Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1945)

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INDUSTRY MOVES T< SPEED TOTAL VICTOR WITH 7TH WAR LOA THE SEVENTH War Loan drive, May 14-June 30, approaches and the industry is in action. As its forces in all of its branches move into the opening barrage of their greatest endeavor, ■the roar of Allied arms thunder the impending doom of the foes of freedom in Europe, and V-E Day becomes an imminent consideration. The power of the United States is strangling Japan and reducing its war centers to rubble as the Pacific armies advance into position for the kill. While the cost mounts daily, in lives, in money and in material ; in the blood and the sweat and the sinews of war, the industry bends its efforts to the task with the United States Treasury warnings of still higher costs ringing in its ears, with the realization that the collapse of Germany means only the long and arduous job of throwing the national weight into a one-front war of vast distances and huge demands. This is the fourth War Loan drive to embrace the official participation of the nation's theatres, which have delivered a steadily rising performance of Bond sales with each succeeding cooperative effort. Since the Sixth War Loan, a President of the United States who led them through the first three campaigns has died and a new President has taken up the challenge to build a better world. The industry is in action to make the forthcoming ■drive a memorial to the late President Roosevelt and a tribute to Harry S. Truman, the ■new leader. Final Sessions Map Sustained Drive The industry is moving in national War Activities Committee headquarters in New York. Leaders of all coordinating groups are functioning. It is moving in the field, where committees have been completed in the 31 exchange centers and final meetings are mapping a big beginning and a sustained drive. It is moving in Hollywood, where inspirational pictures are completed to pose the needs of the times to the people of the nation via the screens of the theatres; where the Hollywood Victory Committee is preparing to send the stars of the screen out again to persuade the people to invest in the future of Uncle Sam. There is considerable of a chore to be done. "The Showmen's Seventh," which runs from May 14 through June 30, is the industry's portion of the campaign to raise $14,000,000,'000. It will be introduced through the theatres to the public under the slogan of "Speed Total Victory." The prime objectives will be to meet the request of the Treasury Department for an increase to 10,000 in the number of theatres authorized as Bond Issuing Agents, and to sell the greatest number and largest amount of Bonds since the war began. For the first time, the theatre owners will be urged along in their activity by an approach directly to the people in the form of advertising urging them to buy Bonds at the box offices. "Buy Bonds at Your Favorite Motion Picture Theatre — Always Open for Bond Sales, Including Sundays, Evenings and Holidays," will read small advertisements the national committee has ordered in general magazines of national circulation. The fan magazines will carry editorials, photographic layouts and TED GAMBLE, War Finance director of the Treasury Department, and an exhibitor himself, exhorts exhibitors to back the drive. small gratis advertisements that will play jl the same theme. It is estimated that the p a space will reach about 18,940,000 readers, w i the fan magazines probably reaching anotljr 27,880,000. Publicity plans are being carried out V contacts for radio, newspaper, columnist s| magazine space. State publicity chairmen || implementing this activity by contacts wis leading daily newspapers throughout I country for special attention to theatres s Bond Issuing Agents. Spot announcemeji prepared by the distribution companies v| emphasize the same theme. An "All-S r Radio Show" will be presented from HolJwood, featuring prominent film stars. June I has been designated as National Glenn Milnr Day, as a tribute to the band leader n»| missing in action. The previous day has b< » established as "Free Movie Day," a featre of other drives. . Extensive Campaign for Promotion Arranged Other arrangements completed by the I vertising and publicity committee include: Through the cooperation of the Office [>\ War Information, a slogan has been devis' for general use in the radio spots allocated d the OWI by all programs and will be si; mitted to broadcast sponsors. Two-sheets and four-sheets, a minimum6! 2,800 and a maximum of 4,500 of them, vl appear on the sides of trucks of the Ameri^ Railway Express Company. There will be three screen trailers or b letins, promoting Bond sales. These are be: > completed' by the Hollywood Victory Co * * * * * * * ★ i MI2 . < MOTION PICTURE t^ERALD, APRIL 28, I