Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1947)

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TUBE TYPE RECTIFIERS for supplying all projection arc power requirements. EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE NATIONAL OI»i»*o at HolJ**mi * $mt>)< "THEWS A BRANCH NEAR YOU" Some advertisements offer literature on the product advertised, and often a coupon is included as a convenient means of procuring it. For additional information on other products, use the Better Theatres Catalog Bureau through which literature may be obtained. Address Better Theatres, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N. Y. ATTENTION CHAIR BUYERS For domestic and foreign buyers, we have available several thousand standard theatre chairs completely rebuilt and in firstclass condition. We also remodel your old chair and guarantee it will be as good as new. We manufacture new custom-made chairs and supply major circuits. EASTERN SEATING COMPANY 138-13 Springfield Boulevard Springfield Gardens, Long Island N. Diack LAurelton 8-3696 WAYS & MEANS in operation, installation, maintenance John J. Sefing Is a graduate mechanical engineer and has long specialized in theatre wart A Handy Guide for Better Theatre Carpeting in both the purchasing and installation of carpeting, money can be saved, and greater satisfaction achieved generally, if the job is planned step by step. The carpeting just cannot be simply ordered, then left up to the installation men and carpet dealer to do the rest — not if you want to be sure of a good trouble-free job. There are so many things that must be carefully considered in order to realize a first-class installation that even with the most reliable and experienced carpet people doing the job, troubles will arise if there is no definite planning of ivhat should be done and how it should be done. Here, then, is a "check-list" which may come in handy as a reminder in handling the carpeting job from start to finish. Ideas should be exchanged with the architect or interior designer, if he has a say in the selection of the carpeting. They know how the theatre was designed as to size, shape and style and the carpeting should be adapted to fit in scale and pattern, and there may also be width and type factors. The owner's practical experience and knowledge of his class of patronage should also have a hearing on the selection of the carpeting. In any case carpets should not be selected just because the color and design "looks nice." A check should be made of the grade and quality to be sure it will be readily available later on for patching or spot replacement. Lounges, a mezzanine level and even stairs in some cases, and the manager's office can, of course, use carpeting of a different design from that in the foyer, standee area, and aisles. In lounges and the manager's office, in fact, plain broadloom carpeting may be the answer to a scale problem. In the foyer, auditorium and other traffic areas, Velvet and Wilton weaves are mostly used, since they are durable types that are available at a relatively reasonable price. An important item to consider in the carpeting of a theatre is the lining. A good quality of lining will not only add softness underfoot, .but years to the useful life of the carpet. In theatres either the combination hair-jute, or all-hair linings are usually installed. Of the two, the all-hair lining is the most durable, as moisture will not readily affect it, it will not burn (it merely singes) and it tends to keep its original shape longer. If possible, ^2-inch lining should be laid so as to avoid that flat beat-out appearance after some time in use. For stairs and balcony aisles, double linings should be laid if only ^4-inch thick lining is available. INSTALLATION PLANNING After the type of carpeting is decided upon, a consultation should be had with the carpet distributor and the carpet installation men so that there will be no question as to the areas in which the carpeting will be laid, or how it will be laid. The installation man should be told definitely the type and size of match carpeting to be used so he can check the yardages ordered and see if allowances are made for matching the pattern in sewing the breadths together and having enough for proper turn-under when laying. A written specification covering the entire carpet installation should be made up either by the owner, the architect or the carpet man so that there luill be no misunderstanding later on. In addition, the installation man or carpet distributor should furnish an accurate drawing showing how the breadths of carpets will run and in what areas. Too many times the carpet men have been given so many yards of carpeting to sew, press and lay in the theatre, then after the installation, when difficulties arose, nobody knew who was at fault. It must be remembered that no matter how honest and reliable the carpet men are, if they are given a blanket order, with nothing definite 1 n I CD "THIRD DIMENSION" HULLIl multiple SIZE SILHOUETTE LETTERS and Exclusive REMOVA-PANEL" Glass-in-Frame Units ADLER SILHOUETTE LETTER CO. 302 1 W.36th St., Chicago 145,1 B'way, N.Y.C. 42 BETTER THEATRES, APRIL 5, 1947