Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1945)

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xploitmg the New Films How the recent pictures are being sold at the first run and pre-release date showings Typical of the cooperation extended by merchants, to promote the premiere of "Keep Your Powder Dry" at the Tivoli theatre, Chattanooga, is this window display arranged in downtown shopping section by E. R. Rogers, manager, and MGM exploit eer Emery Austin. EP YOUR POWDER DRY Enlisting the cooperation of the Chamber of Hirnerce and Public Relations officers at ;rby Fort Oglethorpe, an effective advertis\ and exploitation campaign was put on in [junction with the premiere showing of bep Your Powder Dry" by manager E. R. %ers of the Tivoli Theatre, Chattanooga, fcn., and Emerv Austin, field exploiteer for CM. flie film opening was sponsored jointly by Women's Army Corps and the Chamber lommerce. The latter organization was host invited guests and celebrities at a dinner in Patton Hotel prior to the premiere. Let ; of invitation were sent to the governors of |onessee and Georgia, high ranking Army hers, and public officials. lyor Issues Proclamation i^Iayor E. D. Bass, of Chattanooga, issued official proclamation designating opening r of the film as Women's Army Day in the W and expressed the hope that the picture Jruld inspire patriotic women to answer the jsds of the Corps by enlisting. iThe city's own sponsored "Win the War feek" coincided with the engagement of the Id, and merchants enthusiastically cooperat|! by displaying flags and other decorations Lich tied in with the picture. The merchants 'jewise cooperated with newspaper display ads ■id five full-pages and six supplementary coI ads were promoted to exploit the film. Thirjjm full windows were given over to displays 17 alter H. Ahrens, manager of the RKO Orheum, Des Moines, promoted "Find Velma" pmtest and advertised details in this lobby dis'lay as well as through distribution of handills bearing similar copy. Newspaper also ublicized the device. on the premiere and more than 50 additional stores exhibited photos and cards which were supplied by the publications office of Ft. Oglethorpe. In addition to spot announcements used to promote the opening, the three local radio stations devoted 53 free announcements, which ,were tied in with the WAC recruiting and the picture plus generous theatre mention. WAPO dedicated a 15 minute broadcast featuring two WAC officers and local commentator, who discussed details of the opening, and another 15 minute program over WDEF devoted to WAC recruiting mentioned several theatre and picture plugs. Flares Offset Brownout The current brownout regulations presented a problem in how to provide sufficient light on the night of the premiere. This the theatremen foresaw and ingeniously contrived to overcome with the aid of Army personnel. The Chemical Warfare section of Ft. Oglethorpe sent up a number of flares which were mounted on stands in the centre of the street. These lent a spectacular and unique brilliancy which was amplified by having 40 Army trucks backed up opposite the theatre with headlights turned full on the theatre front. Additional exhibits were placed on display in the street to provide interest for onlookers. This included a smoke generator, flame throwers, bazooka guns and other military equipment. A WAC band gave a concert from 7 to 9 p.m., and a crack WAC drill team put on a difficult demonstration. A squad of M.P.'s kept the crowds in order and escorted the guests to the theatre front. The interior and exterior of the theatre were appropriately decorated with bunting and flags and 24-sheets announcing the premiere were oosted at choice locations throughout the city. MURDER MY SWEET One of the promotions devised by manager Walter H. Ahrens to exploit his showing of "Murder My Sweet" at the RKO Orpheum theatre in Des Moines was a novel "Find Velma" ballyhoo which attracted widespread interest and publicity breaks in the Des Moines Sunday Register. A young, attractive woman was sent out to tour the downtown section of the city for four hours on opening day. Any person who identified the young woman was given a free admission ticket to the theatre to see the picture. An actual photo of the woman was posted in the theatre lobby with details of the contest, and 5,000 handbills were circularized, giving all particulars. The girl's face was the only unrecognizable portion of the photo, a question mark being mortised over her features for further attention. Ahrens started a newspaper teaser campaign well in advance of playdates and used a series of three specially prepared teaser trailers starting three weeks in advance. Radio Coverage Secured A large foyer display and special lobby display aided the advance publicity on the film and spot announcements on paid time were used over KSO and KRNT in advance and currently. Outside billing included the posting of 30 twenty-four sheets and 200 window cards with "Wanted" copy suggesting a police bulletin to the potential patron. Ahrens also distributed several thousand 2l/2 x 5 inch cards made up into • a series of six character illustrations. Any person locating and submitting the full set of six cards was awarded a free guest ticket. Copy read : "Such characters you'll meet in 'Murder My Sweet' — they'd look good in a rogue's gallery, etc." ANAGERS' ROUND TABLE, MARCH 10, 1945 69