Motion Picture Herald (1953)

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A WELCOME to the special showing of 'Blowing Wild" at the Warner studio. Producer Milton Sperling, right, greets Argentine Minister of Information Raoul A. Apold, who was guest along with members of his party. BREAKING GROUND for the studio building for UniversalInternational's advertising-promotion department. Handling the shovel is president Milton R. Rackmil, returned from a world tour. Watching are Alfred E. Daff , executive vice-president; Nate J. Blumberg, board chairman; Morris Weiner, studio manager; and vice-presidents David A. Lipton and Edward Muhl. GEORGE JESSEL speaks, below, to trade writers, his guests at New York luncheon last week. A narrator for UA's "Yesterday and Today," an oldtime film anthology, Mr. Jessel opines the film theatre is becoming like the legitimate theatre. by the Herald THE WORLD BROTHERHOOD TROPHY goes to MGM director Mervyn LeRoy, center, at the first World Brotherhood Testimonial Dinner in the motion picture industry, in Beverly Hills. Making the presentation for the National Conference of Christians and Jews is Louis B. Mayer, left. Watching are Jack L. Warner, Warner Brothers vice-president, and Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, president of the Brotherhood and of the Conference. 10 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, OCTOBER 31. 1953