Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1947)

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REVIEWED M. P. Product Advance Service Prod. Trades how or Running Herald Digest Synopsis Data Title Company Number Stars Release Date Time Issue Page Page Page Shadowed Col. 71149 / XJhL Anita Louise-Robert Scott C.n( 7A '4A Ocpi. AO, TO /urn M_„ on 'Ak INOV. jU, nO 33 3H 1 1 Al O 1 OO Shadow of a Woman WB 602 An/i roA Kin n H a ! mill" Ija trf i n a AllQrUi] l\IIIU"l IdlllUI L/ailllllO Sept. 14/46 78m Aim 17 '46 3150 2543 3288 Shadows on the Range Mono. 567 mnnnu Art Rrnwn-R H a Hn n jonnny ivi cn. k diuwiimx. i lai iuii Aug. 10, "46 57m Oct. 1 2 '46 3250 3066 Shadows Over Chinatown Mono. K t ft 0 I O Sidney Tolor-Sen Yung lulu 77 '4A juiy a / , ^o 99A1 A7 OO (formerly The Mandarin Secret) She-Wolf of London Univ. 51 1 1 , 1 1 . | \A/.| June Lockhart-Jan Wiley Mxu 17 "46 ivi ay i / | ~ v o I m A„, n 'AL Apr. I o, to 791ft L 7 J O 2809 She Wrote the Book Univ. Joan Davis-Jack Oakie May 31, '46 7 Am / om y,„ 1 1 'al rviay i i , to 2987 2870 Shocking Miss Pilgrim, The (color) 20th-Fox 7ft1 Betty Grable-Dick Haymes Jan.,'47 oom u. A '47 Jan. t, hi H07 J J 7 1 2884 Shoot to Kill Screen Guild 4AI 5 ■to 1 3 Russell Wade-Susan Maters Mar. I5,'47 14ftft otoo Show-Off, The MGM 70ft /uo Red Skelton-Marilyn Maxwell Dec.,'46 qq ojm A tin 1 7 '4A Aug. 1 / , tO 1 1 40 J 1 t 7 9951 A7J 1 14A4 otot Silver Range Mono. 5A1 Johnny Mack Brown-Raymond Hatton Nov. 16, '46 DjITI r\fl. 7 'AL uec. / , to 334A J OHO 194ft O AtO Silver Stallion (Reissue) Mono. AI9 O 1 A David Sharpe-Janet Waldo Dec. I4,'46 o/m Sinbad, the Sailor (color) (BI.2) RKO 7A7 / OA D. Fairbanks, Jr.-Maureen O'Hara Jan. 13, '47 i i / m Ian 1 ft '47 Jan. i o, h/ 147 1 OtA 1 303 1 Singin' in the Corn Col. ft (14 OUT Judy Canova-Allen Jenkins Dec. 26, '46 OOm M„„ ")■} 'AL H97 J 3 A A 33 1 2 3464 singing on the Trail Col. / AAt Ken Curtis-Jeff Donnell Sept. 12, '46 3 1 87 Sinq While You Dance Col. 7033 Ellen Drew-Robert Stanton July 25,'46 3055 Sin of Harold Diddlebock, The UA Harold Lloyd-Raymond Walburn Apr. 4,'47 07m Kyf-r 1 '47 iviar. i , *r/ 9ft7ft AO / O Sioux City Sue Rep. Aft 1 00 1 Gene Autry-Lynn Roberts Nov. 21, '46 oVm nfl 7 'al uec. / , no j j to 1197 O 0 A A Sister Kenny (Block 1) RKO ' 7ft 1 /U 1 -n I • I f> ii i i i \j Rosalind Russell-Alexander Knox Oct. 10, '46 1 1 dm i i om |,.l„ 9n '4A July zu, to 1 1 ft 1 j 1 U 1 99(17 A 7 U / 115ft ooou Six Gun Serenade Mono. AR4 out Jimmy Wakely-Kay Morley Apr. 5,'47 1459 Ot07 Slightly Scandalous Univ. 544 Ott Sheila Ryan-Fred Brady Aug. 2,'46 n_ ozm Aim ? '4A /\ug. j, *rO 1 19R j 1 AO mi i OUO 1 Smash-Up Univ. Ano 0U7 Susan Hayward-Lee Bowman Mar.,'47 Mom C_L 1 C 'A7 reD. i o, n/ jt/O 149 1 Ot A 1 t Smoky (color) 20th-Fox Al 1 O j 1 Fred MacMurray-Anne Baxter July,'46 07 0 / m lima IH '4A June i o, no iri4 1 jut 1 9A9ft aOao 1499 Ot7 A So Dark the Night Col. QftK OUO Micneline Cheirel-bteven Geray Oct. 10/46 /Urn C _ j. o I 'Ak oepT. L 1 , HO 19 1 1 OA 1 1 9flRft aoOU Somewhere in the Night 20th-Fox A90 John Hodiak-Nancy Guild June, '46 i i um U-„ | I <Ak May i I , ho 90ftA A700 9ft59 AOO 7 Song of Scheherazade (color Univ. OUO Brian Donlevy-Yvonne de Carlo Mar.,'47 1 UOm Pali 1 '47 reo. 1 , Hi 144 1 11 1 9 O O 1 A Song of the Sierras Mono. Aft 1 OO 1 I* \kl III III II 1 1 il Jimmy Wakely-Lee Lasses White Dec. 28, '46 co„ Dom Jan. i o, t / 149 1 OtA 1 194ft O AtO Song of the South (Spcl.) (col.) RKO 70 1 / 7 1 Disney Feature Cartoon Nov. 20,'46 vom KJ_„ J 'AL INOV. A, TO i9ftt; 1419 Ot 1 A South of the Chisholm Trail Col. BAR 000 Charles Starrett-Smiley Burnette Jan. 30,'47 Oom C-L 1 'Al reD. 1 , HI 144 A jtto 11B7 000/ South of Monterey Mono. 0 jU a <H • f% 1 Iff* 1 XX II* Gilbert Roland-Frank Yacanelli July 10, '46 IO_ OjiTI C..1 OO 'AL oep". ao, *fo 1994 JAAt 1 1 97 0 1 LI Specter of the Rose Rep. 594 OLH Ivan Kirov-Viola Essen ■ July 5,'46 Maw 9R '4A may ao, *ro IftftA J uuo 977A LI IO 115ft OOOU Spoilers of the North Rep. p* iixii *i* rs Paul Kelly-Adrian Booth Apr. 24,'47 3488 Spook Busters Mono. 0 1 A Leo ©orcey-nuntz Hall Aug. 24,'46 oom Aim 74 '4A A\ug. a*t, to 1IA9 J 1 OA 1 1 ift 0 1 OO Stagecoach to Denver Rep. 662 All 1 DLL Dl 1 Allan Lane-Bobby Blake Dec. 23, '46 Jan. 4/47 3398 3348 Stairway to Heaven (Brit.) (co .) Univ. David Niven-Kim Hunter (T) Dec. 9,'46 1 C\dm 1 U*rm Klnu 1 A '4A INOV. 1 O, HO ii i ft Stallion Road WB AI7 O 1 / T 1 f || A 1 • Zachary 5cott-Alexis Smith Apr. 12, '47 97m M^r 77 '47 ivi ar. a a , *t/ 3537 2939 Stanley and Livingstone (R.) 20th-Fox Spencer Tracy-Nancy Kelly Jan.,'47 101 m Jan. 4 '47 3398 Stars Over Texas PRC Eddie Dean-Shirley Patterson Nov. I8,'46 o / m Dc,. Oft 'Ak uec. ao, ho llftA JO OO 17R7 O A O / Step by Step (Block 1) RKO 7(15 Lawrence Tierney-Anne Jeffreys Aug. 30,'46 villi lulu 7fl '4A juiy iu, ho 1 1 ftl 3 1 u 1 3076 t Stolen Life, A WB OA 1 Bette Davis-Glenn Ford July 6,'46 i W7 m M=w 4 '4A IVI ay H, HO 9971 L7 1 3 771A A / OO *15ft ooou Stormy Waters (French) MGM Jean Gabin-Michele Morgan (T) June 5,'46 oum lulu n '4A juiy i j , ho IftAO Strange Conquest Univ. 51(1 Jane Wyatt-Lowell Gilmore May 10/46 63 m Anr 7fl '4A A\pr. AU, to 2950 7SR1 AOOO Strange Holiday PRC Claude Rains-Barbara Bate Sept. 2,'46 AC™ Nov 7 '4A INOV. A, to 3286 Strange Journey 20th-Fox 7ftfl Paul Kelly-Osa Massen Feb.,'47 oom C-nt I4'4A oe pi. 1 1, to 1 1 97 0 17/ t Strange Love of Martha Ivers •(Block 6) Para. 4529 Barbara Stanwyck-Van Heflin Sept. I3,'46 1 1 7m Mar 73 '4A ivi ar. a o i to 2907 3870 3492 Stranger, The (Special) RKO aai Edw. G. Robinson-Loretta Young (T) July I5,'46 95m M,u oc '4A IVI ay A3, to Iftftc; 77E.A A / OO 115(1 OO ou Strange Triangle 20th-Fox 630 Signe Hasso-John Shepperd June, '46 Mflu 1 1 '46 ivi a y i i , to 2986 2951 Strange Voyage Mono. 52 1 Eddie Albert-Forrest Taylor July 6,'46 61m Mar 7 '4A iviar. a, to 2870 Strange Woman, The UA Hedy Lamar-George Sanders Oct. 25,'46 1 ft 1 rv> lullTl M„v ? 'Ak INOV. A , tO 0 A OO 7RR4 AOOt 14A4 Otot Suddenly It's Spring Para. 4Aftft touo Fred MacMurray-Paulette Goddard Mar. 21, '47 R7m o / m C0L IE 'Al re d. i o, t / 1471 Ot / 0 99R7 A70 / Sunset Pass (Block 1 ) RKO 704 / Ut James Warren-Nan Leslie Oct. I,'46 59m lulu 7(1 '4A juiy AO, HO 3 1 02 3090 Sun Valley Cyclone Rep. 5A7 00/ "Wild" Bill Elliott-Bobby Blake May 10/46 oom June 15, 46 1(149 OUtA 99Q7 A70 / Sun Valley Serenade (R.) 20thFox 641 Sonja Henie-John Payne Sept.,'46 86m Aug. 24/46 3163 Susie Steps Out UA David Bruce-Cleatus Caldwell Dec. 13/46 65m Nov. 23/46 3322 3078 Suspense (Special) Mono. 699 Belita-Barry Sullivan June 15/46 1 0 1 m Mar. 30/46 2917 3100 Swamp Fire (Block 6) Para. 4528 Johnny Weissmueller-Virginia Grey Sept. 6/46 69m May 1 1/46 2986 2963 3228 Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Mono. 606 Elyse Knox-Phil Regan Dec. 21/46 75m Dec. 7/46 3346 3240 Swell Guy Univ. 606 Sonny Tufts-Ann Blyth Jan.,'47 87m Dec. 14/46 3361 3274 3412 > TARZAN and the Huntress (Bl. 5) RKO Johnny Weismuller-Brenda Joyce Apr. 5/47 Mar 99 '47 iviar. a a , hi 1H17 000 / 15(11 oouo Temptation Univ. out Merle Oberon-George Brent Dec.,'46 98m Dec. 21/46 3374 3076 Tenth Avenue Angel MGM Margaret O'Brien-George Murphy Not Set OUO 1 Terrors on Horseback PRC duster L/rabbe-AI ruzzy of. John A .= — 1 A %AL Aug. 14, 46 EC oom Anr 7ft '46 /^pr. ao, to 991? 1 A70 1 7RS4 AOOt Terror Trail Col. QAO Charles Starrett-Smiley Burnett Nov. 2 1/46 55m M.v 9 '4A INOV. A, to 17ftA OaOO 1774 3LIH That Brennan Girl Rep. 3 J J James Dunn-Mona Freeman Doc. 23/46 95m 7 3 ill INOV. 1 O, tO 33 10 1ft90 That's My Gal (color) Rep. Lynn Roberts-Donald Barry Not Set 3434 That Texas Jamboree Col. ILLS Ken Curtis-Jeff Donnell May 1 6/46 67m 2786 That Way With Women WB A 1 A 0 1 0 Sydney Greenstreet-Martha Vickers Mar. 29/47 ft4m otm C.L 99 'Al reo. a a , t / 14R7 Oto / 1(11 1 0U0 1 They Made Me a Killer (BI.4) Para. AK 1 fi Robert Lowery-Barbara Britton May 3/46 66 m Ian 9A '4A Jan. AO, to 7ft 1 7 AO 1 / 9A95 AO70 They Were Sisters (British) Univ. 1 UOd James Mason-Phyllis Calvert Sept. 20/46 1 UOm Aim \ '4A Aug, j , to 1195. O 1 AO Thieves' Holiday UA George Sanders-Signe Hasse July 19/46 1 (Kim 1 uym lulu 7ft '4A juiy au, to 1119 0 1 1 A 97A4 LI OH (formerly Scandal in Paris) 13 Rue Madeleine 20th-Fox 7A7 ivi James Cagney-Annabella Jan.,'47 Tom T)ar 7 1 '4A uec a i , to 1174 OO/t 1409 Thirteenth Hour, The • Col. Richard Dix-Karen Morley Mar. 6/47 65m C.L | C 'Al reD. i o, hi 1474 Ot/t 149 1 0 H A 1 This Time for Keep* (color) MGM Esther Williams-Jimmy Durante Not Set 191ft 0A0 0 t Three Little Girls in Blue (color) 20th-Fox A3Q June Haver-Vivian Blaine Oct./46 90m C.nt \A 'AL jepT. it, to 1 1 Oft 0 1 70 90(17 A7U/ 14A4 OtOt Three on a Ticket PRC Hugh Beaumont-Cheryl Walker Apr. 5/47 3435 Three Wise Fools (Block 17) MGM 628 Margaret O'Brien-Lionel Barrymore Aug. 29/46 90 m June 22/46 3054 2907 3350 Thrill of Brazil Col. 7006 Evelyn Keyes-Keenan Wynn Sept. 30/46 91m Sept. 2 1/46 3209 3090 3264 Thundergap Outlaws (Reissue PRC Dave "Tex" O'Brien-Jim Newill Apr. 27/47 t Till the Clouds Roll By (color) MGM 710 Robert Walker-Judy Garland Jan.,'47 137m Nov. 16/46 3309 2963 3492 Till the End of Time (Block 6) RKO 626 Dorothy McGuire-Guy Madison Aug. 1/46 105m June 15/46 3041 2784 3350 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, MARCH 22, 1947 3547