Motion Picture Herald (May-Jun 1946)

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Prod. Rrl. P.O. So. Title Date Page RKO WALT DISNEY CARTOONS (Color) 54.115 Legend of Coyote Rock (7) 8-24-45 2522 54.116 No Sail (7) 9-7-45 2611 54.117 Hockey Homicide (8) .. .9-21 -45 2522 54.118 Cured Duck (7) 10-26-45 2807 (1945-48) 64.101 Canine Patrol (7) 12-7-45 2795 04.102 Old Sequoia (7) 12-21-45 2822 64.103 A Knight for a Day (7). 3-8-46 3019 64.104 Pluto's Kid Brother (7). 4-12-46 2954 $4,105 In Dutch (7) 5-10-46 64,106 Sauatter'i Rights (7) 6-7-46 3043 £4,107 Donald'* Doubts Troubls (7) 6-28-46 .... SPORTSCOPES 04.311 Toe Tricks (8) 6-15-45 2654 54.312 Mexican Playland (8).. 7-13-45 2579 54.313 Colorado Rainbows (8)..S-IO-45 2611 (1945-46) M.30I Athletit Item* (8) 1-7-45 2735 •4,302 Batttino Bau (8) 10-5-45 2807 64.503 Ten Pin Titans (8) 1 1 -2-45 2735 64.304 Artaro Up (8) 11-30-45 2807 •4.305 Ski Matter (8) 12-28-45 2840 •4,S0< Winning Basketball (•).l-2S-4t 2927 64.307 Quarter Horses (8) 2-22-46 2908 64.308 Black Ducks and Broadbllls (8) 3-22-46 2954 64.309 Tenderfoot Trail (8) ... .4-19-46 3119 64.310 Aqua Queens (8) S-17-46 3043 64.311 Ben Hogan (8) 6-14-46 HEADLINER REVIVALS (1945-46) 63.201 The Derby Decade (22). 9-21-45 2735 63.202 Russian Dressing (18) . 1 1-23-45 2746 63.203 Twenty Girls and a Band (18) 1-18-46 2850 63.204 Sea Melody (19) 3-15-46 2927 EDGAR KENNEDY 53.404 What, No Cigarettes? (8) 7-13-45 2522 53.405 It's Your Move (17) . . . .810-45 2611 53.406 You Drive Me Crazy(l7) . 9-7-45 2807 (1945-46) 63.401 The Big Beef (17) .... 10-19-45 2735 63.402 Mother-in-Law's Day (18) 12-7-45 2822 •3,403 Trouble ar Nothing (18) . 1-25-46 2908 LEON ERROL 53,706 Double Honeymoon (1 7).. 8-3-45 2598 (1945-46) 63.701 Beware of Redheads (17) .9-14-45 2735 63.702 Maid Trouble (18) 2-2-46 2908 63.703 Oh, Professor, Behave (18) 3 1-46 2927 63.704 Twin Husbands (IS)....S-IO-46 3018 FLICKER FLASHBACKS (1945-46) 64.201 No. I (7) 9-14-45 2694 64.202 No. 2 (7) 10-19-45 2807 64.203 No. 3 (7) 11-23-45 2807 54.204 No. 4 (8) 12-28-45 2840 •4,205 No. 5 (7) 2-1-46 2927 64.206 No. 6 (9) 3-8-46 2954 64.207 No. 7 (7) 4-12-46 3007 THIS IS AMERICA 53.109 China Life-Line (16) 7-6-45 2542 53.110 Policing Germany (20) . .7-27-45 2611 53.111 Annapolis (16) 8-24-45 2694 53.112 California Boom-Town (16) 9-21-45 2694 53.113 Americans In Paris(l6) 10-19-45 2726 (1945-46) 63.101 Airline to Everywhere (17) 11-16-45 2766 »3,I02 TV. A. (18) 12-14-45 2795 63.103 Great Lakes (16) I-II-46 2908 53. 104 Report on Japan (19) 2-8-46 2882 63.105 Street of Shadows (16).. 3-8-46 2940 63.106 Two Million Rooms (16) 4 5-46 2954 63.107 No Place Like Home (16) 5 S-Jfi 2997 63.108 Panama (16) 5-31-46 .... RAY WHITLEY WESTERN MUSICALS 63.501 A Western Welcome (18) .9-7-45 2607 •3.502 Sagebrush Serenade( 19) .10-26-45 2807 63.503 Ranch House Romeo(l7). 11-30-45 2758 63.504 Rhythm Wranglers (19). 1-18-46 2895 SPECIALS 671 The House I Live In(lO) . 1 1-9-45 2679 20TH CENTURY-FOX MOVIETONE ADVENTURES (Celor) Prod. Rel. P.O. No. Title Date Page •257 Lost Lake (8) I1 1-46 2653 6258 Along the Rainbow Trail (8) 2-15-46 2987 6259 Cradle of Liberty (8) . . . .6-21 -46 3007 6260 Across the Great Divide (8) 7-5-46 .... SPORTS REVIEWS (Color) (IS45-l94e) 6351 Ski Aces (8) 9-21-45 2840 6352 Time Out for Play (8) .. 1 116-45 2908 6301 Pint and Cuthlont (8) 2-1-46 2927 6353 Diving Dandles (8) 3-15-46 3043 6354 Sea Sirens (8) S1 0-46 3043 6355 Golden Horses (8) 4-26-46 TERRYT00N8 (Color) 5520 Mighty Mouse and the Wolf (7) 7-20-45 2840 (1945-1946) 6501 Mighty Mouse In Gypsy Life (7) 8-3-45 2579 6502 The Fox and the Duck(7) 8-24-45 2694 6503 Swooning the Swaoners(7) .9-14-45 2653 6504 The Watch Dog (7) 9-28-45 2640 6505 Who's Who In the Jungle (7) 10-19-45 2840 6506 Mighty Mouse Meets Bad Bill Bunion (7) 1 1-9-45 2840 6507 The Exterminator (7) . . . . 1 1-23-45 2927 6508 Mighty Mouse in Krakatoa (7) 12-14-45 2918 6509 The Talking Maggies (7).. 1-4-46 2918 •510 Svengall't Cat (7) .1-18-46 291* 6511 The Fortune Hunters (7).. 2-8-46 3055 6512 The Wicked Wolf (7) 3-8-46 2054 6513 My Old Kentucky Home (7) 3-29-46 2954 6514 It's All In the Stars (7). 4-12-46 2954 6515 Throwing the Bull (7) 6-3-46 2954 6516 The Trojan Horse (7) ... .7-26-46 3007 6517 Dinky Finds a Home (7). 6-7-46 6518 The Johnstown Flood (7). 6-28-46 6519 Peace Time Football (7). 7-19-46 6520 The Golden Hen (7) ... .5-24-46 2954 MARCH OF TIME VI 1-12 Where'; the Meat7(l7) 7-13-45 2542 VI I13 The New U. S. Frontier (17) 8-10-45 2578 (1945-1946) VI2-I The Palestine Problem (17) 9-7-45 2638 VI2-2 American Beauty (18) .. 10-5-45 2670 VI2-3 18 Million Orphans (18). 1 1-2-45 2703 VI2-4 Justice Comes to Germany (18) 11-30-45 2726 VI2-5 Challenge to Hollywood (18) 12-28-45 2768 VI 2-6 Life With Baby (20) .. 1-25-46 2830 VI2-7 Report on Greece (19) . .2-22-46 2870 VI2-8 Night Club Boom (21) . .3-22-46 2895 VI 2-9 Wanted— More Homes (20) 4-19-46 2954 V12-10 Tomorrow's Mexico (19) 5-17-48 3007 VI2-II Problem Drinkers (19) . .6-14-46 3043 V12-I2 The New France 7-12-46 .... DRIBBLE PUSS PARADE (1945-46) 6901 Here Comes the Circus(8) .31 -46 3019 6902 Muscle Maulers 5-31-46 FEMININE WORLD SERIES 6201 Behind the Footlights (8). 4-5-46 2974 THE WORLD TODAY 6401 Man From Missouri (9).. 1-25-46 2987 2801 2802 2803 2805 1005 1006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2901 1112 UNITED ARTISTS (1945-46) 2102 DAFFY DITTIES (Color) 2103 .... The Flying Jeep (9) 8-20-45 2611 .... The Lady Said No (8).. 4-26-46 2987 ^'"^ .... Peplto's Serenade (8) ^'"^ Choo Choo Amigo 6261 6201 6251 6252 •253 6254 Ii255 •258 The Empire State (8) .. .7-27-45 2579 (Black and White) What It Takes to Make a Star t8J 7-6-45 2579 (1945-1946) Memories of Columbus (8) . 8-17-45 2694 Magic of Youth (8) 8-31-45 2694 China Carries On (8) ... 10-12-45 2840 Bountiful Alaska (8) . . . . IO-2S-4t, 2853 Song of Sunihlne (8) 12-7-45 2850 LMltiana Springtime (8). 12-21-45 2653 UNIVERSAL LANTZ COLOR CARTUNES 9240 Dippy Diplomat (7) 8-27-45 2737 (1945-1946) 1321 The Loose Nut (7) 12-17-45 2807 1322 The Poet and the Peasant (7) 3-18-46 2694 1323 Mousle Come Home 4-15-46 1324 Apple Andy (7) 5-20-46 2927 1325 Who's Cooking Who (7).. 6-24-46 3043 1326 Bathing Buddies (7) 7-1-46 PERSON — ODDITIES 9877 School for Mermaids (9).. 813-45 2598 9878 Kanine Aristocrats (9) 8-27-45 2750 (1945-1946) 1361 Gabriel Heatter Reporting (9) .9-16-45 2710 1362 Hill Billy Artitt (9) ... .9-24-45 2694 1363 Paper Magle (9) 10-15:45 2695 1364 Pottery Poet (9) 10-29-45 2710 1365 Front Line Artitt (9) . . . 1 112-45 2695 1366 Maestro of the Comiei (9) .3-18-46 2918 Prod. Rel. P.D. No. Title Date Page 1367 Wlngt of Courtga (•> 8-28-4S 2927 1368 CartuM Crusader (9) 4-1-46 2927 1369 Scientlflcally Stung (9).. 6-10-46 3055 1370 Lone Star Padre 6-17-46 1371 Artlttt't Antltt 6-24-46 .... 1372 Picture Pioneer 7-1-46 VARIETY VIEWS 9357 Victory Bound (9) 8-6-45 2598 9358 Village of the Past (9) .. .8-20-45 2598 (1945-46) 1341 Queer Birds (9) 9-17-45 2694 1342 Go North (9) 10-1-45 2695 1343 Grave Laughter (9) 10-22-45 2695 1344 Doctor of Paintings (0) ... 1 1-5-45 2840 1345 Jungle Capers (9) 12-10-45 2807 1346 Script Teas (9) 3-25-46 2954 1347 Dog Tale (9) 3-25-46 2954 1348 Chimp on the Loose (10). .4-1-46 2927 1349 Dog of the Seven Seas. . .6-17-48 1350 Magic Mineral 7-1-46 NAME-BAND MUSICALS 9128 Artistry In Rhythm (15). 7-18-45 2579 9129 WaikikI Melody (15) ... .8-29-45 2611 (1945-46) 1301 Solid Senders (15) 10-21-45 2710 1302 Hot and Hectle (15) 11-28-45 2850 1303 Synco-Smooth Swing (15). 1219-45 2758 1304 Cuban Madness (15) 1-2-46 2908 1305 Tin Pan Alley Tempos(l5) . I -9-46 2822 1306 Melody Stampede (15) ... 1-16-46 2822 1307 Swing High, Swing Sweet (15) 2-20-46 2908 1308 Takin' the Breaks (15). .5-22-46 3018 1309 Banquet of Melody (IS)... 5-29-40 8018 1310 Swinging Down the Scales (15) 6-26-46 3043 SING AND BE HAPPY SERIES (1945-46) 1381 Sing and Be Happy (10). 2-18-46 2850 1382 Merrily We Sing (10)... 8-27-46 8018 SPECIAL FEATURETTES (1945-46) 1201 Tiny Terrors of the Timberlands 6-26-46 2940 1203 Roosevelt — Man of Destiny (18) 4-10-46 2927 WARNER— VITAPHONE (1945-46) TECHNICOLOR ADVENTURES Fashions for Tomorrow (10) 1511 1512 1513 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2601 2602 2603 2604 11-17-45 In Old SanU Fa (10) . . . . I12-46 All Aboard (10) ........ .3-30-46 Girls and Flowers (10) .. .5-25-46 TECHNICOLOR SPECIALS America tht Beautiful (20). 8-4-45 Orders from Tokyo (20). 8-18-45 (1945-46) Frontier Days (20) 12-8-45 Forest Commandos (20) ... 1-19-46 Movleland Magle (20) 3-9-46 Gem of the Ocean (20) ..4-13-46 South of Monterrey (20)... 6-1-46 Hawaiian Memories (20). .6-15-46 SPECIALS The 900 (9) 9-15-45 FEATURETTES Learn and Live (20) 7-7-45 (1945-46) Barbershop Ballads (20) .. .9-8-45 Star In the Night (20) .. 10-13-45 All Star Musical Revue (20) 11-3-45 Good Old Cora (20) 11-24-45 Musical Shipmates (20) .. .216-46 Hitler Lives? (20) 12-29-45 SPORTS PARADE (Color) Arabians In Rockies (10). 8-25-45 Days of '76 (10) 12-22-45 Cavalcade of Archery (10). 1-12-46 (1945-46) Sports Go to War (10) .. 1 1-10-45 Holiday on Horseback (10). 2-2-46 MIthlgan Skl-DaddU (10.. 2-9-46 With Rod and Gun in Canada (10) 8-16-46 Snow Eagles (10) 3-30-46 Let's Go Gunning (10) 4-6-46 Fin'n Feathers (10) 4-27-46 Under Water Spear Fishing (10) 5-18-46 The Riding Hannefords (10) 6-29-46 Facing Your Danger (10). 5-11-46 MELODY MASTER BANDS (1945-46) Spade Cooley, King of Western Swing (10) 9-1-45 Here Comes the Navy Bands (10) 9-29-45 Musical Novelties (10) ... 10-6-45 Music of the Amerlcas(IO) 12-15-45 2908 2822 2940 3019 2579 2940 2653 2822 2927 2954 3055 3043 2611 2579 2611 2694 2735 2746 2927 2778 2611 2908 2882 2695 2882 2927 2918 2927 2954 2940 3019 3043 3019 2611 2653 2694 2735 Prod. Rel. PJ> No. Title Date Page 2605 Headline Bands (10) 1-26-46 2850 2606 Jan Savitt & His Band(IO). 3-16-46 29n 2607 Rhythm on Ice (10) 4-20-48 2940 2608 Dixieland Jamboree (10). .5-11-46 3019 BLUE RIBBON HIT PARADE (Color) 1312 Old Giorv (7) 8-25-45 259* 1313 Busy Bakers (7) ltl-2S-45 2695 (1945-46) 2301 Sunbonnet Blue. A (7) .. 1 1 -17-45 2736 2302 Lyin' Mouse (7) 12-22-45 2394 2303 The Good Egg (7) I -5-46 2823 2304 Trial of Mr. Wolf 2-6-46 2BI> 2305 LIttIa Lion Hunter (7) .. .3-23-46 289' 2306 Fresh Fish (7) 4-6-46 2040 2307 Dafly Duck and Egghead (7) 4-20-46 2954 2308 Katnip Kollege (7) 5-4-46 3019 2309 The Night Watchman (7). 5-18-46 3019 2310 Little Brother Rat 6-8-46 2311 Johnny Smith and Poker Huntat (7) 6-22-46 3043 MERRIE MELODIES CARTOONS (Colon 1707 Tale of Two Mice (7) ... .6-30-45 2485 1708 Wagon Heels (7) 7-28-45 2533 1709 Fresh Airdale (7) 8-25-45 2611 1710 Bashful Buzzard (7) 9-15-45 2695 1711 Peck Up Your Troubles (7) 10-20-45 2653 1712 Nasty Quacks (7) 12-1-45 2735 1713 Book Revue (7) 1-5-46 2622 1714 Holiday for Shoestrings (7) 2-23-46 2908 1715 Quentin Quail (7) 3-2-46 2895 1716 Baby Bottleneck (7) 3-16-46 2895 1717 Elmer's Hare Remover (7).3-23-46 9895 1718 Daffy Doodles (7) 4-6-46 2954 1719 Hollywood Canine Canteen (7) 4-20-46 2954 1720 Hush My Mouse (7) 5-4-46 2954 (1945-46) 2701 Kitty Kornered (7) 6-8-46 3055 2702 Hollywood Daffy (7) 6-22-46 3055 "BUGS BUNNY" SPECIALS (Color) 1724 Hare Conditioned (7) 8-11-45 2598 1725 Hare Tonic (7) 11-10-45 2694 1726 Baseball Bugs (7) 2-2-46 2850 (1945-46) 2721 Tha Hair Raising Har* (7) 5-25-46 3019 2722 Acrobatty Bunny 6-29-46 3055 VITAPHONE VARIETIES (1945-46) 2401 Alice In Jungleland (10). 9-22-45 2611 2402 Miracle Makers (10) 9-1-45 2735 2403 Story of a Dog (10) .... 10-27-45 2694 2404 So You Think You're Allergic? (10) 12-1-45 2908 2405 Peeks at Hoolywood (10) .. 1-26-46 2822 2406 Smart as a Fox (10) ... .4-27-46 2940 MISCELLANEOUS stars of Tomorrow (Artkino) (9) 2351 Cap'n Cub (Film Classics) (10) 2415 Peace Builders (Brandon Fllmt) (10). 2446 Marshal Stalin's Report (Artkino) (18). 244« Maldaaek (ArUine) (10) 2522 Caledonia (Astor) (18) 2653 Story of D.D.T. (Brit. Inf. Servlcs) (23) 2710 The Great Circle (Brit. Inf. Servlea) (13) 2718 Heir te tbe Throne (Brit Int. Service) (9) 2710 Hands Across the Sea (British Lion) (37) 4-8-46 2830 Food and Famine (WAC) 1-27-46 UNRRA Reports to the U. S. (WAC) 1-3-46 .... SERIALS COLUMBIA (1945-46) 7120 Jungle Raiders 9-14-45 (15 episodes) 7140 Who's Guilty 12-13-45 (15 episodes) 7160 Hop Harrigan 3-28-46 .... (15 episodes) 7180 Chick Carter Detective 7-11-46 (15 episodes) REPUBLIC (1945-46) .... Daughter of Don Q 2927 (12 episodes) 581 The Phantom Rider 1-26-46 2918 (12 episodes) 582 King of the Forest Rangers (12 episodes) 4-27-46 2927 .... The Crimson Ghost 3043 (12 episodes) UNIVERSAL (1945-1946) 1581-1593 Secret Agent X-9. . .7-24-43 (13 episodes) 1781-1793 The Scarlet Heresman.l-22-46 (13 episodes) 1881-1893 Lost City of the Jungle (13 episodes) 4-23-46 .... Mysterious Mr. M 7-23-46 (13 episodes) 2638 2954 8019 3068 PRODUCT DIGEST SECTION, JUNE 29, 1946