Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1945)

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NAME COMMITTEES IN 7th BOND DRIVE Tom W. Bally, below, left, Industry ci stiffen* to the Treasury, and Sam Pinanski, national industry chairman the Seventh War Loan, inspect the fi print of "The All-Star Bond Rail 75-m/nufe War Activities subject fo shown by theatres in advance of i Bond drive. Pinanski Announces State Distribution Chairmen, Showmen and Publicists The Seventh War Loan, in which exhibitors once again will be commanded by an exhibitor, in another industry effort to aid the Treasury raise money for the war, soon will begin rolling rapidly. Its top personnel selected in the past several weeks, the state organizations of exhibitors, distributors and publicists have been announced; and in each of their categories and areas, these men soon will be meeting to complete plans for the theatre drive, which this time runs more than a month, from May 14 through June 30. Exhibitor state chairmen who have accepted appointment are all prominent theatre men with extensive experience in Bond sales through theatres. This week, in releasing the list of state exhibitor chairmen, Samuel Pinanski, national chairman of the industry's Seventh War Loan campaign, expressed gratitude for exhibitor cooperation. Three regional meetings, at which exhibition, distribution and publicity forces will be mobilized for the drive, were announced this week. They will be, for eastern and southern states, in New York, April 10; for the midwest states, in Chicago, April 16; and for the western states, in Denver, April 16. State Exhibitor Chairmen Following are the exhibitor chairmen, listed by states: Alabama, R. M. Kennedy, Birmingham; Arizona, Harry Nace, Phoenix; Arkansas, Claude C. Mundo, Little Rock; Cecil Cupp, Arkadelphia (co-chairman); Southern California, Charles P. Skouras, Los Angeles; Northern California, George Mann, San Francisco; Colorado, Frank H. Ricketson, Jr., Denver; Connecticut, Henry Needles, New Haven; Herman Levy, New Haven (co-chairman). Delaware, A. Joseph DeFiore, Wilmington; District of Columbia, Fred F. Kogod, Washington; Florida. J. L. Cartwright, Jacksonville; Georgia, W. K. Jenkins, Atlanta; Idaho, Walter Lee Casey, Bonners Ferry; Illinois, Ed Zorn, Pontiac; Walter Immerman, Chicago (co-chairman); Indiana, Don Rossiter. Indianapolis; Iowa, A. H. Blank, Des Moines; Kansas, Howard Jameyson, Wichita; Kentucky, Lew Hensler, Lexington ; Louisiana, E. V. Richards, New Orleans. Maine, C. J. Russel, Bangor; Maryland, Frank Durkee, Baltimore; Elmer Nolte, Jr., Baltimore (co-chairman); Massachusetts, M. J. Mullin, Boston; Michigan (Peninsula). Martin Thomas Iron Mountain; Michigan (rest of state), Ray Brancn, Hastings; James F. Sharkey, Detroit (co-chairman); Minnesota, John Friedl, Minneapolis; Eastern Missouri, Harry Arthur, St. Louis; Western Missouri, Elmer Rhoden, Kansas City; Missisippi, Burges Waltmon, Columbus; Arthur Lehmann, Jackson (co-chairman). Montana, J. A. English, Anaconda; Nebraska, William Miskell, Omaha; Sam Epstein, Omaha (co-chairman); Nevada, Homer LeBallister, Reno; New Hampshire, Mel Morrison, Dover; New Jersey (Northern), Harry Lowenstein, Newark; Frank Damis, Newark (co-chairman); New Jersey (Southern), I. Epstein, Philadelphia; New Mexico, George Tucker, Albuquerque; New York (Metropolitan), Irving Lesser. New York City; New York (Albany area), C. J. Latta, Albany; New York (Buffalo area). Max Yellen, Buffalo. North Carolina, H. F. Kincey, Charlotte; North Dakota. M. ■ Cooper, Grand Forks; Ed Kraus, Fargo (co-chairman); Ohio (Cleveland area), Meyer Fine, Cleveland; Ohio (Cincinnati area), Maurice White, Cincinnati; Oklahoma, C. B. Akers, Oklahoma City; Oregon, O. J. Miller, Portland; Eastern Pennsylvania, Sidney Samuelson, Philadelphia; Western Pennsylvania, M. A. Silver, Pittsburgh; Rhode Island, Martin Toohey, Pawtucket; Ed Fay, Providence (co-chairman). South Carolina, Warren Irwin, Columbia; South Dakota, Byron McElligot, Aberdeen; Eastern Tennessee, Kermit Stengel, Nashville; Western Tennessee, M. A. Lightman, Memphis; Texas, R. J. O'Donnell, Dallas; Utah, Tracy Barham, Salt Lake City; Vermont, Frank Vennett, Rutland^ Virginia, Hunter Perry, Charlottesville; Frank O'Brien, Richmond (co-chairman); Washington, Frank Newman, Sr., Seattle; West Virginia, S. J. Hytnan, Huntington; Wisconsin, Harold Fitzgerald, Milwaukee; Wyoming. T. E. Knight. Riverton. Also, this week, the area distributor chairmen were announced from New York, by Tom J. Con nors, national distributor chairman. Many of the men had begun their organizational work, at preliminary meetings, Mr. Connors said. He added that later this week a deteailed plan of action would be sent from New York to the men in each territory. The listing, of district and exchange area chairmen, follows : Metropolitan New York: Henry Randel, Paramount; Ed Bell, Paramount, New Jersey. Northeastern District: Norman Ayres, Warner Bros., New York, District Distributor Chairman; William Horan, Warner Bros., Boston; Carl Goe, Warner Bros., New Haven; Ray Smith, Warner Bros., Albany; Al Herman, Warner Bros., Buffalo. Eastern District; Salem Applegate, Universal, Philadelphia, District Distributor Chairman; George Schwartz, Universal, Philadelphia; John Allen, Loew's, Washington; Dave Miller, Universal, Cleveland, District Distributor Chairman; Joe Krenitz, Universal, Cleveland; Pete Dana, Universal, Pittsburgh. Eastern Central District: Carl Shalit, Columbia, Detroit, District Distributor Chairman; Alan Moritz, Columbia, Cincinnati; Joe Gins, Columbia, Detroit; W. Guy Craig, Columbia, Indianapolis. Southeastern District: Charles Kessnich, Loew's, Atlanta. District Distributor Chairman; William Zoellner, Loew's, Atlanta; Ben Rosenwald, Loew's, Charlotte; Luke Conner, Warner Bros., New Orleans. Southwestern District: Phil Longdon, 20th Century Fox, Dallas, District Distributor Chairman; Cecil House, 20th Century-Fox, Dallas; Tom Young, 20th CenturyFox, Memphis; M. W. Osborne, 20th Century -Fox, Oklahoma City. Midwestern District: Allen Usher, Paramount, Chicago; District Distributor Chairman; J. Harold Stevens, Paramount, Chicago; Ben Blotcky, Paramount, Minneapolis; Harold Wirthwein, Paramount, Milwaukee. Prairie District: T. R. Thompson, United Artists, Kansas City, District Distributor Chairman; B. J. McCarthy, United Artists, St. Louis; William E. Truog, United Artists, Kansas City; Jack Kennedy, Loew's, r>es Moines; D. V. McLucas. United Artists, Omaha. Rc-ky Mountain District: Arthur Abeles, 20th CenturyFox, Denver; Charles Walker, 20th Century-Fox, Salt Lake City. West Coast District: Herbert Mclntyre, RKO, Los Angeles, District Distributor Chairman; Harry Cohen, RKO Los Angeles; Newton Jacobs, RKO, San Francisco; Mark Corey, RKO, Portland; Maurice Seffle, Loew's, Seattle. State publicity chairmen, including leaders in advertising and exploitation in each area, were announced this week by John Hertz, Jr., national director of publicity in the drive. The listing, by territory, follows : Alabama, William Wolfson, Wilby-Kincey Theatres, Montgomery; Arizona, Arthur G. Pickett, Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix; Arkansas, Sam B. Kirby, Rialto Theatre Bldg., Little Rock; Southern California, Seymour Peiser, Fox West Coast Theatres Corp., Los Angeles; Mort Goodman, Warner Bros.. Hollywood (co-chairman) ; Northern California, Fay Reeder, Fux West Coast Theatres. San Francisco; Colorado, T»>d Halmi, Orpheum Theatre, New Haven; Connecticut, Lou Brown, Loew's Poli Theatre, New Haven; Delaware, Edgar J. Doob, Loew's Aldine Theatre, Wilmington; District of Columbia, Frank La Falce, Warner Bros. Theatres, Washington, D. C. Florida, J. L. Cartwright, Florida State Theatres, Inc., Jacksonville; Howard Pettengill, Florida State Theatres, Inc., Jacksonville (co-chairman); Georgia, Herb Pickman, Warner Bros., Atlanta; Idaho, Nevin McCord, Ada Theatre, Boise; Illinois, William Bishop, MGM, Chicago; Larry Stein, Warner Bros., Chicago (co-chairman); Indi ana, Boyd Sparrow, Loew's Theatre, Indianapolis; Io' Russell Fraser, Tri-States Theatre Corp., Des Moin Kentucky, Lew Hensler, Ben Ali Theatre, Lexington. Kansas, Sean Lawler, Fox Midwest Theatres, Kan City, Mo.; Louisiana, Maurice F. Barr, Paramou Richards, Inc., New Orleans; Maine, Harry Botwi State Theatre, Portland; Maryland, Louis E. Shec Old Town Bank Bldg., Baltimore; Massachusetts, P Levi, M & P Theatres, Boston; Michigan, Mrs. A Gorham, United Detroit Theatres Corp., Detroit; Mj Meyer, United Detroit Theatres Corp., Detroit (co-ch; man). Minnesota, Charles Winchell, Minnesota Amusem Co., Minneapolis; Mississippi, Burgess Waltmon, P cess Theatre, Columbus; Eastern Missouri, M. L. PI ner, St. Louis Amusement Co., St. Louis; M. D. Co Newman Theatre, Kansas City (co-chairman); Mont Jack Edwards, Marlow Theatre, Helena; Nebraska, Emerson, Orpheum Theatre,. Omaha; Nevada, Ha Hunsaker, Granada Theatre, Reno; New Hampshire, Morrison, Strank Theatre, Dover; Northern New Jer George Kelly, Newark; Southern New Jersey, Isa Perlin, Warners' Grand Theatre, Camden; New Mexi George Tucker, Kimo Theatre, Albuquerque; Metropoli New York, Morris Kinzler, Kayton-Spiero Co., Inc., N York City; New York (Albany area), Charles Smakw Warner Theatres, Albany; New York (Buffalo are Charles B. Taylor, Buffalo Theatres, Inc., Buffalo. North Carolina, Roy L. Smart, Charlotte; North I kota, Ed Kraus, Fargo Theatre, Fargo; Walter Hoffm 20th Century-Fox, Minneapolis (co-chairman); 01 (Cleveland area), Charles Deardourff, Loew's, Clevelai Ohio (Cincinnati area), J. E. Watson, Loew's, Cincinn; Oklahoma, Robert Brush, Griffin Amusement Co., Ok homa City; Oregon, Jack Matlack, Broadway Theat Portland; Eastern Pennsylvania, Michael Weiss, 2 Century-Fox, Philadelphia; Western Pennsylvania, Jar Totman, Warner Bros., Pittsburgh; Rhode Island, Reed, Leroy Theatre, Pawtucket. South Carolina, Sam Suggs, Palmetto Theatre, ( lumbia; South Dakota, Clifford Knoll, Paramount Th tre, Mitchell; Norman Pyle, MetroGoldwynMayer, M neapolis (co-chairman); Eastern Tennessee, James Pi per, State Theatre, Kingsport; Western Tennessee, M. Lightman, Malco Theatre, Memphis. Texas, Ray Beall, Bob Kelly, Interstate Circuit, Dal (co-chairmen) ; Utah, Helen Garrity, Intermountain Th tre, Salt Lake City; Vermont, Edward J. Briteau, Flj Theatre, Burlington; Virginia, Brock Whitlock, Loc Theatre, Richmond; Washington, V. C. Gauntlett, Ev green Theatres, Seattle; West Virginia (partial), Jar M. Totman, Warner Bros., Pittsburgh, Penn.; Wiso sin, William V. Geehan, Milwaukee; Wyoming, G. I Turner, Lusk. Theatre performance was 31 per cent better I the Sixth War Loan than in the Fifth, Malco Kingsberg, chairman for the War Activities Coi mittee New York area during the Sixth War Lo? reports in a booklet issued this week, "Final I[ port," covering all phases of the drive in that ar< Mr. Kingsberg thanks all participating theai managers and distribution representatives, and li for special attention "Honored Hundred" managi selected on the basis of the maturity value of "' bonds sold, and another "Honored Hundred," ch( en for the greatest number of bonds sold per se From November 1 through December 31, the N York area sold $36,358,975 of Bonds. Dunning Sets 2% Dividend Dunning Color Corporation has declared a tj per cent dividend on its common stock, payal April 7 to stockholders of record March 31. 'Ik MOTION PICTURE HERALD, APRIL 7, 19