Motion Picture Herald (May-Jun 1946)

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Arthur Lockwood, Albert Swerdlove BUFFALO Joe Blumenfeld, R. L. Lippert Wm. David CHARLOTTE SCREtNGU\lD PRODUCTIONS i IP " FEATURES 5 in Natural Color! 7 Outstanding Attractions! 4 James Oliver Curwood Streamliners 12 Hopalong Cassidy Re-Releases i Headed by JOSEPH BLUMENFELD President ROBERT L. LIPPERT Executive Vice-President and WIIUAM B. DAVID Vice-President & Executive Producer SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTIONS RELEASE SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTIONS, with exchanges everywhere, indodes omong its oHiters, directors ond franchise holders proven sho>Nmen with theotre interests of importance ond outstanding records in the world of entertainment. Only such practical showmanship could deliver an initiol program of pictures designed to register solidly at the box office. Conclusive proof of this fact is set forth in the pages of this announcement . . .