Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1947)

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to go by, oversights and poor judgment can result. The time to straighten everything out is before the installation not after. These precautious will help to do that: 1. Don't select a large pattern or repeat, if feasible, as it wastes yardage in matching. 2. Don't lay the seams of the carpet against the line of most traffic. 3. Don't run long, continuous breadths of carpets from foyer to standee rail. 4. Don't have cross-seams between the carpet in the standee and lobby — that is, in line with the entrance doors. 5. Don't have cross-seams at the head of aisles, that is at the standee rail line and where the aisles begin. 6. Don't have the breadths in the aisles finish exactly at the front line of chairs. 7. Don't have more than 3 inches of floor showing between the carpet and aisle standards at each side of the aisle. 8. Don't have the breadths of the carpet running in the standee area from side wall to side wall. 9. Don't have the breadths of carpet in the crossovers running from aisle to aisle, or from aisle to wall. 10. Don't have half-breadths of carpet in the aisles with the raw end unbound. 11. Don't have the ends of carpet at the door saddles unbound. 12. Don't figure the carpeting in depressed aisles flush with the surface of the floor, as it will settle in time and become below the level of the floor. 13. Don't figure the lengths of the carpet breadths according to the actual length or width of the areas to be carpeted as then the breadths will have to be kicked strenuously to get the proper turn-under at each end. Any forceful kicking or stretching of the carpet will tend to weaken it. 14. Don't allow the carpet layers to pour water on the carpet to rectify their mistake in laying or matching of the pattern. They should either restretch the breadth or breadths, or re-sew for a better match. 15. Don't approve of the door saddles being below the level of the top of the carpeting. This will give the patron's feet a chance to dig under the ends of the carpet. And don't allow the bottoms of doors to scrape over carpeting. 16. Don't permit the carpet layers to drill the fastening holes more than 6 inches apart, especially at the door saddles and at the sides of the aisles. Be sure they insert sound wood plugs in the fastening holes. Examine a few of them to be certain they are all right. UT PROJECTOR PARTS • "Par Sea IZeAuCU ^UPEft reploce even slightly worn parts with La Vezzi precision parts. Guaranteed accurate, interchangeable. Obtainable through Independent Theatre Equipment Dealers everywhere. LaVezzi Machine Works 4 6 3 5 WE S T AKE STREET CHICAGO 4 4, ILLINOIS ousands of theatres have abolished and eliminated that old-fashioned nightmare of periodical, seasonal house cleaning. Those theatres are always clean because they are cleaned with the Super Specialized Theatre Cleaner, which keeps the dirt and grime, dust and soot out of carpets, furnishings and furniture. It's such a quick, easy task to clean a theatre with the Super. No need to go over and over the same spot — one swipe does it. Cleans screen, lamphouse, box fronts, walls, drapes, upholstered furniture. Picks up popcorn, too. Ask your wholesaler for a 5-day free trial or write NATIONAL SUPER SERVICE 1941 N. 13th STREET. TOLEDO 2 How To Avoid "Spring House Cleaning CO., INC. OHIO THEY CO TOGETHER The new STANDSTEEL is perfect for your AUTODRAPE. Keeps it off the floor, to assure longer life. Both STANDSTEEL and AUTODRAPE arc important to good stage keeping. AUTOMATIC DEVICES COMPANY 1035 LINDEN STREET ALLENTOWN, PA. Export Office: 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y. C. FIRST CHOICE IN FINE THEATRjfljlM SEATING... MKiB] American Seating Company • Grand Rapids 2, Michigan BETTER THEATRES, APRIL 5, 1947 4?