Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1951)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ten cents per word, money-order or check with copy. Count initials, box number and address. Minimum insertion, $1. Four insertions for the price of three. Contract rates on application. No borders or cuts. Forms close Mondays at 5 P.M. Publisher reserves the right to reject any copy. Film and trailer advertising not accepted. Classified advertising not subject to agency commission. Address copy and checks: MOTION PICTURE HERALD, Classified Dept,, Rockefeller Center, New York (20) HELP WANTED PRINTING SERVICE NEW EQUIPMENT PROJECTIONIST: MIDWESTERN TOWN SEVEN nights, two matinees — no drinkers or drifters need apply. Give full information, photo, references in first letter— steady job. BON 2621, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. OPERATOR WANTED— MUST HAVE EXPERIence, reliable: steady work. A-1 Equipment. Write C. NEITHOLD, care of Orange Inn, Goshen, New York. POSITION WANTED THEATRE EXECUTIVE, 34, WITH PRESENT employer 15 years, desires change in New York City. Complete knowledge exploitation, booking, management of all type operations. BOX 2619, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. THEATRES FIRSTRUN AIR CONDITIONED 440-SEAT THEatre in Florida town of 15,000 population. Only one other regular theatre in area. County population over 30,000. Will sell lease and equipment. $20,000 cash required. Balance easy terms. A real spot for experienced theatre operator. Write BOX 2620, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. DRIVE-IN THEATRE FOR SALE, EASTERN South Carolina. JOHN ALLISON, 483 West Palmetto Street, Florence, South Carolina. BOOKS MAGIC SHADOWS-THE STORY OF THE ORI gin of Motion Pictures by Martin Quigley, Jr., Adventurous exploration of all the screen’s history told in 191 crisp pages and 28 rare illustrations. Exciting reading for now and authoritative reference for tomorrow. A Georgetown University Press book. Price, postpaid. $3.50. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20. N. Y. RICHARDSON’S BLUEBOOK OF PROJECTION. Best Seller since 1911. Now in 7th edition. Revised to present last word in Sound Trouble Shooting Chart. Expert information on all phases of projection and equipment. Special new section on television. Invaluable to beginner and expert, $7.25 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue, New York 20. N. Y. INTERNATIONAL MOTION PICTURE ALmanac — the big book about your business — 1951-52 edition out soon. Contains ever 12,000 biographies of important motion picture personalities. Also all industry statistics. Complete listing of feature pictures, 1944 to date. Order your copy today. $5.00 postage included. Send remittance to QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP. 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. WINDOW CARDS. PROGRAMS, HKRALDS, photo-offset printing. CATO SHOW PRINTING CO., Cato, N. Y. USED EQUIPMENT PAIR SIMPLEX SP 35MM. SOUND PROJECtors, portable type. Can be used with arcs. Factory re-conditioned and guaranteed. Complete outfit except speaker and screen. Very low price. CHARLES J. HICKEY, Route 6, Knoxville, Tenn. STAR FOR PRICE AND QUALITY! E-7 mechanisras, rebuilt, $895.00 pair; Griswold splicers, $14.95; Century intermittents, rebuilt, $59.50; 1 unit electric ticket register, rebuilt, $115.00; Hall-Motiograph 85 ampere lamphouses, good condition, new reflectors, $475.00 pair; National Super vacuum, good, $39.50; Tell us your needs. STAR CINEMA SUPPLY, 441 West 50th Street. New York 19. SAVE 25% TO 50% AND MORE! TRADE IN your old. wornout equipment for modern projection and sound. Buy on time — pay out of increased box-office receipts. Send equipment list and seating capacity. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION. 604 W. 52nd St., New York 19. THEATRE SEATING COMPLETE SEATING SERVICE SEWN CUSHion and back covers. New cushions, parts. Chairs rebuilt in your theatre without interruption. THEATRE SEAT SERVICE CO., 160 Hermitage Ave., Nashville, Tennessee. BUY CHAIRS FROM RELIABLE SOURCE— that means S. O. S. Get our chair bulletin showing outstanding values. S. O’. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 604 W. 52nd St., New York 19. BUSINESS BOOSTERS COMIC BOOKS, AVAILABLE AS PREMIUMS giveaways at your kiddy shows. Large variety, latest newsstand editions. COMICS PREMIUM CO., 4121^ Greenwich St., N. Y. C. Publications for premiums (exclusively) since 1939. BINGO DIE-CUT CARDS. 75 OR 100 NUMBERS. $3.50 per thousand. PREMIUM PRODUCTS. 339 W. 44th St., New York 18. N. Y. POPULAR, NEW, APPROVED IOC COMIC books. Original publishers package, plus large colored Roy Rogers Photograph, 3c per combination. Roy Rogers Official Deputy Sheriff Badge, individually mounted, plus Rogers’ photograph; 4c per combination. SIDNEY RO'SS, 346 West 44th Street, New York City 18, N. Y. WHITE PLASTIC COATED SCREENS, 35c FOOT Exciter lamps, 40c; Film cabinets, $2.95 sectionSound lenses, $14.50; Rewinders, $9.95 set; Reel alarms $5.50. STAR CINEMA SUPPLY, 441 West 50th Street, New York 19. VJ IL 1 i JSiVirilKtU MA sonite marquee letters. 4"— 35c; 8"— 50c; 10"— 60c; 12" 85c; 14" — $1.25; 16" — $1.50 (all colors). Fits Wagner Adler, Bevelite signs. S O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 604 W. 52nd St., New York 19. SELL YOUR PICTURE AND SOUND WITH flameproofed, lungusproofed plastic screen 39Kc sq. ft.; beaded 49l4c; reflectors 20% off; coated lenses $100.00 pair; A-25A amplifier 25 watts w/monitor $175; Trusomc 2 way speaker system $249.50. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORj\TTO'N, 604 W. 52nd St., N. Y. 19 STUDIO AND PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT WANTED: 16MM AND 35MM MOTION PICTURE production equipment. Send your listing for our liberal cash offer. We want Mitchells, Moviolas, Tripods, laboratory and editing equipment. See us first for best used equipment purchases. THE CAMERA MART. INC., 70 W. 45th St., New York. art reeves 35MM RECIDRDER OUTFIT; REbuilt $2,975; shustek 35/16mm picture reduction printer, rebuilt $2,995; sound cameras, single system, complete Belhowell outfit. $3,950; complete Akeley WE outfit. $5,250; Auricon 16mm professional sound camera. $495; 16mm animation stand complete $2,250; Maurer BM recording system, complete $2,495; Moviola soundpix UDS, rebuilt, $1,095; new bridgamatic studio production 16mm automatic developing machines, $995. Cash paid for used studio equipment. Trades taken. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 604 W. 52nd St.. New York 19. DRIVE-IN EQUIPMENT NOW IS THE TIME TO O'RDER DRIVE-IN equipment for Spring 1952 opening. Complete dual projection and sound from $1,595; in-car speakers $15.95 pair with junction box. All available on easy payment plan. Send for equipment list. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 604 W. 52nd St., New York 19. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? DQ YOU CONTEMPLATE CHANGING YOUR position? Is there an opening on your staff for a qualified manager or projectionist? Have you any equipment to sell, or do you want to buy some? If you are looking for any of these things, you are reading the right page in the right book. The MOTION PICTURE HER.-\LD classified page will get you results as it has for thousands of others. Why not try it next week ? Contact us by mail or telephone. Classified Dept., Rockefeller Center, New York 20. Philadelphia Group Elects Herli Gillis of Paramount was elected president of the Motion idetnre Associates of Philadelphia at the annual election meeting last week held in the club rooms of the Variety Club. John Turner was elected vice-president; Joseph Farrow, secretary, and Harry Brillman, treasurer. Jack Engel is the outgoing president. The election meeting also marked the opening of the group’s Idth annual welfare drive, of which Jack Beresin is chairman. U. A. Gets Morros Film United Artists has acquired “A Tale of Five Women,” produced by Alexander Paal and filmed in five capitals — London, Paris, Rome, Berlin and Vienna. The film, which stars Bonar Colleano, is a Maurice J. Wilson-Boris Morros presentation. Republic, 20th-Fox Set Distributor Contract Agreement on a long term contract calling for 20th Century-Fox International to handle distribution of Republic films in South Africa has been announced by Spyros Skouras, president of 20th Century-Fox. The contract, effective immediately, covers the distribution of Republic’s entire output of features, shorts and serials. 46 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, NOVEMBER 24, 1951