Motion Picture Herald (Nov-Dec 1944)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ten cents per word, money-order or check with copy. Count initials, box number and address. Minimum insertion, $!. Four insertions, for the price of three. Contract rates on ipplication. No borders or cuts. Forms close Mondays at 5 P. M. Publisher reserves the right to reject any copy. Film and trailer advertising not accepted. Classified advertising not subject to agency commission. Address copy and checks: MOTION PICTURE HERALD. Classified Dept., Rockefeller Center, New York {2C STUDIO EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: STUDIO UGHTS, SOtJND EDITOR, 16JSmm. cameras, 16mm. sound prcrjectors. We buy — accept trade. CAMERA MART. 70 West 4Sth St., New York aty. COMPLETE SOUND RECORDING TRUCK, READY for shootinjf on location or studio; worth $15,000, barg^ain at $7,975; Gnesound 16mm. continuous sound and picture printers, $975; Askania-Debrie type 35mm. studio camera, 3 Astro F2.3 lenses; 6 magazines, synchronous motor; gryro tripod; all features; worth $3,000, now $975. Send for listings. S. O. S. aNEMA SUPPLY CORP., New York 18. USED EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL VACUUM CLEANER, ALL ATtachments, reconditioned, $150; LI arc lamps, $75; triple 30 amp. Forest rectifier, rebuilt, $197.50 ; 36" exhaust fan. including motor, 10,400 cfm, $125; Luxlite Series I lenses. $5.75; stereopticons, 500W, $19.95. Come to New Yorkmake your selection here — enough equipment for 15 theatres. Complete sound projection, including lenses, lamphouses, and sound screen from $975. S. O. S. aNEMA SUPPLY CORP., New York 18. ■m BEAUTIFUL LATE MODEL IRWIN CHAIRS, reupholstered heavy panel backs and box spring cushions, $7.50; 565 late American chairs, recently upholstered, fine quality leatherette heavy panel backs and box spring <nishions, $7.50 ; 700 American veneer chairs, three-ply backs and seats, reconditioned, $4.50. Ask for stock list. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., New York 18. FOR SALE— COMPLETE EQUIPMENT FOR SMALL theatre available for immediate delivery. All in good operating condition including Superior heads, magazines, bases, Ashcraft lamps, Kni-Tron rectifiers, Jensen speakers, film cabinets, ticket chopper, electric rewind, etc., blower ventilator, (5 HP), ozone machine and 345 Heywood seats. CENTURY THEATRE, 6513 Fourteenth Av«., Detroit, Mich. WANTED TO BUY NEED SEVERAL LARGE BURCH, MANLEY OR Cretor popcorn machines. NORMAN MORRISON, 333 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SIGN PAINTING SIGN PAINTING, EASY WAY TO PAINT SIGNS. Use letter patterns. Avoid sloppy work, wasted time. No experience needed for expert work. Free sample. JOHN RAHN, 1329 Central Ave., Chicago 51. BUSINESS BOOSTERS BINGO CARDS, DIE CUTS. 1 TO 100 OR 1 to 75, $2.25 per thousand, $20.00 to lO.OOO. S. KLOUS, care of MOTION PICTURE HERALD. POPCORN POPCORN OF QUALITY., CAN GUARANTEE your year's supply. VALENTINE TIDSWELL & SONS, Greenville, Ohio. POSITIONS WANTED THEATRE MANAGER: EXPERIENCED, RELIable, sober. Married, 29, draft exempt. Desires change. Available immediately. BOX 1810, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. NEW EQUIPMENT BOX OFFICE HEATERS, 14" BOWL TYPE, $7.95; aluminum reels, $3.19; Army surplus RCA public address amplifiers, $95; hearing aid equipment, 25% off; screen masking, flameproofed, 89c; film cue markers, $3.25; water coolers, 15 GPM, $220; Flextone washable sound screens, 3054* sq. ft.; Automatic curtain controls, $95.60 ; 3/16" curtain cable, lit ft. jewelled aisle lights, $2.97. Winter bulletin ready. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, New Yori£ 18. THEATRES WILL LEASE OR PURCHASE THEATRE IN Cleveland, Indianapolis or Cincinnati exchange areas. Give complete details. BOX 1811, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. TO LEASE OR BUY SMALL THEATRE OR THEatres in medium or small town in West, Mid-West or South. AH deals given due consideration. Address communications, BOX 1812, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. BOOKS RICHARDSON'S BLUEBOOK. OF PROJEUmON. Best seller since 1911. Now in 7th edition. Revised to present last word in Sound Trouble Shooting Charts. Expert information on all phases of projection and equipment. Special new section on television. Invaluable to beginner and expert. $7.25 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue^ Neiy York 20. MOTION PICTURE SOUND ENGINEERING. A "must" to all those working with sound equipment. Written by topflight engineering experts of Hollywood studios and research laboratories. Covers all phases of sound engineering and equipment. Readable diagrams; charts, tables, and graphs, $6.50 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sbrth Avenue, New York 20. AIR CONDITIONING, WHETHER YOUR THEAtre has 300 or 3,000 seats, this book has all the answers on air conditioning. Explains various codes and laws, concerning installation. Common sense charts. Indexed. Covers air conditioning as it relates to all branches of film industry. $4, postpaid QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue, New York 20. SOUND-TROUBLE SHOOTING -CHARTS. THE little book, with the blue cover all good operators reach for when trouble starts. Will clear up that "puzzler" on all types of sound equipment in a jiffy. No booth complete without one, $1.00 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue, New York 20. TRAINING SCHOOLS THEATRE EMPLOYEES: TRAIN FOR BETTER position. Learn modem theatre management and advertising. Big opportunity for trained men. Established since 1927. Write now for free catalog. THEATRE MANAGERS SCHOOL, Elmira, New York Cowan Film Given Previews In 26 UA Exchange Cities "Hollywood previews" of Lester Cowan's "Tomorrow the World" were scheduled for 26 United Artists exchanges throughout the country, it was announced this week. The film had its premiere December 21 at the Globe theatre, New York. According to Bernard B. Kreisler, vice-president and general manager for Lester Cowan Productions, these showings were to be held in conjunction with the regular programs in the following cities : December 18 : Pittsburgh, Warner theatre ; Philadelphia, Warner State theatre ; New Haven, Roger Sherman theatre; Seattle, Paramount theatre ; Denver, Aladdin theatre. December 19 : Boston, University theatre, Cambridge ; Indian apolis, Uptown theatre. December 20 : Washington ; Uptown theatre, Baltimore ; Atlanta, Rhodes theatre ; Omaha, Paramount theatre ; Des Moines, Des Moines theatre ; Dallas, Palace theatre ; Portland, Broadvi'ay; Salt Lake City, Utah theatre. December 21 : Charlotte, Carolina theatre ; Detroit, Palms State theatre ; Chicago, Chicago theatre; Milwaukee, Warner theatre; Minneapolis, Nile theatre. December 22: Buffalo, 20th Century theatre ; New Orleans, Circle theatre ; San Francisco, United Artists theatre ; Kansas City, Plaza theatre ; Cincinnati, Paramount theatre. January 11 : Cleveland, Loew's Park theatre. Fishman Joins Warners George Fishman joined the Warner exchange as promotion chief in Philadelphia and Washington December 18. O B I T U A R I E < W. E. Raynor, Manager and |j Exploiteer, Dies at 62 j Funeral services for William E. Raynor, 6 veteran film exploitation and theatre manager, wl died December 13, were held last Saturday at S Gerard's Roman Catholic Church, Hollis, Lor Island. At the time of his death, Mr. Raynor w; assistant manager of the Floral theatre, Flor. Park, Long Island. He entered the industry moi than 30 years ago in association with the la George Kleine, for whom he handled the e: ploitation on such films as "Quo Vadis?" ai "The Last Days of Pompeii." At one time he was New York branch ma: ager for RKO and Pathe. He is survived by his widow, Anna, and tw sons, William J. Raynor, formerly studio pul licity director for PRC, now in the Navy, ai Robert, now overseas with the Army. Stuart Paton .Stuart Paton, 61, director of "Twenty Thousar Leagues Under the Sea," the first under-wati film, in 1916, and numerous other films in tin early days of the industry, died December 16 : the Motion Picture Country Club, Woodlaii Hills, California. Surviving are a son. Jam' Paton Cairneroes, music editor at Univers studios, and a daughter, Lillian Paton Cavarieri Philip Guedalla Philip Guedalla, British historian, biography and essayist, died December 16 in London, t was 55 years old. Mr. Guedalla also was chaif man of the film committee of the British Council, semi-official agency set up by the British Govery ment to foster cultural activities. '(0 Dr. George C. Kolb Dr. George C. Kolb, 81, owner of the suburbs Norwood and Woodward theatres in Cincinnai died at the Good Samaritan Hospital there, D cember 14, following a stroke. One son survivesj Extend Condolences Local 457, lATSE at Superior, Wis., last wef extended sympathies to Harold J. Fitzgerald, hd of Fox Wisconsin Amusement Corporation at chairman of the War Activities Committee Wisconsin, upon the loss of his son, Lieut. Richaf H. Fitzgerald, -killed in action at Leyte October 2 pi Taube Forms Three More Ontario Associations Syd Taube, executive secretary of the Moti(> * Picture Theatres Association of Ontario, returni<j to Toronto last weekend after a trip north, durii*! which he formed three exhibitor associations. In Sudbury, M. Kirk of the Regent Theat' was named chairman, James Dodsworth of tl' Capitol, acting vice-chairman, and M. Marriott the Grand, secretary. In North Bay, at a lunchef'' meeting, M. Nelson of the Capitol was appoint^ chairman ; Lorne Moore of the Melrose, vicl chairman, and Doug Patterson of the Grart secretary. In Sault Ste. Marie, M. Chilton of the Prince' was elected chairman ; AI Hartshorn, vice-chai man, and W. McGeachie of the Orpheum, seer tary. ' 1 in Paramount Gives Bonus A Christmas bonus was given Paramount er ployees in the home office and the metropoIit;> New York office, Barney Balaban, president, ai nounced last weekend. Those receiving up and including $50 a week received one week; salary as a bonus. Those receiving between %i and $75 weekly were paid a bonus of $50. Streibert Heads Bamberger Theodore C. Streibert has been elected pre ident of the Bamberger Broadcasting Service, InJ' succeeding Alfred J. McCosker, who becomf. chairman of the board. Jack I. Strauss has r^ signed as board chairman to become a director. 42 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, DECEMBER 23, 19'