Motion Picture Herald (Nov-Dec 1948)

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/ ge^l w GE GENERAL <|ยง ELECTRIC Now you can get all the G-E fluorescent lamps you need to BRIGHTEN YOUR BOX OFFICE PICTURE IT'S wonderful how the right lighting with G-E fluorescent lamps improves the atmosphere and comfort of a theater, attracts steady patrons and increases the boxoffice "take". Most theater owners have known this for some time, but couldn't modernize their lighting because of the shortage of fluorescent lamps. But now General Electric has increased production tremendously and can supply you with all the G-E fluorescent lamps you want! Make the most of this opportunity! Use bright, efficient G-E fluorescents in your marquee to attract attention. Use them to high-light posters for quick selling outside and in the foyer. Use them to provide cool, comfortable, flattering light in lobby and lounges; and in the auditorium to make seeing easier and provide safe, convenient movement for patrons. When you brighten up your theater insist on . . . "COME ON IN!" this lobby invites. G-E fluorescent lamps give it a modern, bright, attractive look. The use of colored G-E fluorescent lamps (a wide range is available) add atmosphere, heighten interest. Different wattage lamps provide contrast. THE LOUNGE, comfortably lighted with G-E fluorescent lamps, makes patrons look their best. POSTERS SELL better when they are ten times brighter than surroundings. Just the job for G-E fluorescents. G-E LAMPS GENERAL ELECTRIC BETTER THEATRES, NOVEMBER 20, 1948 5