Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1954)

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BROTHERHOOD WEEK FEB. 21-28 ° UNDER THE LEADERSHIP of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, our honorary chairman, we are again being called upon to help in the promotion of Brotherhood Week, which this year will be held February 21 -28th. Through the courtesy and foresight of Harry Mandel, we have a few pictures for this page, held over from last year. We credit Arthur C. Koch, manager of RKO Proctor's theatre in New Rochelle, for most of these ideas. Above, you see his "bull's eye" target for coins contributed; and below, the Postmaster receives the names of donors who subscribed to the membership poll at the theatre, which was delivered directly to President Eisenhower. 38 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, FEBRUARY 6, 1954