Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1945)

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PICTURE 3ROSSES St. Louis Total in Red Cross A statistical compilation and n • r Drive Reaches $62,567 COTnpariSOn Of BoX-Oflice Pet Harry C. Arthur, Jr., motion picture industry m chairman of the American Red Cross War Fund formanCe inJirSt-riin theatTeS drive for Eastern Missouri, announced this week that total contributions to the 1945 drive from Metropolitan St. Louis totaled $62,567.75. — A total of 115 theatres in Greater St. Louis d. ii i i xuj i ii i i I participated in the drive, with audience collections irec+ly below picture title compare dollar gross with average gross and show rela totaling $39,432.92. Additional collections of $4, re percentage of all engagements tabulated. 415.27 from the "Ice-Capades" show at the Arena, gures opposite theatre names represent percentage of tabulated grosses to average weekly ^l^Jffi.a ftoT 32°tW SWdled Kiness based on the six months' period ending January 31, 1945. Motion picture exhibitors and employees con J?B) D°Uft BUI— associate feature title; (SA) Stage Attraction; (MO) Move-Over ^Jj^L^^ Morton^S in; (AA) Advance Admission. ture Operators Union Local 143 and Stage Em !OEX: Over-all performance percentage figures from previously published final reports ap P^es Local 6 contributed $1 367.10, to reach the • c • rTj. j. r d J -T rv _i C 1 . 1 7 1 d 1 ^L_xXiJ grand total in metropolitan St. Louis, •ar in Service Data section of Product Digest, bee last column ot Release Chart for Index. in tne absence of Harry C. Arthur, Jr., from ___ the city, Albert Stetson, director of War Activities for Fanchon and Marco-St. Louis Amusement INDIANAPOLIS— Circle 73.0% Company Theatres presented the check to Walter (DB) The Man in Half Moon Street (Para.) Boehmer, chairman of the drive in St. Louis. LOS ANGELES— Paramount Downtown .... 102.5% LOS ANGELES— Paramount Hollywood .... 10Z4% MINNEAPOLIS — Orpheum 75.9% D| Mp.|.wor|f XA/Jlj Rprome NEW YORK-Paramount, 1st week 100.2% DlUe INeiWOTK Will DeCOITie (SA) Johnny Lonsr's Orchestra, others A „ ^ ^' ^ _ D__ J _ „At»» — new york — Paramount, 2nd. week 83.5% American Broadcasting NEW^ORT-&Soun??rrw?errS 80.7% „ The Blue Network will become the American (SA) Tohnny Long's Orchestra, others Broadcasting Company, with the Blue designation PHILADELPHIA — Stanton, 1st week 117.9% completely dropped, June 15, Fred Smith, vice Im^i^ZtK-SgT.?^ : : : £«t resident, in charge of advertising and pubUc rela PITTSBURGH— Penn 74.7% tions, announced last weekend in New York. PITTSBURGH— Ritz. MO' 1st week 93.7% Eight new stations, as previously reported by the P (DB)^ Man^nilf-Moon Street (Para.) " ' *"* company will join the network on that day bring SAN FRANCISCO^-Warneld 104.1% mg to 197 the stations affiliated or owned by it. (SA) Vaudeville Mr. Smith said that the company planned to ac S?r^5?,^r-?— ^JUS1CHt}' irNr ' o.' \ ',t>' "\" ' 8S-1% celerate its public service functions by providing (DB) The Man in Half Moon Street (Para.) , c5, . . . . , J ^ , ° ST. LOUIS— Missouri, 1st week 104.7% tlme for a 52-week series of air shows, produced (DB) The Man in Half Moon Street (Para.) by the representatives of management, on the same ST,T^Vr^™isso-u\2?A?'eek c ■ ■ ;t> -n • 71A% basis as now provided for labor. (DB) The Man in Half Moon Street (Para.) A • •,, . ■, , , . n WASHINGTON— Earie 92.9% Another series will be available to the Govern (SA) Vaudeville ment to present its messages to the public, and still another will be devoted to various aspects of peace. THUNDERHEAD (20th-Fox) First Reports: i Managers Aiding Red Cross Total Gross Tabulated $254,500 D • j q + WAQ Awards Comparative Average Gross 246,400 _. . Ow^r =11 PQrf^r«, = r,-« imoo/ Citations to be awarded by the War Activities uver-ail rertormance^ Committee to managers who made audience collec BOSTON— Memorial . 105.9% tions on behalf of the Red Cross War Fund and (DB) Hi, Beautiful (Univ.) reported the same to their chairman, are being ^l^^AT1^-^0!. I ■ •'„;«.-,• ■ 76Al° Prepared and will be in the hands of exchange CINCINNATI — RKO Shubert, MO 1st week . . 94.3% v * chairmen ahnnt Anril ?0 The shiplrls will L KANSAS CITY— Esquire, 1st week 108.6% a.rea cnairmen aDout April ZU. I he shields will be KANSAS CITY— Esquire, 2nd week 81.4% signed by S. H. Jbabian, chairman of the theatre KANSAS CTTY-Uptown, 1st week 111.1% division of the WAC ; N. Peter Rathvon, national ^N^sG?S^Sffi.^t^k : : : : : mil chairma" lor the ,driveand ^he individua! exchan?^ (DB) Circumstantial Evidence (20th-Fox) area exhibitor chairman. I he area chairmen will LOS ANGELES— Chinese, 2nd week 83.3% have complete charge of distribution of awards t A£BkSrT?Tm!ta,rtial ,Ev^efce (20th-Fox) and will issue them only upon reCeipt 0f managers' LOS ANGELES— Loew s State, 1st week . . . 101.0% r , .. * (DB) Circumstantial Evidence (20th-Fox) nnal collection reports. LOS ANGELES— Loew's State, 2nd week . . . 74.0% (DB) Circumstantial Evidence (20th-Fox) ^ i.r . — ■ . —. los angeles— uptown, ist week 177.2% Oahtornia I heatres Report (DB) Circumstantial Evidence (20thFox) . ■ LOS ANGELES— Uptown, 2nd week ..... 81.8% Si^AR ?ft| frsr R**rJ I rncc (DB) Circumstantial Evidence (20th-Fox) «P003,ZOI TOr l\eO V^rOSS NEW YORK-Victoria 177.4% Charles P. Skouras, California chairman of the *SAN FRANCISCO— Paramount, 1st week . . . 123.4% motion nirture industry's Red Gross drive TnesHav *SAN FRANCISCO— Paramount, 2nd week . . , 91.6% moxion picture inaustry srcea v^ross arive, luesaay reported to N. Peter Rathvon, national industry • chairman, that 362 theatres of the 601 pledged to the drive had reported total collections of $365,281.57. Collections in theatres of the Fox West Coast circuit operating in northern and southern California as of Tuesday were at an alltime high of $236,687. ARK WATERS (UA) Final Reports: .tal Gross Tabulated $296,000 omparative Average Gross 290,600 ver-all Performance 101.8% iLTIMORE— Century . . . • 105.1% )STON— Majestic, 1st week 142.8% 1STON— Majestic, 2nd week 214.2% ISTON— Majestic, 3rd week 128.5% 7FFALO — Hippodrome 131.1% DB) Dancing in Manhattan (CoL) [ICAGO— Oriental 78.4% SA) Vaudeville SCINNATI— RKO Lyric 129.6% .EVELAND— Loew's Ohio, 1st week .... 169.4% .EVELAND— Loew's Ohio, 2nd week .... 144.4% :XVER— Paramount 70.0% DB) She's a Sweetheart (Col.) :.\VER— Rialto. MO 1st week 89.8% DB) Her Lucky Night (Univ.) lNSAS CITY— Midland 65.0% LWAUKEE— Warner 70.0% DB) Thoroughbreds (Rep.) >NTREAL— Princess, 1st week 112.0% DB) Under Western Stars (Univ.) >NTREAL— Princess, 2nd week 86.1% DB) Under Western Stars (Univ.) :ILADELPHIA— Stanton, 1st week 165.0% :ILADELPHIA— Stanton, 2nd week 99.0% tTSBURGH— Fulton 97.4% N FRANCISCO— United Artists, 1st week . . 120.6% DB) My Gal Loves Music (Univ.) N FRANCISCO— United Artists, 2nd week . . 100.0% DB) My Gal Loves Music (Univ.) N FRANCISCO— United Artists, 3rd week . . 86.5% DB) My Gal Loves Music (Univ.) N FRANCISCO— United Artists, 4th week . . 80.1% DB) My Gal Loves Music (Univ.) A.TTLE— Fifth Avenue 101.5% LOUIS — Ambassador 82.8% DB) Strange Affair (Col.) VSHINGTON— Capitol 98.2% 5A) Vaudeville • ■TWEEN TWO WOMEN (MGM) First Reports: tal Gross Tabulated $147,800 >mparative Average Gross 142,800 i-er-all Performance 103.5% ^'CINNATI— RKO Capitol 117.6% ^CINNATI— Keith's, MO 1st week 160.6% -EVELAND— Loew's State 84.5% )IANAPOLIS— Indiana 119.0% DIANAPOLIS— Loew's, MO 1st week .... 81.9% JLADELPHIA— Aldine, 1st week 131.2% ILADELPHIA— Aldine, 2nd week 83.6% tSHINGTON— Capitol, 1st week 119.6% 5A) Vaudeville iSHINGTON — Capitol, 2nd week 81.2% 5A) Vaudeville iSHINGTON— Columbia, MO 1st week . . . 109.7% INISTRY OF FEAR (Para.) Tinal Reports: tal Gross Tabulated $473,200 •mparative Average Gross 509,000 'er-all Performance 92.9% LTIMORE — Keith's 105.4% STON— Fenway 246.5% ~->B) The Man in Half Moon Street (Para.) S TON— Paramount 136.0% JB) The Man in Half Moon Street (Para.) FFALO— Hippodrome 129.0% JB) Dixie Jamboree (PRC) ICAGO— Apollo, 1st week 90.9% ICAGO— Apollo. 2nd week 75.7% EWELAND— Loew's Ohio 118.6% NVER— Denham 96.9% PRACTICALLY YOURS (Para.) First Reports: Total Gross Tabulated $166,100 Comparative Average Gross 159,000 Over-all Performance 104.4% — , , • , ,,. . . . .. — Q^oldwyn s Wonder Man "CLEVELAND— Loew's State 91.7% — . w . . . , _ "CLEVELAND— Loew's Stillman, MO 1st week . 104.7% \Q Open in NewYOTK MdV 15 DENVER— Denham 140.1% • 1 MINNEAPOLIS— Radio City 111.1% Samuel Goldwyn's "The Wonder Man," starring ^IrN.I?rE,AP1?LIS_Century' MO lst week ■ • • • 105-2Z° Danny Kaye, is scheduled to open at the Astor TdB) Vrthta™* Trouble ' (MGM) theatre on Broadway, May 15, with Goldwyn's cur OMAHA— Omaha, MO lst week 95.2% rent film at that theatre, The Princess and the (DB) Nothing But Trouble (MGM) Pirate," expected to continue until that date. The F™URGg=wrrneyr, MoVt week" I '. KM 'w0 Goldwyn pictures are the only ones which ST. LOUIS— Ambassador 115.3% nave been dated for the Astor since Mr. Goldwyn (DB) Double Exposure (Para.) and David O. Selznick concluded their joint dea' ^ttP^V^V550""'/^ lst week 1237% for the house in February. (DB) Dark Waters (UA) J WASHINGTON— Earle 108.4% . (SA) Vaudevil]e bwa Theatre Reopens *Post-midnight performances discontinued be The 225-seat Princess theatre, Ochyedan, la., cause of curfew. has been reopened by Chester Coyer. )TION PICTURE HERALD, APRIL 7, 1945 57