Motion Picture Herald (Nov-Dec 1944)

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Cahill Believes Television Not Ready in Theatres PICTURE CROSSES A statistical compilation and comparison of Box-OfUce Per^ formance in first-run theatres Figures directly below picture title compare dollar gross with average gross and show relative percentage of all engagements tabulated. Rgures opposite theatre names represent percentage of tabulated grosses to average weekly business based on the six months' period ending October 31, 1944. SYMBOLS: (DB) Double Bill— associate feature title; (SA) Stage Attraction; (MO) Move-Over Run; (AA) Advance Admission. INDEX: Over-all performance percentage figures from previously published final reports appear In Service Data section of Product Digest. See last column of Release Chart for Index. LAURA (20th-Fox) Final Reports: Total Gross Tabulated $966,200 Comparative Average Gross 848,900 Over-all Performance 113.8% BALTIMORE— Xew, 1st week 105.0% BALTIMORE— New, 2nd week 84.0% BALTIMORE— New, 3rd week 67.2% BUFFALO— Buffalo 94.0% BUFFALO— Hippodrome, MO 1st week .... 77.7% CHICAGO-Chicago . 114.0% (SA) Vaudeville CHICAGO— Garrick, MO 1st week 142.8% CHICAGO— Garrick, MO 2nd week 142.8% CINCINNATI— RKO Albee 94.4% CINCINNATI— RKO Grand, MO 1st week . . . 85.3% aNCIN"NATI— Keith's, MO 2nd week .... 111.1% CLEVELAND— Warner's Hippodrome .... 103.3% CLEVELAND— AUen, MO 1st week 106.5% DEN'\"ER— Denver 75.8% i^DB) Reckless Age (Univ.) DENVER— Esquire 50.0% 'DB) Reckless Age (Univ.) DENVER— Aladdin, MO 1st week 116.6% (DB) Reckless Age (Univ.) DEN*VER— Rialto, MO 2nd week 75.7% (DB) Reckless Age (Univ.) NEW YORK— Roxy, 1st week 148.8% I SA) Hazel Scott. Jackie Miles, others NEW YORK— Roxy, 2nd week 129.7% (SA) Hazel Scott. Jackie Miles, others NEW YORK— Roxy, 3rd week " 119.8% I SA) Hazel Scott, Jackie Miles, others NEW YORK— Roxy, 4th week 120.4% iSA) Hazel Scott. Jackie Miles, others PHILADELPHIA— Fox, 1st week 152.2% PHILADELPHIA— Fox. 2nd week 125.3% PHILADELPHIAFox. 3rd week 90.3% PHIL.^DELPHL\— Karlton, MO 1st week . . . 140.9% PITTSBURGH— Harris, Ist week 106.8% PITTSBURGH— Harris, 2nd week 76.9% PITTSBURGH— Senator, MO 1st week .... 125.0% PITTSBLUGH— Senator. MO 2nd week .... 70.0% PROVaDENCE— Majestic, 1st week 110.2% (DB) Babes on Swing Street (Univ.) PROVIDENCE^Majestic. 2nd week 90.5% XDB I Babes on Swing Street (Univ.) PROVIDENCE— Carlton, MO 1st week .... 125.0% 'DB) Babes on Swing Street (Univ.) SAN FRANCnSCO— Paramount, 1st week . . . 115.7% fDB) Shadow of Susnicion (Mono.) SAN FRANCISCO— Paramount, 2nd week . . . 95.0% iDB) Shadow of Suspicion (Mono.) SAN FRANCISCO-State, MO 1st week . . . 95.7% (DB) Shadow of Suspicion (Mono.) SEATTLE— Fifth Avenue 106.5% (DB) Shadow of Suspicion (Mono.) WASHINGTON— Palace 115.7% WASHINGTON— Loew's Cx)lumbia, MO 1st week 123.4% THE CLIMAX (Univ.) Final Reports: Total Gross Tabulated $375,500 Comparative Average Gross 356,500 Over-all Performance 105.3% BALTIMORE— Keith's 98.6% BOSTON— Memorial, 1st week 129.3% (DB) Babes on Swing Street (Univ.) BOSTON— Memorial, 2nd week 129.3% (DB) Babes on Swing Street (Univ.) BOSTON— Memorial, 3rd week 109.4% (DB) Babes on Swing Street (Univ.) BUFFAL'O— Lafayette 140.8% (DB) Reckless Age (Univ.) BUFFALO— Lafayette, 2nd week 75.0% fDB) Hi, Beautiful (Univ.) CHICAGO— Palace 113.6% fDB) My Pal, Wolf (RKO) CHICA(X)— Grand, MO 1st week 78.6% (DB) Mv Pal, Wolf (RKO) MOTION PICTURE HERALD, DECEMBER 30, 1944 DENVER— Paramount 121.3% (DB) San Diego. I Love You (Univ.) KANSAS CITY— Esquire 128.5% KANSAS CITY— Uptown 81.0% LOS ANGELES— Chinese 90.6% (DB) San Dieso. I Love You (Univ.) LOS ANGELES— "FoxWilshire 95.2% (DB) San Diego. I Love You (Univ.) LOS ANGELES— Loew's State 107.5% (DB) San Diego. I Love You (Univ.) LOS ANGELES— Uptown 109.5% (DB) San Diego. I Love You (Univ.) MILWAUKEE— Warner 105.4% (DB) San Diego. I Love You (Univ.) OMAHA— Orpheum 83.7% (DB) San Diego, I Love You (Univ.) PHILADELPHIA— Boyd. 1st week 96.8% PHILADELPmA— Boyd, 2nd week 74.3% PITTSBURGH— Fulton 120.0% PROVIDENCE— Maiestic 78.7% (DB) Hi. Beautiful (Univ.) ST. LOUIS— Missouri 100.0% (DB) When Strangers Mjrry (Mono.) TORONTO— Uptown. 1st week 146.8% TORONTO— Uptown, 2nd week 109.5% TORONTO— Uptown. 3rd week 94.6% WASHINGTON— Keith's 104.1% WOMAN IN THE WINDOW (RKO) First Reports: Total Gross Tabulated $193,000 Comparative Average Gross 182,400 Over-all Performance 105.8% BALTIMORE— Hippodrome, 1st week 102.7% fSA) Vaudeville BALTIMORE— Hippodrome, 2nd week 94.4% (SA) Vaudeville BOSTON— Boston. 1st week 117.8% (SA) Vaudeville BOSTON— Boston. 2nd week 100.0% (SA) Vaudeville CHICA(X)— Palace, 1st week 118.1% (DB) My Gal Loves Music (Univ.) CHICAGO-Palace, 2nd week 86.3% (DB) Mv Gal Loves Music (Univ.) . MINNEAPOLIS— Orpheum, 1st week 109.3% MINNEAPOLIS— Orpheum. 2nd week .... 57.2% WASHINGTON— Keith's, 1st week 150.0% (SA) Vaudeville WASHINGTON— Keith's, 2nd week 116.6% (SA) VaudevUle • THE DOUCHCIRLS (WB) First Reports: Total Gross Tabulated $253,750 Comparative Average Gross 278,500 Over-all Performance 91.1% BALTIMORE— Stanley, 1st week 105.5% BALTIMORE— Stanley, 2nd week 74,5% CINCINNATI— RKO Palace 98.5% CINCINNATI— RKO Shubert, MO 1st week . . 64.8% DENVER— Denver 90.0% (DB) The Unwritten Code (Col.) DENVER— Esquire 91.0% (DB) The Unwritten Code (Col.) NEW YORK— Hollywood, 1st week 115.5% NEW YORK— Hollywood, 2nd week 102.2% NEW YORK— Hollywood. 3i-d week 84.0% NEW YORK— Hollywood, 4th week 75.5% NEW YORK— Hollywoodr 5th week 60.0% NEW YORK— Hollywood, 6th week 56.0% OMAHA— Brandies 88.8% (DB) The Yellow Canary (RKO) PHILADELPHIA— Mastbaum, 1st week .... 125.0% PHILADELPHIA— 2nd week 74.5% SEATTLE— Orpheum 115.3% TORONTO-Imperial 107.2% If television has value to theatres as entertainment, the film industry will go for it, otherwise it will develop as an adjunct of the radio industry, Frank E. Cahill, Warner Theatres' sound director who is studying theatre television developments for the company, observed in New York last week. Mr. Cahill believes that exhibitors will not use television programs in their theatres until television achieves a picture quality on the theatre screen equal to regular film programs. If, however, competition with home sets arises before good picture definition is developed, then exhibitors would not be reluctant to accept telecast spot news events despite their inadequacy. Warners plan to coordinate television broadcasting activities on the west coast with radio broadcasting activities, headed by Major Nathan Levinson, _ provided the Federal Communications Commission grants the company permission to construct a telecaster in Hollywood for which application already has been made, according to Mr. Cahill. MIT Will Give Special Course In Television Electronics Plans for a professional course in electronics, stressing application to television and highly developed production methods in which the Philco Corporation of Philadelphia will cooperate, have been announced by Dr. Karl T. Compton, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Compton pointed to the great progress made in the field of electronics during the war, and the tremendous opportunities that will exist in its postwar development. He said the new course would combine advanced theory at the Institute with practical work in the plants. Under the new cooperative course, a selected group of students in the department of electrical engineering will spend alternate terms at the school and at the Philco plants, with a Master of Science degree given to those completing the full program. The Institute has conducted parallel courses for more than 25 years with the General Electric Company, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, the Boston Edison Company, the Boston Elevated Company and the General Radio Company. Kes+en of CBS Says Television Pictures Are Inadequate Television pictures of today "simply are not good enough to attract and hold the audience that is essential to a commercially successful medium," Paul W. Kesten, executive vice-president of Columbia Broadcasting System, declared last Friday in his year-end statement issued in New York. Mr. Kesten reiterated the CBS position that television should be held back from the public for five years aiter the war. CBS, he said, would continue to disagree with any policy which "threatens to stunt the growth of a new industry for the sake of immediate and possibly temporary profit." Decency Legion Reviews The National Legion of Decency this week classified and approved six new pictures. In Class A-1, unobjectionable for general patronage, are "Lake Placid Serenade" and "Keys of the Kingdom." In Class A-2, unobjectionable for adults, "Dancing in Manhattan," "Here Come the Waves," "Murder, My Sweet," "Music for Millions." In an observation on Twentieth Century-Fox's "Keys of the Kingdom," the Legion declared: "This film, morally unobjectionable, contains statements by the leading character, the priest, which are susceptible to meaning not in accordance with Catholic doctrine." 49