Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1954)

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wMi jBnr'mjjrit"Ji7amv — — moriDSfif)?}] theatre equifment ■f'-fdesiqned jor those who are satisfied only wit/i the lest . . . modern equifment that assumes lonq, de fen dalle , troul/e-free service . . . '$?; yet se/dem casts ma/ie than the ordinary, tifadphete 's a (Jlotioqrafh dea/e/i near you wha will le qlad ta counsel with qau as ta your needs, mahe -rutM 5$$ demonstrations, and exf/ain a literal Jinancinq flan. Or you can ^ attain descriftiue literature on any jfleiieqrafh froduct without ol/iqation ly addressinq JX': jf your request to Jdotioqrafh, cine., 443 f West jf ahe Street, C^icaqo 24, Ol/inois.