Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1954)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fifteen cents per word, money-order or check with copy. Count initials, box number and address. Minimum insertion $ 1 .50. Four insertions for the price of three. Contract rates on application. No borders or cuts. Forms close Mondays at 5 P.M. Publisher reserves the right to reject any copy. Film and trailer advertising not accepted. Classified advertising not subject to agency commission. Address copy and checks: MOTION PICTURE HERALD, Classified Dept., Rockefeller Center, New York (20) DRIVE-IN EQUIPMENT WIDE-SCREEN PRESENTATIONS PAY OFF! Wide angle lenses and special apertures available. Write for details. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP.. 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. USED EQUIPMENT PROJECTORS BY DEVRY — REBUILT LIKE new by S. O. S. from $895. Send for bulletin Devpro. Time deals available. S O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. FOR BETTER BUYS— SEE STAR! PAIR DEVRY XDC Projectors, heavy bases. Suprex trim lamphouses, complete, rebuilt, $1,650; Simplex rear shutter mechanisms, six months guarantee, $275 pair ; Lenses and Screens at lowest prices; Strong Mogul 65 ampere Lamphouses, rebuilt, $489.50 pair. What do you need? STAR CINEMA SUPPLY, 447 West 52nd St.. New York 19. SERVICES WINDOW CARDS, PROGRAMS. HERALDS photo-offset printing. CATO SHOW PRINTING CO. Cato, N. Y. THEATRES FOR SALE— 725-CAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE Located near northwestern city. Finest and latest equipment available. BOX 2774, MOTION PICTURE HERALD WANTED TO LEASE— SMALL TOWN THEAtre in Oregon or Washington, option to buy. Finandaily tesponsible. Eighteen years’ experience all phases of business. BOX 2775, MOTIO'N PICTURE HERALD. MODERN THEATRE FOR RENT IN A FAST growing, industrial city on the West Coast of Florida. Immediate possession and suitable lease with building owner. MRS. ATHENA MARLEMES, P. O. Box 202, Tarpon Springs, Fla. HELP WANTED CONVENTIONAL AND DRIVE-IN THEATRE managers wanted for locations in Wisconsin. All yearround permanent employment with aggressive theatre group. Write BOX 2769 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, and state your qualifications and references. Only those interested need apply that are now employed in Wisconsin or border states. WANTED: MANAGER FOR DRIVE-IN THEAtre in New York state. Send detailed qualifications, photograph, salary expected and references. BO’X 2770, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. THEATRE MANAGERS LARGE ORGANIZAtion operating in and out of Denver. Good starting salary; bonus; insurance; pension; other benefits. Submit snapshot, personal history record; age, education, marital status, experience, etc. Replies held confidential. BOX 2771. MOTION PICTURE HERALD. BUSINESS BOOSTERS FREE BROCHURE DRIVE-IN. INDOOR ADVERtising specialties. PARKHURST ENTERPISES, Lansing 10, Mich. SEATING CAN’T BEAT THIS SEAT FOR $4.95! 500 FULL upholstered back, boxspring cushion, excellent condition. Many more. Send for Chair Bulletin. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. NEW EQUIPMENT BUY MASONITE MARQUEE LETTERS-SAVE 70% ! 4"— 35c; 8"— 50c; 10"— 60c ; 12"— 85c; 14"— $1.25; 16"— $1.50 any color. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. IT’S NEW— IT’S REVOLUTIONARY— IT’S TERrific! Vinyl metallic all purpose Screens, $1.25 sq. ft. Has heat weld seams, absolutely invisible! Gives high brightness gain with maximum light distribution; no streaks nor blemishes. Economy screen w/semiinvisible seams still available 90c sq. ft. Prompt shipments on short focus lenses for Wide Screens. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. POSITIONS WANTED HIGH-GRADE QUALIFIED MANAGER AVAILable. Early forties. Excellent references. BOX 2772 MOTION PICTURE HERALD. PROMOTIONAL, EXPLOITATION MINDED manager thoroughly experienced, with faith in industry’s future, presently employed, desires solid connection offering better opportunities. BOX 2776, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. BOOKS “NEW SCREEN TECHNIQUES”— THE NEW book that is a “must” for everybody in or connected with the motion picture industry — the clearly presented, authoritative facts about 3-D, Cinerama, CinemaScope and other processes — covering production, exhibition and exploitation — contains 26 illustrated articles by leading authorities — edited by Martin Quiglej . Jr. 208 pages. Price $4.50 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP. 1270 Sixth Ave.. New York 20, N. Y. RICHARDSON’S BLUEBOOK OF PROJECTION. New 8th Edition. Revised to deal with the latest tech nical developments in motion picture projection and sound, and reorganized to facilitate study and reference^ Includes a practical discussion of Television especially prepared for the instruction of theatre projectionists, and of new techniques for advancement oi the art of the motion picture. The standard textbook on motion picture projection and sound reproduction. Invaluable to beginner and expert. Best seller since 1911. 662 pages, cloth bound, $7.25 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y. MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ALMANAC — the big book about your business — 1953-54 edition. Contains over 12,000 biographies of important motion picture personalities. Also all industry statistics. Com plete listing of feature pictures 1944 to date. OrdeT your copy today. $5.00, postage included. Send remittance to QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue. New York 20, N. Y. STUDIO EQUIPMENT CAN’T LICK ’EM? JOIN ’EM. SHOOT LOCAL Newsreels, TV Commercials, Documentaries. Arrange advertising tie-ups with local merchants. Film I ru duction Equipment Catalog free. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St.. New Yarn 19. Taylor Is Reelected by Canadian Picture Pioneers TORONTO : Elections of the 11-man board of the Canadian Picture Pioneers at its first meeting resulted in Nat Taylor, president of Twinex Century Theatres, being named president of the organization for his third successive term. Morris Stein, eastern division general manager for Famous Players Canadian Corp., was elected vice-president, a post from which Oscar Hanson withdrew in order to devote more time to the benevolent fund. Tom S. Daley, manager of the University, Toronto, is secretary-treasurer. Head of the membership committee is Eddie Wells, PanAmercian Advertising Corporation Ltd., Cobourg, while Harold Pfaff, Independent Theatre Services, Toronto, heads the sick and welfare committee. Clare Appel, executive director of the Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Association, Toronto, tops the public relations committee and David Ongley is again solicitor. The other members of the board are Walter Kennedy, publicity chief, Empire-Universal Films; Ray Lewis, editor of the “Canadian Moving Picture Digest”; William Redpath, General Films; Dan Krendel, district manager, Famous Players; Hugh Sedgwick, vice-president, IATSE; and Frank Vaughan, general sales manager, Allied Artists. Appoint Harry Brandt as Appeal Vice-Chairman Harry Brandt, president of Brandt Theatres, will be vice-chairman of the 1954 Joint Defense Appeal campaign in New York, the organization announced last week. It is the fund-raising arm of the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League. Jamestown Holds Meetings In Ohio and Boston A series of three regional meetings of the Jamestown Amusement Company got under way Tuesday and Wednesday this week at the Hotel Gibson in Cincinnati and Thursday and Friday at the Hotel Charter in Cleveland. The third meeeting will be at the Hotel Statler in Boston March 3 and 4. Attending the three meetings are Gerald Shea, president; Ray Smith, head of all buying and booking and union matters for the company; Thomas Shea, vice-president from New York, and Frank King, field representative. Downing Will Run New York Variety Club "Heart" Dinner Russell V. Downing, president and managing director of the Radio City Music Hall, New York, last week was named chairman of the dinner committee for the New York Variety Club’s first annual “Heart Award” dinner. The award will be to William J. German, president of the club’s Foundation to Combat Epilepsy, and a former chief barker. The dinner will be the evening of May 6 in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria. Essaness Opens House The Essaness circuit, Chicago, is opening the new Halsted Outdoor theatre May 1. It will accommodate 1,400 cars, and will have concessions, playground equipment, and additional advantages. 38 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, FEBRUARY 27, 1954