Motion Picture Herald (May-Jun 1946)

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Newspaper Contest Sparks "Last Chance" Campaign in Bombay SPiCIAL ESSAY CONTEST "THE LAST CHANCE The most different film ever mumn EACH PERSON IN THIS UNUSOW. SWISS PlCTUIff IS ENACTING A ROLE FROM THEIR OWN IIH. NONE OF THEM HAS EVER BEFORE APPEARED IN MOTION PICTURES.THE QUESTION IS THIS. ^ WHOM DO YOU P!Ci< FOR STARDOM !N 'THE LAST CHANCE" SEE THE MORHIM STANDARD' FOR FULL DETAILS HERE ARE SOME OF THE VALUABLE PRIZES I li. 25Q/ IN CASH OOMATEO B» TOIKA8T BliOIKESS 2. 'simmi uwEs com wrist wmcn west £nd watch ca 3 •S*SI»OrW«ISTWATCH FAVM UUBdiCtt ITO. 4 lAOYSMITH GENTS' WRIST WATCH " MERIDIAH WATO Ca 5. EtECTRIC ALARM CLOCK " EASTERN WATOJCa 6. W8ITINC CASE WITH 6 TUBES OF SARIDON "ROCHE" / ROCHE SOairiflC DMSIW. 7. KREMEHTZ DRESS SET " A.R.DIA5 t BROS. 8 TROPHY " ALFA SPORT. 9 LADIES WORK BASKET JHAVERI BROS (, CO. Essay contest sponsored by the Morning Standard is publicized in store windows and lobby display which lists prizes offered to winners An extensive campaign was conducted by manager Homi Hyderabadwala to exploit "The Last Chance" at the Metro theatre in Bombay, India. An essay contest titled "Whom do you pick for stardom in 'The Last Chance' and why was sponsored by the Morning Standard. The newspaper ran a story on the contest starting 10 days in advance and each day thereafter for the entire engagement of the picture. Various merchants were induced to donate prizes. In addition, the merchants used 14x36 cards in their stores plugging the contest. Two special previews were arranged. The first was attended by the mayor of Bombay, commissioner of Bombay Municipality and other distinguished guests. As a result of the preview worthwhile comments were obtained from the mayor and others. The second was attended by the Archbishop and the Bishop of Bombay. They issued statements praising the picture and permitted the statements to be used in ads. Also, the Archbishop gave the film a gocxi write-up in the Catholic newspaper. A teaser ad campaign was conducted in the newspapers starting three weeks before opening. 10,000 tip sheets imprinted with playdate copy were distributed on the last day of horse racing at the Bombay track about three and a half weeks in advance of opening. Tieups were arranged with Evans Fraser and Dias and Bros, to include an insert in every one of their packages plugging "The Last Chance." Evans Fraser also devoted a window to publicize the picture and theatre playdates. Every available space around the theatre was utilized. A 26 foot board decorated the marquee. The entire rear section of the orchestra was painted with copy. The six large panels in the lobby were placarded and mirrors were decorated with red paper letters. A large "Wheel of Fortune" was used outside the theatre with a bell attached which went off every time the wheel turned. A gala opening night was arranged. Present were the governor of Bombay, governor of Assam, the Swiss Consul and the entire diplomatic corps. A photo showing the important guests attending the premiere was published in the newspaper. Comic Artist's Appearance Boosts Serial Playdate Extra newspaper breaks resulted from the personal appearance of Mel Graff, author of the comic strip, "Secret Agent X9," on the day the serial of the same name opened at the Hippodrome theatre, Gloversville, N. Y. Manager Eddie Grey promoted the tieup when he discovered that the artist lived in the locality. Graff gave away a score of his original strips and several autographed copies to kids holding lucky numbers. Color Ad Boosts "Forest" A highl}' attractive newspaper ad in color for "The Enchanted Forest" drew widespread attention to manager W. D. Butler's playdate at the Lyric theatre. Salt Lake City, Utah. Uses Attractive Display Ads For "Doll Face," manager Ron Sturgess used attractive display ads in the Tribune to exploit the engagement of the picture at the Star theatre, Coshocton, Ohio. Contest Boosts Groom^s Date On "Adventure Extensive newspaper coverage topped by a six day contest gave impetus to the campaign on "Adventure" at the Victory theatre, Evansville, Ind. Manager Arthur Groom promoted the contest, which was sponsored by the Coiwier. Readers were asked to write a letter on their greatest "Adventure" or the most thrilling story heard. Cash prizes and guest tickets were awarded winners. Cooperative newspaper ads were arranged with Schear's Department Store and the Readmore Book Shop. Fifty oversize passes were distributed around town, a stunt which caused much comment. Three windows were promoted for book displays, with theatre credit, while another window featured "Adventure" fashions. Groom also arranged for radio spot announcements and for playdate mention on the "Pass the Bucks" and "Show Time" programs emanating from station WGBF. Stage Money Aids Playdate On "Brewster's Millions" Stage money pasted on lobby and foyer floors and in front of the box-ofiice drew attention to manager Herb Thacher's date on "Brewster's Millions" at the Hamilton theatre, Lancaster, Pa. Thacher started his campaign three weeks in advance with teaser displays on lobby mirrors, using cutout heads of stars with laugh lines. On one of the mirror displays a canvas bank bag stuffed to represent a bag full of money and inscribed "8 million" was used. Local restaurants carried announcements of the playdate on menus. Teaser Ad Campaign Sells Date on "Dracula" A four day teaser ad campaign in the local newspaper which was tied-in with the housing shortage stirred up considerable interest in manager Vic Morelli's engagement of "House of Dracula" at the Bristol theatre, Bristol, Conn. The first ad read : "Are you looking for a house? Watch this space for further announcement." For "Tarzan and the Leopard Woman," Morelli arranged for a coloring contest for kids through the local newspaper. Guest tickets were awarded for the best 17 drawings submitted. MANAGERS' ROUND TABLE. JUNE I. 1946 4S