Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1945)

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Service Mothers9 Preview Held For "Went Away" Arranged in conjunction with the opening of "Since You Went Away" at the Paramount theatre, Amarillo, Texas, J. C. King, city manager, staged his third annual salute to Service Mothers sponsored jointly by the Interstate Theatres and Gene Howe, publisher of the Amarillo Globe-News. The preview screening started at nine o'clock in the morning preceded by a lobby reception at eight o'clock and the serving of coffee and cakes to the Service Mothers. Mayor Joe E. Jenkins delivered an address of welcome and a prayer for all servicemen was offered by Rev. F. A. Foster. Mr. Howe, through his newspaper, awarded five $100 War Bonds to the oldest and youngest Service Mothers; the pioneer Service Mother of the Panhandle area and two Service Mothers each with seven sons in service. The Globe-News came through with abundant newspaper coverage which included plenty of art and the picture which was originally scheduled for a seven day engagement was held over for an indefinite period. Children's Fashion Window Sells "Millions" For Boyle A children's fashion window with new spring styles, featuring Margaret O'Brien, has been promoted at the local Boston department store by manager Joseph Boyle, Loew's Poli-Broadway theatre, Norwich, Conn., to publicize "Music for Millions" in this territory. All local spots operating juke boxes are also being contacted for the installation of the Jimmy Durante song from the film. Boyle set a classified ad tie-up for the Sunday and Monday of the current showing with the Norwich Bulletin and Record and also landed a counter display, featuring Jose Iturbi, at the local main public library with full theatre and film credits. A window display and co-op ad was set with the Tepper department store. Boyle also contacted the Travelers' Aid Society at the railroad station in New London and they featured stills of Margaret O'Brien to plug the film attraction. Two colored 30 x 40 blow-ups were used in the theatre lobby for a week in advance of the showing and one of these became the background of a window display. Comment usher cards were also distributed for a week in advance of the film. Brown Promotes Pay Envelopes To Sell "Three Is a Family" Through the cooperation of the Planters Peanut Company store, Bill Brown at the PoliBijou, New Haven, promoted 10,000 pay envelopes with copy reading: "Don't look now, but 'Three Is A Family' opens" etc. etc. In addition the company gave Bill 30,000 peanuts gratis, which were put in a bag and also distributed to patrons and in cocktail lounges in the downtown area. Since special match races were being held at the Eli Skating Rink, Bill offered guest tickets to winners in return for announcements over their public address system. The same stunt was arranged at the Crown Bingo Parlor. Complete window tieup of dolls with stills, playdates, etc., was had with the UnitedWhalen stores and a baby accessories window was had at Woolworth's. Stranger Distributes Johnson Photos on "Tokyo" Date In connection with his date on "30 Seconds Over Tokyo" at Loew's State, White Plains, N. Y., Michael Stranger effected a tieup with Walker's Drug Store, which resulted in a cooperative ad; a large counter display and the distribution of 3,000 Van Johnson color photos with copy in the store ads on the giveaway beginning with opening day of the picture. Also for the opening, Mike invited the Mayor and other city, school and police officials, in addition to Army officials from a nearby airport. Radio Station WFAS was offered free photos of Van Johnson in connection with a quiz program, the question in this instance being: "In what Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pictures have you seen Van Johnson ?" The theatre got proper credit and plugs over the air. Laid on the inner lobby floor were two sixsheets covered with a transparent wax paint; these attracting the anticipated attention from those entering the theatre. Girls Carry "Mark Twain" Book Jackets for Brien As part of his advance exploitation on "Mark Twain" at the Enright, Pittsburgh, Pa., Lige Brien secured 50 book covers and had girls from a nearby high school carry these covers on their books eight days in advance of the opening. In return, each of the girls was invited to be guests of the management. One of the local book shops came through with a window display, ordering extra copies of the book for a special sale. To further attract his juvenile trade, Brien gave away color books two Saturdays prior to opening, each of which plugged the attraction. Cash prizes were awarded to the kiddies who took part in the "Mark Twain" contest on stage at the Saturday morning matinee. In this connection, questions pertaining to the life of the author were asked. In addition a window of steamboat material was promoted with appropriate picture snipes. Kiddie Club Proves Successful For Georgia Adams Recently started at the Badger theatre, Eau Claire, Wis., by Manager Georgia Adams is a kiddie birthday club, which she reports as going over very nicely. The kiddies may join the club by asking the doorman for a membership card, which has space provided for them to enter their birth dates. A duplicate is kept at the theatre. At each Saturday matinee six prizes are distributed and a special screen program directed at the children is arranged. And on their birthdays, a special card is mailed to each child inviting him to be a guest of the management. Schools Cooperate with Hock For "Winged Victory" Date Inasmuch as there is a city ordinance prohibiting the use of heralds, Bill Hock for his date on "Winged Victory" at the Ambridge theatre, Ambridge, Pa., contacted the superintendent of schools and arranged for announcements to be made in assemblies. A special 40 by 60 was used in the lobby one week in advance of playdates, Station WWSW carried spot announcements and window displays with stills were used in prominent spots. Through a special tiein with the Seek Hawkins Club, they carried plenty of advertising of playdates and the attraction, which resulted in an excellent turnout. The Quigley I Awards Rules Entries must be forwarded as soon as post after exploitation is completed. • There are no classifications of populatioi situation. Every entrant starts from scrat< circuit or independent, first-run or subseqi downtown or neighborhood, big city or si, town. • Consistency of effort is a paramount con eration in the Quigley Awards. One-shot c paigns or ideas are not eligible for consi< ation. Whole campaigns need necessarily not submitted but are, of course, acceptable. Sii ideas or promotions are eligible for considi tion if the entrant is a consistent contribu • Entrants most often represented in e Quarter will receive first consideration for Quarterly Awards. A single promotion may include more ti ' one slant, providing all slants relate to the oi inal idea. Thus, a single contest promotion r be carried in newspapers, on the radio, in v dows, ads, lobby, etc. n No fancy entries are necessary. Costly ; time-using "gingerbread" decorations are encouraged. Showmanship only counts. In addition to exploitation on pictures — f I tures, shorts or serials — entries may be made institutional promotion. Exploitation on so shows, presentations, etc., are also definit eligible for consideration. A single idea may be confined to a windi contest, newspaper or program publicity, sti stunt, lobby display, ad or ad series, newspaJ section, radio tiein, etc. Evidence proving authenticity of each en must be submitted, such as photos, tear she programs, heralds, ads, letters, etc. One Plaque and seven Scrolls of Honor \ be awarded each Quarter. Those winning th honors will be entered for the Grand Awa competition. In addition, entries of merit \ be awarded Citations. A War Showmanship Certificate is awai annually to the theatreman whose activities i promotions of a patriotic nature are conside by the judges to have made the greatest mate contribution in the prosecution of the war. Address all entries to: Quigley Awards Committee Managers' Round Table 1270 Sixth Avenue New York 20, N. Y. Schools Cooperate on "Song" Al Anderson of the Bijou, Springfield, M; hit the publicity jackpot for "A Song to member" through the cooperation of Max vin, Music Director of all high schools Springfield, when tune-tracing sessions fi the film were presented at school assembl 74 MANAGERS' ROUND TABLE, MARCH 10,