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HOW TO FIGHT a tire . . . and, especially, how to use that fire extinguisher. At the Modesto, in Modesto, Col., employees are instructed by the local tire department in the handling of the extinguisher. The whole show Is a reminder to the exhibition world of Fire Prevention Week. October 3-9. Last year 1,100 theatres were damaged or destroyed by fire and suffered losses estimated at more than $2,000,000.
MOVIETONE NEWS — VoL 31, No. 77 — TrumanDewey presidential campaign in California, Illinois and Iowa. . . . UN pays homage to Count Bernadotte. . . . Hurricane lashes Florida. . . . Paris opera ballet helps mark New York Golden Jubilee fashion show. . . . Big bomber carries tiny jet plane. . . . Marcel Cerdan new middleweight champ. . . . Plying daredevil.
MOVIETONE NEWS— Vol. 31, No. 78— Berlin crisis turned over to UN. . . . Presidential campaign. . . . Air Force reunion in New York. . . Football: Notre Dame-Perdue; Army-Villanova; Navy-California.
NEWS OF THE DAY— Vol. 20, No. 207— Truman vs. Dewey. . . . Swiss air force keeps on the alert. . . . N. Y. Jubilee. . . . Fashion parade. . . . Hurricane roars past Miami. . . . Coast Guard in heroic sea rescue. . . . Marcel Cerdan, new champ. . . . Stunt crash-landing in circus thriller. . . . Boston Variety Club wins national award.
NEWS OF THE DAY— Vol. 20, No. 208— Greatest UN crisis as East-West split on Berlin issue. . . . The political campaign. . . . Stars shine at Air Force thow. . . . Football.
PARAMOUNT NEWS— No. 10— Winds on rampage; $25,000,000 loss as hurricane rips Florida. . . . Marcel Cerdan, new champ. . . . Count Bernadotte's body flown home. . . . Truman and Dewey campaign. . . . New aircraft carries jet -plane.
PARAMOUNT NEWS— No. 11— AAF reunion. . . . Last rites for Bernadotte. . . . Football.
UNIVERSAL NEWS— No. 181— Dewey and Truman hit the trail. . . . News in brief: Greek kids' camp; parade in Mexico; Bernadotte; the hurricane. . . . Aviation in the news; new jet plane, air circus, air show.
UNIVERSAL, NEWS— No. 182— Truman and Dewey tour West. . . . Children's hands across the border. . . . Wing-ding for air vets. . . . Football.
WARNER PATHE NEWS — No. 12 — Truman and Dewey. . . . Air news. . . . Bernadotte. . . . Florida hurricane. . . . Sports. . . . Great Americans: Capt. Lawrence.
WARNER PATHE NEWS — No. 13 — Truman and Dewey. . . . UN: Berlin. . . . Air Force show. . . . Football.
TELE NEWS DIGEST— Vol. 11, No. 39— UN assembly convenes. . . . Malaya: martial law. . . . Germany: the case of Use Koch. . . . Philippines: islanders flee volcanic fire. . . . Sweden: parliamentary elections. . . . Hurricane in Havana. . . . Remington charges spy queen lied. . . . Cutter Bib in new sea rescue. . . . Army reveals latest jets. . . . Canine capers. Cranberry Bounce — new dance step. . . . New invention smooths sailing. . . . Army trims Villanova. . . . Vienna: soap box derby.
Toland, 46, Dies; Was Cameraman
Gregg Toland, 46, cameraman on numerous big productions, died suddenly in Hollyi wood September 28, apparently of a heart | attack. Mr. Toland, who began his career as an office boy for Fox Films, won an Oscar for "Wuthering Heights" and considerable critical praise for filming such productions as "The Best Years of Our Lives," ''Citizen Kane," "The Grapes of Wrath," "Intermezzo," "Dead End" and "The Little Foxes." He completed his last film, Samuel Goldwyn's "Enchantment," two weeks ago. Mr. Toland started as a cameraman at the Fox studios ; later was under contract to Mr. Goldwyn for a number of years. 1 Recently he had filmed productions for David O. Selznick, RKO, MGM and Mr. Goldwyn.
Leo White
Leo White, 68, a veteran character actor, died September 20 in Hollywood of a heart attack. He appeared in literally dozens of pictures, beginning his film career opposite Wallace Beery in his early comedies, and continuing through "Casablanca."
Warren William, 53, Dies; Veteran Screen Actor
Warren William, 53, veteran film actor and in recent years the suave sleuth of dozens of mystery pictures, died at his home at Encino, Cal., September 24. He had been ill for several years and death was attributed to multiple myeloma, a blood disease, complicated by pneumonia. After a career in stock companies and in the legitimate theatre, Mr. Williams went to Hollywood in 1932. During the past decade he starred and featured in more than 60 pictures, notably the Earl Stanley Gardner mysteries and the "Lone Wolf" series. He is survived by his wife, the former Helen Nelson of New York.
F. E. Adams, British Industry Veteran
F. E. Adams, 70, British industry veteran, died September 17 at Matlock Bath Spa, Derbyshire. Mr. Adams had a considerable hand in the formation of Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, one of the principal groups ultimately absorbed into the present Gaumont-British combine. He became managing director of PCT in 1918 and remained in that office until 1924, when he resigned due to ill health. Earlier he had been a successful exporter of English-made films to the United States.
Noah Reynolds
Noah Reynolds, who entered the industry in 1907, died September 19 at his home in Philadelphia. He was connected first with the Lubin Studios and later with the McCurdy Film Co. For the past several years, he was an employee at Universal in Philadelphia. Surviving are his wife, a daughter, and two sisters.
Ask Legislation For Divorcement
The House Small Business Committee, conducting hearings at Minneapolis last week, was asked for legislation that would divorce production and exhibition interests.
Stanley D. Kane, counsel for North Central Allied, testified before the committee September 20 and charged that despite the decisions in the Paramount anti-trust suit, independent exhibitors in the Minneapolis area were still forced to take tiein sales.
"To get one good picture," he said, "they must take three or four dogs."
Mr. Kane cited a Faribault, Minn., operator, who, he said, refused to buy Paramount product following a dispute. Then, Mr. Kane testified, Paramount "plastered the town" with advertisements of its latest pictures which the exhibitor refused to exhibit.
"Complete divorcement," Mr. Kane stated, "would make a free and open market which would improve the quality of the product."
Legion of Decency Reviews Nine New Productions
The National Legion of Decency has reviewed nine new productions, approving all but two. In Class A-I, unobjectionable for general patronage, were: "Girl of the Canal," "I Surrender Dear," "Night Time in Nevada" and "Sheriff of Medicine Bow." In Class A-II, unobjectionable for adults, were: "Corridor of Mirrors," "Johnny Belinda" and "Out of the Storm." The following were placed in Class B, objectionable in part: "No Minor Vices," because of "light treatment of marriage," and "Winner Take All," because of "suggestive sequence and costume."