Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1945)

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"what the picture did for me" Columbia COWBOY CANTEEN: Charles Starrett, Jane Frazee— .Doubled this with "Grand Ole Opry" and we broke all records. Roy Acuff did it in both pictures. This all happened with a carnival in opposition. Played Thursday, Friday, April 12, 13. — A. G. Fainter, New West End Theatre, High Point, N. C. Rural patronage. DANCING IN MANHATTAN: Jeff Donnell, Fred Brady— Suitable for the lower part of a double bill. Just fair. Played Saturday, April 14— W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. SHE'S A SWEETHEART: Larry Parks, Jane Darwell — Nice program picture that pleased family trade on Saturday. Doubled with a Western. Played March 7. — W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrentown, Mo. Small town patronage. TOGETHER AGAIN: Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer— Fair picture but lacked something to put it in the comedy class. Coburn getting tiresome in the frisky old man parts. He is worthy of better material. Played Sunday, Monday, April 8, 9. — W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer BARBARY COAST GENT: Wallace Beery, Binnie Barnes — This is one of Wallace Beery's poorest pictures. It seems too bad to waste talent such as Beery has on such a poor production. There is very little action, no music. 1 would not recommend this for a spot such as mine. Played Thursday, March 29. — A L. Doce, Bengough Theatre, Bengough, Sask., Can. Rural and small town patronage. DRAGON SEED: Katharine Hepburn. Walter Huston — Another of MGM's big pictures that failed to do the business expected. Business was below average. The second night was way down from the first night. I thought it was an excellent feature. — Edward H. Belz, Community Theatre, Athens, Wis. Rural and small town patronage. MAISIE GOES TO' RENO: Ann Sothern, John Hodiak —Good picture. Business good and everyone well pleased. Played Thursday-Saturday, March 29-31. — M. Bailey, Strand Theatre, Dryden, Ont., Can. Small town patronage. MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS: Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien — This pleased the crowd, it is light entertainment with some dramatic sequences but Margaret O'Brien as little "Toots" with her vivid imagination rather stole the show.— A. E. Hancock, Columbia Theatre, Columbia City, Ind. MRS. PARKINGTON: Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon — Top picture for us. Business very good considering the weather. We had a few walkouts on Saturday night but it was not the fault of the picture. Played Thursday-Saturday, April 12-14— M. Bailey, Strand Theatre, Dryden, Ont., Can. Small town patronage. WATERLOO BRIDGE.: Robert Taylor, Vivian Leigh —Although several years old, this story has just as much appeal as ever. "Very, very good," was the most frequent comment. Played Friday, Saturday, April 6, 7 — B. Schmitt, Swing Theatre, Midlothian, 111. Suburban patronage, WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER, THE: Irene Dunne, Roddy MacDowall— Played this picture very late and it did not do as well at the box office as expected. Very fine production.— Edward H. Belz, Community Theatre, Athens, Wis, Rural and small town patronage. Paramount AND NOW TOMORROW: Loretta Young, Alan Ladd —This clicked very well. Quite a relief from war pictures. It is short enough to build a good program of shorts that helped please all. Played Sunday, Monday, March 25, 26.— W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. DOUBLE INDEMNITY: Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray— Laid off this for months and should have paid for same and not used. It is the kind of picture that is causing droves to stay away from theatres. Waste of time, money and talent. Played Tuesday, Wednesday, April 3, 4.— W T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. FRENCHMAN'S CREEK: Joan Fontaine, Arturo de Cordova— Technicolor put this over to some extent. Could have been cut 30 minutes and that would have speeded up the action. Flayed Sunday, Monday, April 1, 2.— 52 . . . the original exhibitors' reports department, established October 14, 1914. !■ H fbeatremen serve one another with information about the box-office performance at product — providing a service of the exhibitor for the exhibitor. ADDRESS REPORTS What the Picture Did for Me, Motion Picture Herald, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. FRENCHMAN'S CREEK: Joan Fontaine, Arturo de Cordova — This is the most beautiful Technicolor picture we have seen. It involves pirates, sailboats and exceptionally pretty scenes. The night scenes were lovely. Business was very good but we expected it to be much better. It seemed to be very well received. Played Sunday-Tuesday, April 8-10.— B. Schmidt, Ewing Theatre, Midlothian, 111. Suburban patronage. HAIL THE CONQUERING HERO: Eddie Bracken, Ella Raines — Nerve-racking and tiring. As one patron put it, "It wore me out. The poor boy had such a hard time." Harold Lloyd, Harry Langdon and numerous others worked this type of comedy to death. Played Tuesday, Wednesday, March 27, 28. — W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. HERE COME THE WAVES: Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton, Sonny Tufts — Another Crosby hit! Everyone gets his money's worth, including the exhibitor. Had good weather and well-satisfied patrons. Played Wednesday Friday, April 4-6.— G. C. Lamb, Rex Theatre, Minden, La. Small town and rural patronage. MINISTRY OF FEAR: Ray Milland, Marjorie Reynolds— The people just don't come out and see this type of picture. We had very small attendance. Played Monday, Tuesday, April 2, 3.— G. C. Lamb, Rex Theatre, Minden, La. Small town and rural patronage. OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY: Diana Lynn, Gail Russell — While business was not any better than average on this feature there were a fair amount of laughs. This feature is a little out of the ordinary. The appeal was mostly to teen age girls and women. Played Wednesday, Thursday, April 4, 5. — A. C. Edwards, Winema Theatre, Scotia, Cal. Small lumber town patronage. TAKE IT BIG: Jack Haley, Harriet Hilliard— Poor program picture. Failed to please. Played Tuesday, Wednesday, April 10, 11. — W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. TILL WE MEET AGAIN: Ray Milland, Barbara Britton — Well made and well acted. It held the audience interest throughout. Failed to bring them in. Played Thursday, Friday, April 12, 13. — W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. RKO Radio CASANOVA BROWN: Gary Cooper, Teresa WrightCooper seemed somewhat out of his element and there was some criticism about this. The picture drew fairly well and there were many laughs and few complaints. Played Sunday, Monday, April 1, 2. — A. C. Edwards, Winema Theatre, Scotia, Cal, Small lumber town patronage, GIRL RUSH: Frances Langford, Wally Brown— A real good little musical with just the right Western background. Played Saturday only. The weather was good and the attendance was good also. Played April 7. — G. C. Lamb, Rex Theatre, Minden, La. Small town and rural patronage. Republi ic GIT ALONG LITTLE DOGIES: Gene Autry, Judith Allen — Only one more Autry reissue for me! People resent these reissues. If Republic had more foresight and had reissued the newer Autry films all would have been better pleased. These seem so amateurish in production and acting when set against the newer pictures. After these, I doubt if Autry can ever make a comeback. Played Saturday, April 14. — W. T. Zimmerman, Vita Theatre, Warrenton, Mo. Small town patronage. OH, SUSANNA: Gene Autry— A typical Autry reissue that drew good business and satisfied Western fans. It is pretty old. — Edward H. Belz, Community Theatre, Athens, Wis. Rural and small town patronage. SING, NEIGHBOR, SING: Ruth Terry, Lulubelle and Scotty — We had nice business on this the first night, and this corn really took. Next day we had a blizzard, and what a blizzard. The result was that tht receipts at the box office went to nothing. Profit none. LosJ some.— Edward H. Belz, Community Theatre, Athens, Wis. Rural and small town patronage. SONG OF NEVADA: Roy Rogers, Mary Lee, Dal< Evans — Rogers' pictures seem to satisfy our patrons ir a big way and they are very high class Western* Business and weather good.— Edward H. Belz, Communit) Theatre, Athens, Wis. Rural and small town patronage Twentieth CenturyFox BIG NOISE, THE: Laurel and Hardy— The usua Laurel and Hardy stuff. There are lots of laughs anc it seemed to please. Business good. Played MondayWednesday, April 2-4.— M. Bailey, Strand Theatre, Dry den, Ont., Can. Small town patronage. DANGEROUS JOURNEY: Burma Travelogue— Thi, was interesting, but the snake ritual proved too stronj for some of our patrons. Business fair. Played Friday Saturday, April 6, 7.— A. C. Edwards, Winema Theatre Scotia, Cal. Small lumber town patronage. ; 5 ill I (El IMMORTAL SERGEANT, THE: Henry Fonda, Mau reen O'Hara— Brought back an old film due to the short age of good war pictures. It did fair. Played Sunday ■ Monday, April 15, 16. — A. G. Painter, New West En. Theatre, High Point, N. C. Rural patronage. R] LAURA: Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews— This was th< best balanced cast in a very good mystery opus. It if' too bad that the title could not have indicated the typ. of picture, for it deserved stand-out business, which i did not do. Dana Andrews stood out at the head of th — — . *^u,.u atvjwu uul dL me neau oi in cast. The balance of them were equally good.— A. E Hancock, Columbia Theatre, Columbia City, Ind. SWE£T ROSIE O'GRADY: Betty Grable, Rober Young— This is one of the first Betty Grable films I hav played here. It was a poor print but my patrons en joyed it. It is good entertainment and there is some gor> comedy. There is plenty of music that the people lik and there is excellent Technicolor. I would recommen this for a good evening's entertainment. Played Satur day, April 7.— A. L. Dove, Bengough Theatre, Bengoug Sask., Can. Small town and rural patronage. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT: Phil Baker, Phil SilversMany of my patrons got lots of fun out of this differen type picture. There was some criticism of the "Tin PaJ Alley" scene. Average business, and weather good.— Ed' ward H. Belz, Community Theatre, Athens, Wis. Rurc and small town patronage. WING AND A PRAYER: Don Ameche, Dana Andrew] — This feature was sponsored with advance sale of ticket: } and business was above average. It sure satisfied th-'i kiddies and the men. The women, however, did not like h\ so well, but then what about the husbands gettin dragged off to a woman's picture. — Edward H. Belz, Com ! munity Theatre, Athens, Wis. Rural and small towj patronage, , ffl VI HE PI United Artists ABROAD WITH TWO YANKS: William Bendix, Derj nis O'Keefe — A picture full of fun from the beginning 1! the end. These two Marines are always in trouble, bi-j having the time of their lives. So does the audien< ] have the time of their lives. This type of picture n definitely what the patrons go for. Business very goo j Played Wednesday. Thursday, April 11, 12.— B. Schmit! Ewing Theatre, Midlothian, 111. Suburban patronage, j HI DIDDLE DIDDLE: Adolphe Menjou, Martha Sco, —Our patrons did not care for this one after the fir night. The box office showed a decided flop. It migl [ go as a number two on a, double bill. I thought the pi>! ture not bad and don't know why we did not do bettfl business. Played Monday -Wednesday, April 9-11. — J Bailey, Strand Theatre, Dryden, Ont., Can. Small tow patronage. Universal * • J HER LUCKY NIGHT: The Andrews Sisters, Martlj O'Driscoll— Stay lucky and ditch it. That is all ail (Continued on following page) MOTION PICTURE HERALD, APRIL 28, 19'