Motion Picture Herald (Sep-Oct 1946)

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(Continued from preceding page) grid Bergman — Good business. It held up for four days. Play it. Played Friday-Monday, May 31-June 3.— M. W. Thompson, Roxy Theatre, Bowbells, N. D. BRINGING UP BABY: Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant— An oldie, but still one of the best comedies made. We played up the line, "Wait 'til you see Baby" in our ads and had a full house both nights. Costumes not dated as in many old films. O.K. anywhere.— Pinecrest Theatre, Pinecrest, Cal. Summer resort patronage. DING DONG WILLIAMS: Glenn Vernon, Marcia McGuire — Used on a double bill program and it was very good. Played Friday, Saturday, Sept. 13, 14. — James C. Balkcom, Jr., Gray Theatre, Gray, Ga. NOTORIOUS: Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant— This much discussed and much advertised picture was a terrific program. Wide calendar distribution, extra onesheets and word-of-mouth campaign by the staff brought out everyone in the camp. The new, or rather different Miss Bergman was an instant success. The key motif not as important in the picture as in the flack. Played after opening downtown. Played Wednesday, Thursday, Sept. 4, 5.— W. A. Ufford and J. F. Lowe, Post Thetares, Buckley Field, Denver, Colo. Army patronage. PARTNERS IN TIME: Pamela Blake, John James — A good comedy for a small town. It has plenty of corn. Business was only average as I had the county fair for competition. Played Wednesday, Thursday, Sept 11, 12.— E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. PINOCCHIO: Disney Feature Cartoon— Good. Business better the second night than the first, in spite of a circus in town. Played Wednesday, Thursday, July 31, Aug. 1. — M. W. Thompson, Roxy Theatre, Bowbells, N. D. SPIRAL STAIRCASE: Dorothy McGuire, George Brent — Just another mystery that flopped at the box office. There have been entirely too many of this type this season. Played Sunday, Monday, June 30, July 1.— M. W. Thompson, Roxy Theatre, Bowbells, N. D. STRANGER, THE: Edward G. Robinson, Loretta Young, Orson Wells — Personally, I enjoyed this thoroughly. I thought it well done in every department. But business was below average and on Monday night the checker, cashier and doorman kept each other company. Please save us from more Sunday-Monday playdates like this. Pictures with limited appeal should be made available for midweek percentage deals. Played Sunday, Monday, Sept. 8. 9. — Thomas di Lorenzo, New Paltz Theatre, New Paltz. N. Y. UP IN ARMS: Danny Kaye, Dinah Shore— Brought this back in the wake of the "Kid from Brooklyn" and had a sellout. Played Thursday. Friday, Aug. 7, 8. — Pinecrest Theatre, Pinecrest, Cal. Summer resort patronage Republic DAKOTA: John Wayne, Vera Hruba Ralston— A good Western which pleased better than average business. John Wayne was O. K., but Miss Ralston had better stick to her skating. Played Friday, Saturday. Sept. 13, 14.— E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre. Dewey, Okla. GREAT STAGECOACH ROBBERY: Bill Elliott. Bobby Blake — Used on second half of weekend double bill. Fair business. Plaved Friday, Saturday, Sept. 13. 14— A. C. Edwards, Winema Theatre, Scotia, Cal. Small lumber town patronage. RENDEZVOUS: Eddie Albert, Faye Marlowe— Had one of the first bookings in this state on this. It certainly pleased my Sunday patrons. Rain failed to dampen this good comedv. Some of the patrons said it was the best Republic picture, outside the Western group. Keep it up. Republic. Played Sunday, Sept. 15. — James C. Balkcom, Jr., Gray Theatre, Gray, Ga. UNDER NEVADA SKIES: Roy Rogers, Dale Ev ans — Average Roy Rogers picture that satisfied the cash customers and got by at the box office. Played Sunday, Sept. 14.— W. F. Shelton. Louisburg Theatre. Louisburg, N. C. UNDER NEVADA SKIES: Roy Rogers. Dale Ev ins — Roy Rogers entry into international intrigue was well received bv the chap and spur boys. The twofisted action, blazing sixguns and falling bodies in this picture was just what they bought the ticket to see. Musical numbers worked in easily and general conformity was as good if not better than usual for this tyne entry. Played Saturday, Sent. 14. — W. A. Ufford and J. P. Lowe, Post Theatres. Buckley Field. Denver, Colo. Army patronage. Twentieth CenturyFox CLAUDIA AND DAVID: Robert Young. Dorothy McGuire — Far better than the first Claudia picture and it seemed to please the patrons. Business, however, was barely average. Played Monday. Tuesday. Sent. 15. 16.— W. F. Shelton. Louisburg Theatre, Louisburg. N. C. DARK CORNER, THE: Lucille Ball, William Bendix — This one was just a little too dark at our box office to suit us. Weather fair. Played Thursday, Sept. 5. — V. H. Freeman, Scenic Theatre, Newland, N. C. DOLL FACE: Carmen Miranda, Perry Como— Used on weekend double bill to fair business. No raves. Played Friday, Saturday, Sept. 13, 14. — A. C. Edwards, Winema Theatre, Scotia, Cal. Small lumber town patronage. DRAGONWYCK: Gene Tierney, Vincent Price— A heavy, melodramatic flop. You can't fool the public on this type. They must smell them. I don't think I have to mention the kind of business I had. These small town and rural communities just don't go for this type. Played Sunday, Tuesday, July 14-16.— M. W. Thompson, Roxy Theatre, Bowbells, N. D. IF I'M LUCKY: Vivian Blaine, Harry James— For the gathering of topnotch marque names, this is disappointing. Musical numbers as good as you can get but slightly fantastic plot damages the whole thing. I guess crooners running for governor and choruses on motorcycles aren't approved of by the tough, regular Army boys. Names pulled them in and kept them, but the lobby comments weren't good. Played Wednesday, Thursday, Sept. 11. 12.— W. A. Ufford, J. P. Lowe, Army Theatres, Buckley Field, Denver, Colo. Army patronage. LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN: Gene Tierney, Vincent Price — We experienced very good business on this picture, which was a fitting reward for the splendid job of photography and production turned out by 20thFox. Played Sunday, Monday, Sept. 8, 9. — A. C. Edwards, Winema Thaetre, Scotia, Cal. Small lumber town patronage. SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY: Maureen O'Hara, John Payne — We did better on this than I thought we would. Saw this picture last winter and enjoyed it, but for an action theatre it is a little heavy. Flayed Monday, Tuesday. Sept. 9, 10. — Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, Ont., Can. SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT: John Hodiak. Nancy Guild — This is a half hour too long. It is dragged out so that the interest in the story lags. John Hodiak is O. K., but Lloyd Nolan is the picture's best performer. Business was just fair. Played Friday, Saturday, Sept. 6, 7. — Thomas di Lorenzo, New Paltz Theatre, New Paltz, N. Y. United Artists CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA: Claude Rains, Vivian Leigh — Advertisements drew them in the first night, but word-of-mouth advertising ruined all hope of average business the second night. Played Sunday, Monday, Sept. 1, 2. — Nicholson & Singleton, Alsec Theatre, Kodiak. Alaska. Naval and civilian patronage. CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA: Claude Rains, Vivian Leigh — For the intelligentsia. Much too high class for the average fare. Dull and draggy most of the way. Tt was spectacular, however. Plaved Sunday-Tuesday. Sept. 8-10.— W. M. Butterfield, Tech Theatre, Ruston, La. GETTING GERTIE'S GARTER: Dennis CKeefe, Marie McDonald — They didn't seem to care much about Gertie's garter. Anyway, they didn't come to see it. Played Wednesday, Thursday, Sept. 11, 12. — Harland Rankin. Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, Ont., Can. GETTING GERTIE'S GARTER: Dennis O'Keefe. Marie McDonald — Swell comedy. Crazy, but they will like it. Plaved Wednesday, Sept. 11.— W. M. Butterfield, Tech Theatre, Ruston, La. MR. ACE: George Raft, Sylvia Sidney— Not up to par of the usual George Raft pictures, but it kept the box office up to average so I have no reason to complain. — Nicholson & Singleton. Alsec Theatre. Kodiak, Alaska. Naval and civilian patronage. WHISTLE STOP: George Raft. Ava GardnerSome of our patrons told us the picture muffed the story completely. We don't know we didn't read it. But we can say that it is not as good as George Raft's usual pictures. Didn't hold the interest all the way, and business was way off. Played Wednesday. Thursday. Sept. 4. 5.— Thomas di Lorenzo. New Palt7 Theatre. New Paltz. N. Y. YOUNG WIDOW: Jane Russell. Louis ■ Hayward— People wanted to see Jane Russell in a picture withoutcensorship arguments. Picture not too bad and business fairly good. Played Sundav, Monday. Aug. 25, 26.— Terry Axley. New Theatre. England. Ark. YOUNG WIDOW: Jane Russell, Louis Hayward— Better picture than we expected and it seemed to please the cash customers. Business above average due to the Russell name. Played Sunday, Sent. 8.— W. F. Shelton. Louisburg. Theatre. Louisburg. N. C. Universal BLACK ANGEL, THE: Dan Duryea. June Vincent Most people expected a better picture, but there weren't many complaints. Plaved to average business. Played Friday, Sent. 6.— Nicholson & Singleton, Alsec Theatre. Kodiak. Alaska. Naval and civilian patronage. CANYON PASSAGE: Dana Andrews, Susan Hay I ward— Grand picture. Most beautiful color and scenerjl I have ever seen. Business good. They will like it Played Sunday -Wednesday, Sept. 1-4.— W. M. Butter field, Tech Theatre, Ruston, La. CANYON PASSAGE: Dana Andrews, Susan Hay \ ward — Lives up to its reputation. Splendid coloring anc wonderful acting. Played Tuesday, Aug. 27.— NichoL son & Singleton, Alsec Theatre, Kodiak, Alaska. Nava 1 and civilian patronage. INSIDE JOB: Preston Foster, Ann Rutherford-, Small budget cops , and robber picture which failed to draw any extra business. Played Tuesday, Sept. 10.— E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. | KILLERS, THE: Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner-' They wanted to see this one again. Teaser ads "the Killers are coming" and exploitation of Friday the 13tf superstitions two weeks in advance had everyone plan ning to see it. Fast start. Tense situations. Dramatic action and mysterious suspense held up to the last Really a top show for one's money. Note: Watch for the windshield reflection of cameraman during robberv scene. Played Friday, Sept. 13.— W. A Ufford & J. P.; Lowe, Post Theatres, Buckley Field, Denver, Colo., Army patronage. NIGHT IN PARADISE, A: Merle Oberon, Turhani Bill Bey — We are in the same boat with the other boys on this film. It was a pretty good fairy tale. Weather was O. K. Played Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 3.— V. HJ Freeman, Scenic Theatre, Newland, N. C. SHEWOLF OF LONDON: June Lockhart, Jan Wiley — Another "whodunit" picture and it didn't go over. These will do O. K. now and then, but not now. People are fed up with murder. Played during swell weather. Played Wednesday, Thursday, Sept. 4, 5. — Joe Drury, Wells Theatre, St. Marys, Ga. Small town and rural patronage. SO GOES MY LOVE: Don Ameche, Myrna Loy— This picture might have done all right in some places, but here it was far from what was expected and the worst part about it was that we booked it for two days. Of course the short subjects kept down too many complaints. Weather fair. Played Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 26, 27.— V. H. Freeman, Scenic Theatre, Newland, N. C. SONG OF OLD ARIZONA: Roy Rogers, Dale Evans —Good old Roy. He is one of our top attractions. He is one of the few stars we can depend upon for good business. Played Friday, Saturday, Sept. 13, 14.— Har ' land Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, Ont., Can. i mi Warner Bros. BIG SLEEP, THE: Humphrey Bgart, Lauren Bacall — When a picture has everything it is bound to do business. This picture did. No house record but solid and the customers ate it up. Excellent private detective story with the fastest and wittiest dialogue we have ever heard. Played Thursday, Friday, Sept. 18, 19. — W. F. Shelton. Louisburg Theatre, Louisburg, N. C. CINDERELLA JONES: Joan Leslie, Robert Alda— This is a fair musical show which pleased average business. Played Sunday, Monday, Sept. 8. 9— E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. JANIE GETS MARRIED: Joan Leslie, Robert Hutton — We did a little better than we expected with this picture and must agree that both the stars did a pretty good job in this picture. Don't be afraid of this one, boys. There are a lot worse. Weather was cool. Played Wednesday. Aug. 28. — V. H. Freeman, Scenic Theatre, Newland, N. C. JANIE GETS MARRIED: Joan Leslie, Robert Hutton — Very cute. Good comments on this one. Played Wednesday. Thursday, Sept. 11, 12.— Tames C. Balkcom, Jr., Gray Theatre, Gray, Ga. NIGHT AND DAY: Cary Grant, Alexis Smith— The stars in this picture deserve a lot of credit. The color was swell. The picture was swell. The weather, both days, was swell. In fact everything but the box office was swell. It was in a terrible mess, especially the last day. We are at a loss to understand why we didn't do more. Played Thursday, Friday. Aug. 29, 30.— V. H. Freeman. Scenic Theatre. Newland, N. C NOBODY LIVES FOREVER: John Garfield. Ger aldine Fitzgerald — Another top ranking melodrama. Garfield as a returnee chiseler turns in a usual role. Supporting cast serves excellently in keeoing the audience on the edge of their seats. Very little comic relief makes the picture slightly heavy. Well received by all. Played Sunday. Monday, Sept. 1, 2.— W. A. Ufford & J. P. Lowe. Post Theatres,' Buckley Field. Denver. Colo. Army patronage. ONE MORE TOMORROW: Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan — Another top quality feature that made everybody stop and tell us how good it was. Played Saturday-Monday. Sept. 14-16,— Sid Coffey. Rex Theatre. Winnipegosis, Manitoba. Can. SARATOGA TRUNK: Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman — This was one of the best shows we have seen in a long time. Weather cool. Played Monday. Tuesday. Sept. 9, 10— V. H. Freeman. Scenic Theatre, Newland. N. C. SARATOGA TRUNK: Gary Cooper, Ingrid Berg (Confinitrd on follotmng pane') 41 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, OCTOBER 5, 1946