Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1954)

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AS AH INDUSTRY SERVICE. . . 20th Centuryof the industry read these messages fro T \ NIGHT DAT \ 1 LETTER .letter ^ p. MARSHAUll ALEX MANTA Vice-President and General Manager, Indiana-lllinois Theatres. 40 years an outstanding exhibitor and showman. Member of the Board of Directors of Allied Theatres of Indiana. Member of Council of Motion Picture Organizations (COMPO). Contributing member of Theatre Owners of America (TOA). Operator of 23 theatres in Indiana and Illinois, ranging in capacity from 301 to 2063 seats. b552 M.T0U050 FYROS SKOURk t CORE • :OTH WiO toT^fSS, RE M REST 56 ST. R ^ thFi BUSIES , » «« — — * "" i » « »“*■ ** AS SWU T TCU ^ TWENTIETH CENWRY TUJ THAT W GUTI® stereophonic sohhb i® ^ ration TO XHSXST ^ C OSXTXOH TO ENCOURAGE TOO TO HOXD T ^ ^ ABE IN * BOSIT ciNBMASCOPE THE NAT ' HOT,ttSE IS AN — "tx— — ■ ,o ” IMPOSITION ON THE ^ C01«PANY IS « BE °P ' tfO TOO SHOULD SOUND AND SOUND EFFECT . fflSlVE A SICK B • J ’ C0PE v„W TOU HAVE DONE TO STANDARD OF COWAGE AND EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN not bE ««®ASS® wm_ T0 ITS continued SUCCESS. presentation S aiSX haW theatres