Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1947)

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THE NEW YORK TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1947. Millions of people in the U.S., Canada and Latin America read this syndicated story, honoring the Fourteenth Centenary of the life and work of St. Benedict. Pope Cites St. Benedict as Guide for World; Encyclical Urges Rebuilding Cassino Abbey By CAMTLLE M. CIANF ARB A Special to The New York Times. ROME, March 20 — Pope Pius XII issued today an encyclical — which will be known as "Fulgens Radiatur" ("Brilliantly Shines") — in which he urged the peoples of the Christian world to pattern their lives upon the principles of religion. Without its norms of conduct, he said, human society will' collapse. Likening the present times to those of the sixth century when the civilization of Rome was being engulfed by the darkness of the Middle Ages, the Pope wrote a 10,000-word document to commemorate the fourteenth centenary of the life and work of St. Benedict. St. Benedict's outstanding contribution, Pius went on, was the keeping alive of the flame of religion and culture as "a star in the darkness of night." St. Benedict of Nursia was founder of the Benedictine Order and established the Abbey of Monte Cassino. He is recorded as having died March 21. 547. All classes of society, the Pope ■ stated, would find inspiration and comfort in studying the saint's life, because "our age, troubled and anxious over the vast material and moral ruins, perils and losses that have been heaped up, can] borrow from him needed remedies."] "Before all," he continued, "let! them remember that the sacred principles of religion and its norms J of conduct are the safest and I soundest foundations of human so1 ciety; if they are disregarded ancl compromised, everything that pro-l motes order, peace and pjGsesritvJ among men and natiqr. sar-y consequence , lapses." Religion, the J order and harmf and nations. W be chaos, intern^ strife and lacty as of prosperifl Today's encf for the r'ebuira which was a during the wai l I The religions \ ' was "historically most powerful fa\ birth of nations." s The church emea through the liOHlii time, and ciicunj| their ruins and^ ' serted, "sj a new, ha" tian doct build and" citizens, pe The Most Timely Story of the Year . . . MIRACLE OF MONTE CASSINO Ff An epic of courage, faith and love — portrayed against a background of historic splendor. A feature production vividly depicting "The Life of St. Benedict of Nursia/' the founder of the immortal abbey of Monte Cassino in the Fifth Century. Prints are available in 35mm and 16mm versions, with English or Spanish subtitles. COMMUNICATE WITH: SIMPEX COMPANY, INC. RKO Palace Theatre Bldg., 1564 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. Telephone BRyant 9-8897 Cable address: Simpexiro