Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1947)

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0€S A CROOK to flaming death. fit gtttt susan waiters a i^m who smashes gangster plots* U%R$ for a reporter, but * past is a haunting spectre, WADE Mac DON ALD BLACKLEY WALTERS NESTOR PAIVA • VINCE BARNETT Produced W "Directed &f WILLIAM BERKE DISTRIBUTED BY SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTIONS, INC. HOME OFFICE: 346 S. La Brea. Hollywood, California Foreign Dept.. 723 7th Avenue, New York City Annual Charity Appeal Brings $1,286,718 Subscriptions to Hollywood's Permanent Charities Committee's annual appeal now total $1,286,718, according to a report from the campaign chairman. M. C. Levee, to the ninth report meeting in Hollywood last Thursday. The total was contributed by 20,487 persons. "On the basis of reduced goals of national and local charities," Mr. Levee reported, "industry workers already have exceeded last year's efforts. Subscriptions to our campaign so far are 83 per cent of last year's." Warner Picture Halted in Mexico Production in Mexico of Warners' "The Treasures of the Sierra Madre" has been suspended because of objections to the filming of scenes said to be derogatory to Mexico. The Government's Cinematographic Supervision Department has ordered that these scenes be developed in Mexico and has warned that if anything is found that is disparaging the film will be seized and cannot be exported. The Cinematographic Supervision Department is now investigating the production. The trouble began with near riots in Tampico when a mob objected to the filming there of scenes of beggars and drunks. The mob insisted the filming be stopped. Order was restored by a departmental supervisor. The Cinematographic Department has announced that the scenario of the picture, directed by John Huston, has its approval, but it still insists the film is liable to be seized if it should be found to injure the national character. Experiment to Determine Run Policy on "Carnegie Hall" Exhibition policy for the Boris MorrosAlbert Lewin picture, "Carnegie Hall," will be set on the basis of an experimental roadshow run at the Bushnell Memorial Theatre in Hartford, Connecticut, according to Paul N. Lazarus, Jr., advertising and publicity head of United Artists, distributing the film. The test will determine whether the film has sufficient appeal for a roadshow policy, or whether it will be shown under a normalprice, grind policy. RCA Invading Los Angeles With Television Receivers RCA Victor introduced its television home receivers in Los Angeles with a series of dealer meetings Wednesday and Thursday at the Ambassador Hotel. These meetings were to be followed by the installation of sample receivers in franchised dealer stores, and, by the first of March, the receivers are expected to be available for home installation. RCA is introducing four models. Name Industry Committee for Catholic Drive A goal of $1,000,000 has been set for the 1947 New York Catholic Charities Drive, it was announced Monday by John J. O'Connor, Universal vice-president, chairman of the motion pictures committee of the Cardinal's Committee of the Laity. Bert Sanford, of Altec Service, is vice-chairman. Solicitations within the industry are to begin immediately. Appointed by Mr. O'Connor to serve on his committee are: William E. Barry, Shea Enterprises ; Martin F. Bennett, RCA-Victor ; Harry Buckley, UA; Frank E. Cahill, Jr., Warners; Patrick Casey, Casey Enterprises ; T. J. Connors, 20th-Fox; James P. Cunningham, Motion Picture Daily; Charles A. and John W. Alicoate, Film Daily; G. S. Eyssell, Radio City Music Hall; S. H. Fabian, Fabian Theatres ; James M. Franey, United World Films ; E. C. Grainger, Shea Enterprises; J. R. Grainger, Republic; Al Hovell, Century Circuit ; William W. Howard, RKO Theatres; John Kane, Columbia; Austin Keough, Paramount ; T. J. Martin, Warners ; Joseph McConville, Columbia; Charles B. McDonald, RKO Theatres; Joseph E. McMahon, Republic. Also, James A. Mulvey, Samuel Gold wyn; John Murphy, Loew's; William P. Murphy, Republic; William J. Murray, Hayes Printing; Leon Netter, Paramount; John Nolan, Comerford Theatre's ; Paul O'Brien, O'Brien, Driscoll and Raftery. Also, Robert H. O'Brien, Paramount : Thomas F. O'Connor, RKO; Charles L. O'Reilly, Sanitary Automatic Candy; E. K. O'Shea, Liberty Films ; P. A. Powers ; Martin Quigley, Quigley Publications; Charles Reagan, Paramount; Phil Reisman, RKO, Herman Robbins, National Screen; W. F. Rodgers, MGM ; George J. Schaefer, Enterprise; C. J. Scollard, Paramount; William A. Scully, Universal; E. H. Seifert, Republic; George Skouras, Skouras Theatres; Spyros Skouras, 20th-Fox; Andrew Subbiendo, PRC; Nick Tronolone, Pathe Laboratories; Richard F. Walsh, IATSE, and William White, Skouras Theatres. Screen Guild Will Hold Coast Meeting in May Screen Guild will hold its national sales conference and annual board of directors and stockholders meeting in Hollywood May 12-16. More than 80 franchise holders, branch managers and home office executives are expected to attend. Executives attending will include John J. Jones, president; Robert L. Lipert, vice-president, and Francis A. Bateman, general sales manager. Producers releasing through Screen Guild expected to address the meeting include Morris Nunes, Screen Arts Pictures; Sam-' uel K. Decker, Hillcrest Productions, and J. S. Burkett and William Berke. 52 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, MARCH I, 1947