Motion Picture Herald (May-Jun 1946)

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FOR PROFITS s a big "draw" every day in the year. Your theatre, completely finished in lustrous, gleaming Marlite Wall and Ceiling Panels, will become even more inviting. For this is Marlite's first feature . . . inherent beauty. Marlite wall-size panels are adaptable to any decorative or architectural style in either new construction or modernization. Quick and easy to install, they require no costly interruptions. Second feature is Marlite's exclusive high-heat-bake finish which YOU'RE RIGHT WITH seals against dirt, grime and moisture, makes Marlite as easy to clean as a china plate, saves maintenance and annual redecorating costs. Marsh's usually prompt nation-wide service may be slowed'due to unprecedented demand. However, every effort is being made to bring Marlite deliveries back to normal. MARSH WALL PRODUCTS, Inc. 569 MAIN ST., DOVER, OHIO PLASTIC-FINISHED WALL PANELS FOR CREATING '^BEAUTIFUL INTERIORS THE CHOICE OF LEADING THEATRE ARCHITECTS AND DECORATORS ■ "The HouBt of Seirlee" 130 WEST 46th STREET, NEW YORK CITY • Chicago • St. Louis • Los Angeles About Products for the Theatre and people who make and vefl litem Six-Tube Rectifier A six-tube bulb type rectifier has been brought out in both single and twin models by the Forest Manufacturing Corporation, Newark, N. J. Specifications given by the manufacturer are as follows: Six 15-ampere bulbs for full-wave current rectification ; built-in remote control relays with provisions for spotlight operation; d. c. output flexible from 40 to 75 amperes with protective provisions against effect of line voltage fluctuation. General design is compact and sturdy and provides for convenient installation and servicing. The company also announces that it can make immediate delivery on 30-60-ampere tube rectifiers, and the four models of magnesium type rectifiers in the line. New Type Stair Treads A new type stair tread has been placed on the market by the American Mat Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. Marketed under the trade name of "Double-Duty Stair Tread," it is a covering for both step and riser to protect the stairs from scuffing and kicking as well as to give the steps a safe surface. These treads are available in two sizes — one 18 inches wide and %-inch thick to cover a tread 8x18 inches plus a 7x1 8-inch riser; and the other with the same characteristics except for a width of 24 inches. Fungicide for Ringworm Exhibitors in Chicago, and elsewhere where ringworm threatened to spread, particularly in Michigan and Illinois, are using Fort-a-Cide regularly as a precaution, following tests made by the Chicago Department of Health, which showed this germicide highly effective as a means of destroying the ringworm promptly. Charles P. Hughes, president of the Fort-a-Cide Corporation, Chicago, pointed out in talks before exhibitor meetings, that theatre chairs are among the potential 6 BEHER THEATRES. MAY 4. 1946