Motion Picture Herald (May-Jun 1946)

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STAR PERFORMANCE Begins in the Booth! Feature better projection with G-E Copper-Oxide Rectifiers TWO-PIECE CONSTRUCTIONS Transformer and control panel in top. Stacks, relays, fan below MULTI-UNIT TRANSFORMERS Vacuum impregnated for high efficiency, low-cost operation SECONDARY TAPSS Permit wide range of arc voltage and current COPPER-OXIDE STACKSS Require no maintenance, assure practically unlimited life POSITIVE RELAYSS For operations by remote control With G-E copper-oxide rectifiers back, you can be sure of economical and dependable performance from your power source. Basically the same tried-and-true models you knew before the war, the new and improved line is in production to give you better service at low cost. G-E projection rectifiers are distributed by National Theatre Supply. Contact your nearest branch office or write to Section A6610-55, Appliance and Merchandise Department, (General Electric Company, Bridgeport, Conn. GENERAL S ELECTRIC BEHER THEATRES, JUNE I. 1946 37