Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1947)

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"MUSIC LOVERS THE WORLD OVER WILL EAT THIS DP!" predicts The Exhibitor Crowther and Bergman Debate Film Influence "Is the Influence of the Movies Good or Bad?" was the subject of a discussion over CBS last Friday in the network's School of the Air "Opinion Please" series. Maurice A. Bergman, Universal-International eastern advertising and publicity director, took the affirmative and Bosley Crowther, film critic of the New York Times, the negative. "If we compare the contributions made by the motion picture to the culture of our country with similar contributions made by the book publishing business and the radio, we could easily justify the importance of motion pictures in helping to elevate the entertainment standards of the public," Mr. Bergman said. He cited the fact that motion pictures are a comparatively new art and added that "as the public itself becomes more aware of the screen's possibilities and indicates its pleasure in seeing motion pictures of a more revolutionary nature, that Hollywood will be the first to recognize this." Mr. Bergman concluded by declaring "in a democracy where we can choose what we like for our amusement, provided it is decent and not harmful to the community, let us at least agree that the movies are doing their part in bringing a little margin of happiness to millions who by the very nature of things want extra fun at a reasonable cost." Mr. Crowther, declaring today's films exert a bad influence, said of "some 350 entertainment films made in Hollywood each year, I would say that approximately 20 are substantial as serious drama or as truly creative diversion. The rest are routine paraphrasing of old and conventional plots, some a little better than others but all in the standard artificial mood." Set "Carnegie" Openings The Boris Morros-William LeBaron United Artists feature, "Carnegie Hall," will open at the Paramount theatre in San Juan April 8 under an agreement reached by Ramos Cobian, leading circuit operator in Puerto Rico, and Walter Gould, UA foreign manager. A showing for Governor Jesus T. Pinero and members of the Puerto Rican legislature will take place during the week of March 25. "Carnegie Hall" superimposed versions will open simultaneously in Mexico City, Lima, Santiago and Buenos Aires during April. Board Delays Theatre License The application for permission to operate an outdoor theatre has been taken under advisement by the Board of Selectmen of Seekonk, near Fall River, Mass., following the appearance of Nathan Yamins, president of the Seekonk Realty Corporation, before the board March 13. RKO Advertising Level Will Be Maintained The advertising outlay of RKO Radio will not be cut, S. Barret McCormick, advertising and publicity director, said in New York last Wednesday on his return from Hollywood where new campaigns were planned. Mr. McCormick said each picture would be dealt with, promotionally, as it comes up rather than being placed within the limitations of an established annual budget for advertising. Top product still will have extensive, nationwide campaigns. In this category are: "The Locket," "The Farmer's Daughter," "Honeymoon," "Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer," "The Long Night," Walt Disney's "Fun and Fancy Free," "Women on the Beach," "They Won't Believe Me," Samuel Goldwyn's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," "If You Knew Susie," and "Tycoon," among others. Promote Five in Ranks of 20th-Fox International Appointments in 20th-Fox's foreign staff were announced this week by Murray Silverstone, president of 20th-Fox International Corporation. Arthur G. Doyle, formerly managing director of India, was named district manager for India, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Siam and Indo China. He will be succeeded by Herbert White, until recently managing director of Cuba. Three former students of the World War II veterans training school inaugurated by Mr. Silverstone in January, 1946, are Andrew Jaeger, named manager of Puerto Rico, replacing Carlo Zeno, retired; John Finder, promoted to assistant manager in Belgium after several months in Switzerland, and Oscar Lax, who goes from Belgium to the Middle East as assistant under John Lefebre, home office representative for the area, with headquarters in Cairo. Eastman Kodak Distributes $8,100,000 Wage Dividend Eastman Kodak Company on Friday, March 14, distributed a wage dividend of approximately $8,100,000 to about 48,800 employees. This compares with the $7,362,000 paid in wage dividends to 42,000 employees a year ago. This year's dividend is the thirty-fifth such wage-dividend payment made since George Eastman established the plan in 1912. The sum paid since then exceeds $75,000,000. Kodak bases its wage dividend on the common stock dividends declared in the preceding year. RKO Appoints Managers For Spain, Finland RKO Radio has appointed Rene Beja as manager for the company's office in Spain and Kurt Nylund as RKO manager in Finland. Mr. Beja, who will make his headquarters in Barcelona, was formerly an RKO manager in Portugal and Brazil. Mr. Nylund, who will headquarter in Helsinki, formerly distributed RKO product in Finland through his own company. Released thru (J) MOTION PICTURE HERALD, MARCH 22, 1947 51