Motion Picture Herald (Mar-Apr 1947)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ten cents per word, money-order or check with copy. Count initials, box number and address. Minimum insertion, $1. Four insertions for the price of three. Contract rates on application. No borders or cuts. Forms close Mondays at 5 P. M. Publisher reserves the right to reject any copy. Film and trailer advertising not accepted. Classified advertising not subject to agency commission. Address copy and checks: MOTION PICTURE HERALD, Classified Dept., Rockefeller Center, New York (20) POSITIONS WANTED MANAGER — CIRCUIT AND INDEPENDENT experience. Capable of managing; any type theatre. Reliable references. BOX 2112, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. USED EQUIPMENT THEATRE CHAIRS — 3.000 USED SPRING cushioned, part full upholstered back and part insert panel back, with spring edge and box-spring cushions; 1,000 veneer chairs; 800 good back, 500 spring cushions, and hinges. Immediate delivery. Advise how many you need. Write for prices and photographs. Phone Lenox 3445. JESSE COLE, 2565 McClellan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan. 325 REBUILT VENEER CHAIRS EXTRA HEAVY duty exceptionally good, ready to be shipped, $3.60 each. 800 Hey wood -Wakefield chairs, has spring, veneer back, rebuilt, $5.50 each. BODELSON & CO.. 10-38 Jackson Ave.. Long Island City, N. Y. FOR SALE: POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT. Sizes 50 to 112 KVA. GRIFFITH THEATRES, Box 1334, Oklahoma City, Okla. COMPLETE LINE OF GENUINE REPLACEment parts for United Research Sound Equipment. BODELSON & CO., 10-38 Jackson Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. BELL & HOWELL FILMOARC 16MM. HIGHintensitr, perfect condition. Late model on rollaway stand. Complete, $1,195. BRANTS. 1202 Wabash Ave.. Terre Haute, Ind. WAR SURPLUS SOUND OUTFITS— SHARP REductions — 16mm. RCA, $149.50; Bell-Howell, Ampro, Victor, DeVry, $195; Ampro arc HI, $1,295; 35mm. Holmes LI Arc equipments, $1,295; DeVry HI theatre equipments, $2,495; rebuilt Super Simplex RCA sound, $3,850: Simplex E7 ditto, $4,500. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 449 W. 42nd St., New York 18. SMALL FLOOR MODEL STAR POPCORN MAchine. Nice appearance and condition. Clean. $175.00 crated. STAR, Willow Springs. Mo. 1,000 HEY WOOD-WAKEFIELD FULL UPHOLstered back, box-spring cushion chairs, excellent, $4.95 (rebuilt $6.50); 340 General full upholstered back, boxspring cushion, rebuilt, $7.95; 200 veneers, excellent, $3.95. Wire for list. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 449 W. 42nd St.. New York 18. ARMY SURPLUS— DE VRY. HOLMES AND SIMplex-Acme projectors at bargain prices; Gold Seal 2unit ticket machines, $175; hand-operated 2-unit, $100 — all rebuilt, guaranteed. Many others available. Simplex mechanisms, genuine rear shutters, double bearing, spiral gears, $330, completely rebuilt; Powers, $109.50. Catalog available. STAR CINEMA SUPPLY COMPANY, 459 West 46th St., New York 19. FOR SALE — ARCTIC-NU-AIR FAN. PRICE $100. VICTOR THEATRE, 1112 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR SALE— PG59 RCA SOUNT SYSTEM COMplete with motors; 5 h.p. 3-phase double 25 amp. Hobart Bros. Generator; 2 Powers machines with stands and magazines: 2 Strong 25 amp. rheostats. PALACE THEATRE, Gallatin, Term. STUDIO EQUIPMENT BH EYEMO TURRET CAMERA, $395, LESS lens; Evemo Bomb Spotter Cameras, $119.50, less lens; 35mm. Positive Stock, $11.95 per M; BH Hispeed Shuttles, $195; WE Dynamic Microphones, $39.50; Cine Kodak special Camera, with 3 lenses and case, $695; New Bell & Howell Sound Printers, $3,250; Fresnellite Studio Spots, 2.000W, $67.50; new Mitchell 24V Motors, $295; Neumade 16mm. Automatic Film Cleaners. $135; New 35mm. Film Phonographs, $795. Send for latest stock list. S. 0'. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 449 West 42nd St.. New York 18. HELP WANTED WANTED — MANAGER FOR PERMANENT position for second run theatre in city of 25,000 in Illinois. Give qualifications, salary expected, age, married, snapshot in first letter. BOX 2109. MOTION PICTURE HERALD. WANTED— EXPERIENCED THEATRE MANAger for permanent position. State age, experience, references, married or single. HUDSON THEATRES CO., Richmond, Tenn. NEW EQUIPMENT AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANGERS, $19.95; 1000W GE Mogpref base lamps, 50% discount ; Zeiss Portable Sound Projectors, $275; Carbon Savers, 6mm. to 13mm., 1/3 cost, 77c; 500W Stereopticons, $27.50; Snow-like flameproof soundscreens up to 10\ 2154c sq. ft. ; Panic bolts, $22.50. Catalog mailed. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 449 W. 42nd St.. New York 18. NEW CHAIRS, PROMPT DELIVERY! ATTRACtive, modern, durable. Veneer, $5.50, 30 days. Veneer back spring edge cushion, $9.35; Applied upholstered back spring edge cushions, $11.00; full upholstered back spring edge cushion, $11.95 , 60 days; all-steel unbreakable standards, high grade mohair or heavy leatherette upholstery. Wire or 'phone. S. O. S, CINEMA SUPPLY CORP.. 449 W 42nd St., New York 18. BUSINESS BOOSTERS BINGO CARD, DIE CUTS. 1 TO 100 OR 1 TO 75. $2.75 per thousand. $25.00 per 10,000. S. KLOUS, Care of MOTION PICTURE HERALD. TRAINING SCHOOLS THEATRE EMPLOYEES. TRAIN FOR BETTER position. Learn modern theatre management and advertising. Big opportunities for trained men. Established -mce 1927. Write now for free catalog. THEATRE MANAGERS SCHOOL. Elmira. New York. BOOKS INTERNATIONAL MOTION PICTURE ALmanac — the big book about your business — 1946-47 edition now available. Contains over 12,000 biographies of important motion picture personalities. Also all industry statistics. Complete listing of feature pictures 1937 to date. Order your copy today. $3.25 in the U. S. A., $S m elsewhere. Send remittance to QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP. 1270 6th Avenue. New York 20, N. Y. KICHARDSUN'S BLUEBOOK OF PROJECTION. Best seller since 1911. Now in 7th edition. Revised to present last word in Sound Trouble Shooting Charts. Expert information on all phases of projection and equipment. Special new section on television. Invaluable to beginner and expert. $7.25 postpaid. OUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue. New York 70 THEATRES THEATRE WANTED — FOR LEASE ANYwhere in Florida. About 500 seats. BOX 2104. MOTTON PICTURE HERALD. THEATRES. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL, contact J. C. BUTLER. A. £. C. Brokerage Co., 304 S. W. 4th Ave.. Portland. Ore. WANTED TO BUY A SMALL THEATRE DOing good business in a small town in Michigan. Wouid be interested in lease if could purchase equipment with a chance to buy later. Contact ALBERT HEFFERAN, Coopersville, Mich. FOR SALE— LEASES AND EQUIPMENT ON two well-paying neighborhood theatres in large city in Virginia. Seating, 500 each. Well located. Second run on all major products. $85,000, cash only. Will stand rigid investigation. Write BOX 2107, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. THEATRE WANTED— 600 SEATS WITHIN HUNdred mile radius of Manhattan. Details desired. BOX 2113, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. Planning Latin-American Offices for Eagle-Lion Top Eagle-Lion officials will meet in Mexico City the latter part of this month to set up the company's LatinAmerican distribution organization. Attending will be Sam L. Seidelman, head of foreign operations; Arthur B. Krim, president, and Robert S. Benjamin, president of the J. Arthur Rank Organization, distributing through Eagle-Lion. The company's office in Latin America will handle distribution of all the 1946-47 PRC productions in that country. OBITUARIES William H. Gueringer Dies in New Orleans William H. Gueringer, 61, retired theatre executive, died April 20 at his residence in New Orleans following a brief illness. He had been retired since 1930. In 1905, in association with the late Herman Fichenberg, he opened a penny arcade in New Orleans which was the forerunner of the Fichenberg theatre, which he managed until 1917. That year, Mr. Gueringer and his partner merged their interests with the Saenger Amusement Company, with Mr. Gueringer becoming assistant general manager of the circuit. J. C. Nugent J. C. Nugent, 69, veteran stage and screen actor and playwright, died Monday in New York at the Lambs Club. He is the father of Elliott Nugent, stage and screen actor and director. Mr. Nugent first went to Hollywood in 1929 as 'an actor, author and director for MGM. Arthur O. Dillenback Funeral services were held Wednesday at Manhasset, L. I., New York, for Arthur O. Dillenback, 60, motion picture editor of Household magazine. He had been connected with the picture industry for a number of years. Legion of Decency Reviews Twelve New Productions The National Legion of Decency reviewed 12 new productions this week, approving all but one. In Class A-I, unobjectionable for general patronage, were: "San Demetrio, London," "That's My Man,'' "This Happy Breed," "Three on a Ticket," "West of Dodge City" and "Yankee Fakir." In Class A-II, unobjectionable for adults, were: "The Arnelo Affair,'' "Carnival of Sinners," "The Egg and I," "The Ghost Goes Wild'' and "Tarzan and the Huntress." "Fear in the Night" was placed in Class B, objectionable in part, because it "reflects the acceptability of suicide as a solution to human problems.'"' Memphis Cuts "Macomber", Bans "Destry", "Daltons" The Memphis Board of Censors Monday announced that "The Macomber Affair" would have to be cut severely before it could be shown in the city. The cuts were so numerous that Loew's Palace theatre announced that it had cancelled its booking of the feature rather than play the cut version. At the same time, it was learned that Memphis censors had completely banned the showing of "Destry Rides Again" and "When the Daltons Rode," which the Palace had planned to show as a double feature. Both pictures played Memphis several years ago, it was reported. Lloyd T. Binford, chairman of the Memphis Board of Censors, said of "The Macomber Affair": "It is with a feeling of regret that (the board) unanimously decided that 'The Macomber Affair' violates a city ordinance." 56 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, APRIL 26, 1947