatres in the War Production Board's Office of Civilian Requirements. Mr. Ezell is a .Texas theatre owner of note, operating drive-in theatres. His new post pays him the now traditional dollar per year. By Staff Photographer REGINALD ARMOUR, who this week was appointed executive assistant to J. Myer Schine, president of the Schine circuit. Mr. Armour will be at Gloversville, N. Y., headquarters. He Is of long experience in the Far East and Europe for RKO. BEGINNING. John Joseph Parker, Jr., son of the founder of the Oregon independent circuit bearing that name, last week became assistant manager at the Broadway, Portland. His mother is general manager of the circuit, a position at which Mr. Parker is expected to arrive. PRODUCER. Kay Francis begins her venture as producer and star, at Monogram, in "Divorce". In the studio conference, above: Miss Francis, producer Jeffrey Bernerd, and two writers, Neil Rau and George Sayre. ON PICTURE HERALD, AUGUST 5, 1944 1 1