Motion Picture Herald (May-Jun 1946)

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How to Increase Your Theatre Grosses TANDEM BICYCLE proved an effective and inexpensive ballyhoo to pronnote "Two Sisters from Boston" for manager Harry Moore of the Paramount in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. EXhIIBIT of stuffed animals gave realistic touch to the current date of "Dangerous Journey" at the Telenews theatre, San Francisco. Manager Charles E. Shutt borrowed these and .other props which attracted unusual attention from passersby. ^ ThfDtVILBAl J ADVANCE SALE lobby booth for all-horror show, left, at the Poli-Palace, Merlden, Conn., helped to promote a special midnight show for manager Mollie Stickles. We Dare You to See HORROR DISPLAY in the lobby of the Imperial theatre, Augusta, Ga., did an excellent selling job for manager P. E. McCoy's engagement of "House of Dracula." Blinking lights behind the eyes animated the display. 52 FREE DINNERS were offered to Washlngtonians who could watch a screening of "A Night in Casablanca" without laughing. Patrons were invited to leave their names and addresses, and contestants were notified when to attend the free showing. Winners were to be dined at one of the city's smart supper clubs. Created by F. O. Hinz, assistant manager of the Capitol. MOTION PICTURE HERALD, JUNE 29, 1946